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Last active December 7, 2022 00:35
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Building LPSolver binary from source - for MAC OSX
#How to build and install the lp_solve Java extension on Mac OS X:
#Download and expanded lp_solve_5.5_source.tar.gz into a directory named 'lp_solve_5.5'.
#Download and expand into a directory named 'lp_solve_5.5_java'.
# 1) Build the lp_solve library.
$ cd lp_solve_5.5/lpsolve55
$ sh ccc.osx
# This creates two new files in the lpsolve55 subdirectory:
$ ls liblp*
liblpsolve55.a liblpsolve55.dylib
# 2) Install the lp_solve library.
# If not already in directory lpsolve55, cd to it. Copy liblpsolve55.a and
# liblpsolve55.dylib to /usr/local/lib (you may need to create
# /usr/local/lib first: sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib):
$ sudo cp liblpsolve55.a liblpsolve55.dylib /usr/local/lib
#3) Test the build and installation.
$ cd lp_solve_5.5/demo
# The ccc.osx script is broken. The good news is that version 5.5 of
# lp_solve fixes the "malloc.h" incompatibility on the Mac that was in
# earlier versions. The Unix/Linux script now works on OS X. Be
# patient...
# it may take several seconds to build 'demo':
$ sh ccc
# The example problems in the demo should issue no errors and have
# "Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0":
$ ./demo
# 4) Build the lp_solve JNI extension.
$ cd lp_solve_5.5_java/lib/mac
# The script "build-osx" in the mac subdirectory is a DOS text file:
#Edit build-osx to set LPSOLVE_DIR to the location of directory
# lp_solve_5.5 on your computer.
$ sh build-osx
# This creates the extension library liblpsolve55j.jnilib.
# 5) Install the lp_solve JNI extension.
# The file liblpsolve55j.jnilib should be copied to /Library/Java/
# Extensions
# if you want it to be available to all users. We assume this will be a
# private installation (create the Java extensions directory if necessary;
# e.g., mkdir -p ~/Library/Java/Extensions):
$ cp liblpsolve55j.jnilib ~/Library/Java/Extensions
# 6) Test the Java extension:
$ cd lp_solve_5.5_java/demo
$ java -cp ./demo.jar:../lib/lpsolve55j.jar Demo
# The numerical results of the Java Demo should be identical to those
# of the C demo.
# There is a Java unit test. Out of 122 tests, I got 5 errors and 3
# failures, all of which could be explained (missing XLI applications,
# missing BFP libraries, outdated version numbers in tests, negligible
# floating point differrences):
$ java -cp ./unittests.jar:../lib/lpsolve55j.jar:../lib/junit.jar LpSolveTest
# or
$ java -cp ./Demo.jar:../lib/lpsolve55j.jar -Djava.library.path=/Users/santhoshgandhe/mac_lpsolver/lp_solve_5.5/lpsolve55/bin/osx64:/Users/santhoshgandhe/mac_lpsolver/lp_solve_5.5_java/lib/mac Demo
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