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Created October 29, 2022 13:58
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Here is an example of a C binary module that uses the LuaRT extensions for the Lua C API
//--- include the luart.h for the LuaRT C API
//--- compilation : gcc -shared -Ipath\to\LuaRT\src\include calc.c -Lpath\to\LuaRT\src -llua54 -o calc.dll
//--- howto use : luart usecalc.lua
#include <luart.h>
//-- number formats supported
static const char *base_format[] = { "0x%X", "%d" };
//-- current format for the result of the calc.add() function
static int base_index = 0;
//------------------------------------ calc.get_base() function (property getter)
LUA_PROPERTY_GET(calc, base)
//--- pushes the string corresponding to the current base value and returns it
lua_pushstring(L, base_index ? "dec" : "hex");
return 1;
//------------------------------------ calc.set_base() function (property setter)
LUA_PROPERTY_SET(calc, base)
//--- The value at the first stack index is the value to set the property with
const char *format = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
//--- Compare the provided string and set the global base variable accordingly...
if (strcmp(format, "hex") == 0)
base_index = 0;
if (strcmp(format, "dec") == 0)
base_index = 1;
//--- ...or throw an error if the format is not valid
luaL_error(L, "invalid format");
//--- A setter function don't return any value
return 0;
//------------------------------------ calc.add() function
LUA_METHOD(calc, add)
char buffer[12] = {0};
//--- You access function arguments like any other Lua C function (index 1 => first argument, ...)
lua_Integer a,b;
//--- Here we are checking and getting integers arguments
a = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
b = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
//--- pushes a formated string for the result of a+b, using the current base_index format...
snprintf(buffer, 12, base_format[base_index], a+b);
lua_pushstring(L, buffer);
//--- ...and returns it
return 1;
//--------------- The finalizer function called when the module is garbage collected
int calc_finalize(lua_State *L)
puts("calc module has been finalized");
//--- finalizer functions returns nothing
return 0;
//--- luaL_Reg array for module properties, postfixed by "_properties"
static const luaL_Reg calc_properties[] = {
{"get_base", calc_getbase}, //--- module "base" property getter
{"set_base", calc_setbase}, //--- module "base" property setter
//--- luaL_Reg array for module functions, postfixed by "lib"
static const luaL_Reg calclib[] = {
{"add", calc_add}, //--- module "add" function
//----- "calc" module registration function
int __declspec(dllexport) luaopen_calc(lua_State *L)
//--- lua_regmodulefinalize() registers the specified module with a finalizer function
//--- and pushes the module on the stack
lua_regmodulefinalize(L, calc);
//--- returns one value (the just pushed calc module)
return 1;
-- use the calc.dll binary module
-- require for the calc module (will load calc.dll)
local calc = require "calc"
-- Get the calc.base module property value (calls the C function calc_getbase)
print("calc.base = "..calc.base)
-- Call the calc.add() module function (calls the C function calc_add)
print("calc.add(254, 1) = "..calc.add(254, 1))
-- Set the calc.base module property (calls the C function calc_setbase)
calc.base = "dec"
-- Check that the calc.base property has been changed
print("calc.base = "..calc.base)
print("calc.add(254, 1) = "..calc.add(254, 1))
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