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Last active January 6, 2017 16:52
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Top terms: not, ', like, people, rofl.gif, think, know, good, look, be, 's, get, thing, time, video, go, day, beerchug.gif, say, rolleyes.gif
White man brutally beaten in pizza store by black thug as white crowd just watches
Here We Go~White kills black Over Loud Music!
Disgusting San Fran homo agenda revealed
*Video* Let's Meet Judge William Adams & What He Did To His Daughter!
Statement from self-immolation victim
Blacks gang up on white protester in Columbia, SC
Underage girl gang raped in Ohio. 13 min video went viral.
African gets into it with two whites guys , white guys keep it fair fight
Important News: Shooter in PA has ties to this Board...
Read! Who wants to be Moderated?
Top terms: israel, israeli, palestinians, israelis, gaza, palestinian, zionist, jews, u.s., palestine, netanyahu, american, syria, hamas, us, jew, arab, egypt, aipac, jerusalem
Obama (A Employee Of International Jewry): "Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself"
"We will become like Israel" says Geraldo Rivera
Israel is a threat to America, not Iran. United States will go to war with Israel soon.
Is Israel facing collapse?
Jews defend deportations in Israel while wanting open borders for US
State of Israel in trouble?
Israel: We protect US troops overseas
Dr.Ron Paul- Opinion on the Gaza Invasion (video)
Ex-Spain PM: If Israel Goes Down, We All Go Down
US Senate Eyes 'Largest Aid Package' Ever for Israel Blessed by Obama
Top terms: trump, donald, cruz, donald trump, vote, republican, gop, rubio, win, poll, election, america, kasich, candidate, supporter, 2016, delegate, president, voter, ted
Trump Rally in Chicago Live on Youtube
Dr. Duke Again Trumps Trump! Keeping Your Eyes Open on Trump!
Trump bails out on Fox debate; will raise money for wounded warriors charity instead
Ann Coulter's warning to Pres. Trump. TAKE THE 3 POINT SHOT NOW or be forever damned - by those who elected you
Washington Post: Donald Trump is the Alpha Male - and He’s on the Rise
United States of America presidential election of 2016
Your Speculation On The Trump Fraud, Why And What Next?
Live Link To Massive Trump Rally Againt Illegal Immigration In Phoenix At 2pm (Don't Miss It)
Article in Times talks about demographics of Trump supporters
Nationalists Want Trump to meet with Whites as he met with Hispanic leaders and Black leaders...
Top terms: jews, jewish, jew, holocaust, anti, hitler, christian, christians, nazi, semitism, zionist, million, semitic, hollywood, adl, control, auschwitz, white, nazis, world
My Thoughts on What Some Call a "Jewish Conspiracy"
"Jewish Responses" urges candidates to keep jewish issues out of election
Is the Jewish Population Changing?
New survey shows more U.S. Jews than suspected
George Lincoln Rockwell Speech at Brown University November 30, 1966
Jew says: "we must give up our whiteness to fight racism
European jewish genetics
A beheading on the Streets of London — A Horror Created by Zionism!
The Jewish Role in Destroying America
DNA links prove Jews are a ‘race,' says genetics expert
Top terms: russia, russian, putin, russians, ukraine, moscow, syria, soviet, nato, ukrainian, nationalist, war, georgia, europe, eu, vladimir, medvedev, kremlin, us, missile
Vladimir Putin: Russia will die out without third world immigration
Riots in Moscow and St. Petersburg
Russian Nationalism on the rise despite Putin crackdown
Russia Condemns Pro-Russian STORMFRONT Posters!
President Putin closed down liberal RIA Novosti news agency
Putin on Obama: 'Who Made Him a Judge?'
Far-right forum in St. Petersburg
Huge anti-Maidan rally in Moscow
Obama Claims "Russia doesn't make anything"
Russia orders all officials to fly home any relatives living abroad, as tensions mount ...
Top terms: america, american, americans, government, money, $, u.s., people, pay, million, country, tax, state, year, job, work, not, world, bank, us
Ron Paul is a globalist
The Great Housing Crash of ‘08
Bailout fails! Dow plummets
The Rich Are Getting Richer Faster, Much Faster
2 million lose jobless benefits as holidays arrive
The Second Great Depression Begins
Obama order on abortion locks in health care votes (Obamacare Passes)
A shattering moment in America's fall from power
2nd Largest Bank Failure in US History, Fed Seizes IndyMac
Top terms: obama, president, mccain, vote, barack, romney, obongo, bush, kenya, election, 's, certificate, hawaii, birth, republicans, america, republican, house, michelle, office
Youtube Videos of Obama's Grandma Saying He Was Born in Kenya
McCain 1% ahead of Obama in Zogby Poll
Obama's Secrets: Muslim, Marxist, 'Mahdi'
Hawaii Republican State Sen. Sam Slom questions what might be on the original, long-form Obama birth certificate
Why I Oppose Obama -- My Latest Thoughts -- By David Duke
Will a Racist Vote Defeat Obama?
Obama Is Still Losing; Don’t Believe Last Minute Liberal Polls
"Personal insult" for Obama if black Americans don't vote Clinton
57 Percent of Whites Voted against Obama
Obama Releases Long Form Birth Certificate, Will Mention in Speech Today
Top terms: muslim, muslims, europe, islam, european, eu, britain, british, islamic, uk, country, europeans, white, christian, christians, london, religion, greece, mosque, england
Dutch ANTI-MUSLIM film "Fitna" released.
Council of Europe slams govts for anti-Muslim laws
Anti-Zionist Party launched in Sweden, founder Mohamed Omar welcomes Right-Wing, Neo-Nazis, Holocaust Revisionists
"Muslims in Europe face discrimination: Amnesty"
French Police Eliminate Robber: "Youth's" Riot
'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West
What I really think About ISLAM!
Mixed feelings about this.
Muslim brotherhood intends to takeover america
Muslim running for mayor of London has ties to clerics with extreme views
Top terms: mexico, mexican, mexicans, california, arizona, border, texas, illegal, hispanic, illegals, state, immigration, u.s., spanish, immigrant, drug, mestizo, alien, latino, country
Pure Hatred: Evil Mexican Racists to Build Border Wall to Stop Immigration
Look Who’s Building a Wall on Guatemalan Border to Control Illegal Immigration: Mexico
Mexican gov't slams Arizona immigration law
Mexican President: We Are Coming!
Mexico: US arms drive drug violence
Mexico wants US gun owners addresses
26 Bodies Dumped in Mexico: Drug War
Farrakhan Laments: ‘Sad That Mexico Lost California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico‘ Through American ’Trickery’; So
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee can see a “blue” Texas by 2014
Top terms: germany, german, germans, hitler, merkel, nazi, holocaust, europe, war, berlin, nazis, wwii, poland, camp, auschwitz, million, refugee, european, world, greece
Germans Still Remember their Historical Greatness
German World Cup Patriotism Still a Touchy Issue
One in five in Germany have 'migrant roots'
Merkel says no change to mass importation of Muslims
Jealous of Germany
German constitution 'to be rewritten' because of rise of Arabic and Turkish
Merkel the clueless idiot reveals that the number of migrants in Germany for this year is 1.5 million
Merkel says German multicultural society has failed
Mama Merkel reassures: Germany "will still be Germany" despite mass migration
Germany Awakens -- Thousands of "Far Right" White Germans Rally Against the Foreign & Islamic Invasion
Top terms: china, chinese, japan, asian, japanese, asians, africa, india, beijing, korea, asia, u.s., us, africans, usa, world, country, taiwan, african, communist
ALERT: Poisoned and dangerous Chinese products
China to lend aid to Africa
Chinese colonies in Africa
China begins shutting US businesses out of country
Senate candidate says classified info reveals Chinas plan to take over US
Protests in China now? Activists in Jasmine Revolution detained, go missing
China opens door to Muslims
Negroes swamp Chinese City - China mulls immigration changes
Black Foreigner Fights Chinese Girl, Gives Crowd Middle Finger
China waging unconventional war against America
Top terms: woman, man, child, girl, rape, white, sex, male, female, rap, baby, old, mother, young, feminist, abortion, sexual, family, marry, life
1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped
Childless US women - Increasing at an alarming rate
A growing trend------Number of childless women increasing
"Inside the growing movement of women who wish they'd never had kids"
The End of Men
The War On Men
It’s Becoming Easy For Single Men To “Drop Out” And Live On Minimum Wage
Men prefer being solo over a bad marriage: study
White Teacher has Affair with Negro Student, Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison
Jewess explains why White men exploit Asian women
Top terms: paul, ron, ron paul, romney, vote, mccain, republican, gop, candidate, party, republicans, win, poll, election, support, rand, iowa, democrat, campaign, gingrich
Ron Paul Revolution with 2,500,000 views
Ron Paul Running for President
Ron Paul 2012 with over 2,000,000 views!
Republican Presidential Debate on FoxNews in About One Hour
David Duke Speaks: South Carolina, the Death Knell of the Ron Paul Campaign!
Ron Paul behind Obama by 2%
Is Ron Paul considering a 2016 Presidential run? Here's an online petition requesting 100,000 signatures of support
Fox News Pulls Poll Showing Ron Paul Debate Victory, Claims Mitt Romney Won...
Ron Paul: Getting Respect and Staying Power
Ron Paul Wins Illinois Republican straw poll with 52 percent
Top terms: iran, iranian, iraq, nuclear, war, iranians, bush, attack, ahmadinejad, israel, nuke, u.s., syria, us, bomb, weapon, afghanistan, military, tehran, missile
US cannot defeat Iran without nuclear attack
Romney Calls For "Crippling Sanctions" On Iran!
Israel Vs. Iran
Israel trumpets for war again against Iran
Iran comes out on top in secret simulated war games
The Iran Conflict, 2011 and Forward
Iran Offers to Send Emergency Aid Crew to US After Hurricane Sandy
Obama signs new Iran sanctions into law
Officials: Iran has revealed existence of a second uranium enrichment plant
Iran boosts uranium mining at Gachine, 2 nuclear warheads possible a year from location
Top terms: gun, police, cop, shoot, officer, law, crime, zimmerman, black, kill, chicago, arrest, weapon, shooting, criminal, carry, negro, charge, murder, trayvon
Police kill student in Nazi uniform
Cop who fatally shot motorist in back cleared of all charges - PA
Video: police execution?
Four Police Officers reported dead in Parkland, Washington State.
Black cop killed by white officer: Horror in East Harlem as off-duty rookie is shot pursuing suspect
The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
Police shot in Pittsburgh breaking news
Chicago police chief: We’ll shoot licensed civilians with guns
Black Woman Holding Fake Gun Killed by Police in Virginia
Ethnic Crime Report II
Top terms: white, black, race, racist, negro, africa, whites, crime, people, african, non, racism, racial, hate, anti, south, america, not, minority, hispanic
The Black Problem...
White waitress dating a black man gets death threats after writing passionate blog about interracial relationships
Does White Nationalists Best Describe Someone Who Advocates For White People?
Dylann Roof manifesto:
Blacks drag white girl out of restaurant like a bag of trash
Study: Both Black and White Children Prefer Whites
[SPLC] DOJ Study: More Than 250,000 Hate Crimes a Year, Most Unreported
Black Couple Adopts White Girl
UK Guardian article (black author): "The KKK racists of the past are extinct. The problem now is ´Hipster Racism`!"
More white privilege fan fiction: 'How I discovered I am White'
Top terms: hillary, clinton, hillary clinton, vote, bernie, poll, democrat, clintons, democrats, election, fbi, wikileaks, sanders, win, democratic, dnc, huma, bill clinton, youtube, candidate
Hillary Clinton Helped off Podium as Trump Questions Her Health
Hillary Seizure at Third Debate?
Hillary medical episode at 9/11 memorial, caught on tape stumbling repeatedly
Monstrously Unstable Hillary: Bill, White House staff lived in fear of Hillary: Ex-Secret Service officer
Trump Winning among White Women by a Good Margin
SALLY MILLER: Hillary and her ‘coke habit’, hatred of men, and extreme (violent) temper tantrums
Dems Stuck with a Sick Hillary; Did a Hillary Double Fool Press?
Why Can’t Hillary Draw a Crowd?
Hillary loses temper with "Bill Clinton rape protestor"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Headed for a Five Spiral Crash
Top terms: school, student, kid, child, teacher, parent, teach, education, class, high, girl, college, boy, public, grade, year, old, district, young, learn
Just When You Thought They Couldn't Dumb Down Our Schools Any Lower.....
4-day school weeks gain popularity across US
Is it wrong to send kids to private school?
Christie’s charter school nightmare: “White flight, and they’re bankrupting us”
8-Year-Old White Girl Handcuffed, Charged With Battery At Public School
In North Carolina, a racial uproar over schools stirs old echoes
72% black 9% hispanic charter school to close down F-rated
Integration = Disintegration, how schools were wrecked
Alabama Failing Schools...77 of 78 are all black
Top terms: france, french, paris, sarkozy, le, pen, fn, europe, hollande, marine, european, calais, party, frenchman, country, le pen, national, african, eu, marine le pen
VIDEO: Blacks riot, brutally attack white people at Paris festival.
French PM: France without Jews would be a failure
French fury at Nazi pictures of Paris under occupation
France begins to re-think the Immigrant Invasion of their Homeland..
France: Picture of pre school children posted on the Education Ministry Facebook innundated with "Racist" comments
France election 2012: Islam takes centre stage in battle for France
France Reinforces FRENCH VALUES in SCHOOLS!
70% of French agree "Too Many Foreigners in France"
Jews to muslims and French Goys: screw you both, we are out!
CBS: Native French under attack from immigrant groups
Top terms: sweden, swedish, swede, swedes, stockholm, norway, country, immigrant, rape, europe, refugee, democrats, finland, malmo, immigration, european, denmark, local, asylum, scandinavian
"Sweden must embrace diversity" - States Swedish businessman Michael Treschow
Sweden offers residency to all Syrian refugees
Swedish children minority in Sweden's cities
UN Report: Sweden will be a third-world nation in about 15 years
Swedish nationalists burn 20 Muslim housing sites
Sweden on the Way of Becoming a Muslim Hell Hole
Goodbye Sweden, Jews (and Norway?)
Swedish kids beg to leave 95% immigrant school after beatings and strangling
Sweden expects 400000 asylum seekers in 5 years
New law in Sweden forces all municipalities to accept refugees
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