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Created January 14, 2011 14:41
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  • Save san1t1/779682 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save san1t1/779682 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
get a JSON array of mp3 tags. Also gets pictures out. Pretty hacky.
var crypto = require("crypto");
var readId3 = function(buff){
var out = {};
if (String.fromCharCode(buff[0], buff[1], buff[2]) != "ID3"){
throw ("no id3 v2 tag")
out.version = "v2."+ buff[3] + "." + buff[4];
var flags = buff[5];
if (flags !== 0){throw ("tags with flags not supported");}
var size = (buff[6] << 24) | (buff[7] << 16) | (buff[8] << 8) | (buff[9]);
//console.log("id3 tag size is ", size);
var i = 10;
while (i-size<-255){
var tn = buff.toString("utf8", i,i+4);
if (tn.substring(0,1) != "T" && tn.substring(0,1) != "A"){break;}
//clearly this can be much greater than the total tag size.
//this is needed for the case where there is a picture. need to tidy this to identify accurately when we've finished reading tags.
//by checking for footer.
var framesize = (buff[i+4] << 24) | (buff[i+5] << 16) | (buff[i+6] << 8) | (buff[i+7]);
if (tn != "APIC"){
var tv = buff.toString("utf8", i+11,i+10+framesize);
out[tn] = tv;
//console.log("found picture tag");
out.APIC = pic(buff.slice(i+11, i+10+framesize));
i= i+10+framesize;
out = readmp3(buff, out);
return out;
var pic = function(buff){
var out = {};
var i=0;
while (buff[i] != 0){i++;}
out.mime = buff.toString("utf8", 0, i);
// i don't care about this value. but interestingly, according to the spec, if this value is 17 (or hex 11), the picture
// is of type "A bright coloured fish" Who knew.
out.picType = buff[i++];
var j = i;
while (buff[i] != 0){i++;}
out.description = buff.toString("utf8",j,i);
out.picture = buff.slice(i+1);
out.hash = crypto.createHash("md5").update(out.picture).digest("hex");
return out;
var bitRates =[0,32000,40000,48000,56000,64000,80000,96000,112000,128000,160000,192000,224000,256000,320000,"bad"];
var sampleRates = [44100,48000,32000,"reserved"];
var channels = ["Stereo","Joint Stereo", "Dual", "Mono"]
var readmp3 = function(buff, out){
for (var i=0; i<buff.length; i++){
if (buff[i] == 255 && buff[i+1].toString(2).substring(0,7)=="1111101"){
var f = buff[i+1].toString(2);
if (f.substring(3,5) !="11" || f.substring(5,7) !="01"){
throw ("not an mp3 file, in probability ")
var f = buff[i+2].toString(2);
out.SampleRate = sampleRates[parseInt(f.substring(4,6),2)]
out.VBR = false;
if (isVBR(buff, i)){
out.VBR = true;
var x = i + (buff.toString('utf8', i, i+200).indexOf("Xing"))
/*for (j=1; j<200; j++){
console.log(j, buff[x+j], String.fromCharCode(buff[x+j]));
var g = buff[x+7].toString(2);
console.log("flags", g);
var hasFrames = g.substring(0,1) == "1";
var hasBytes = g.substring(1,2) == "1";
var hasToc = g.substring(2,3) == "1";
var hasScale = g.substring(3,4) == "1";
var y = 0;
x = x+8;
var framecount = (buff[x] << 24) | (buff[x+1] << 16) | (buff[x+2] << 8) | (buff[x+3]);
//nb this works for STEREO MP3
out.Duration = Math.floor((1152 * framecount)/out.SampleRate);
out.Bitrate = bitRates[parseInt(f.substring(0,4),2)]
out.Duration = Math.floor((buff.length -i)/(out.Bitrate/8));
var f = buff[i+3].toString(2);
out.Channel = channels[parseInt(f.substring(0,2),2)];
return out;
//nb only works if Xing frame is found - which is normal.
var isVBR = function(buff, i){
return buff.toString('utf8', i, i+100).indexOf("Xing") > -1;
var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile("/Volumes/MEDIA/Music/Vocal/Bonnie Prince Billy/Little Joya/02 - Joya.mp3", function(err, data){
var tags = readId3(data);
if (tags.APIC){
var ext=".jpg";
switch (tags.APIC.mime){
case "image/png":
ext = ".png";
case "image/gif":
//i like writing filenames using the md5 hash - means i can guarantee uniqueness
//you may wish to use tags.APIC.description which is normally the name of the file used to create the tag.
fs.writeFile(tags.APIC.hash +".gif", tags.APIC.picture, function(err){
delete tags.APIC.picture;
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san1t1 commented Jan 15, 2011

Made my head hurt by going through MP3 header frames to dig out bit rate, sample rate, and calculate duration.
Needs some stress testing!

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