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Created May 3, 2011 17:10
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Utility functions for visualisations
Usage: INPUT.csv [template.html] > OUTPUT.xhtml
import re
import math
import logging
import datetime
import operator
from tornado import template
def average(series):
sum, count = 0.0, 0
for value in series:
sum = sum + float(value)
count += 1
return sum / (count or 1)
def humanize(x, digits=3):
- Incorporate number of digits. But how?
- Incorporate intcomma
a = abs(x)
if a < 1: return '%0.3f' % x
elif a < 10: return '%0.2f' % x
elif a < 100: return '%0.1f' % x
elif a < 100000: return '%0.0f' % x
else: return '%0.2e' % x
def intcomma(value):
if type(value) != str: orig = str(int(value+0.5))
else: orig = value
new = re.sub("^(-?\d+)(\d{3})", '\g<1>,\g<2>', orig)
if orig == new:
return new
return intcomma(new)
def uniq(iterator):
hash = {}
out = []
for item in iterator:
if not item in hash:
hash[item] = 1
return out
def _colornum(color):
return (int(color[-6:-4], 16), int(color[-4:-2], 16), int(color[-2:], 16))
def gradient(x, ranges):
'''gradient(0.4, ((-1, '#ff0000'), (0, '#ffffff'), (1, '#00ff00')))
interpolates 0.4 between -1 - 0 - +1 and returns an in-between color
as rgb(r,g,b)'''
x = float(x)
ranges = sorted(ranges, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
if x <= ranges[0][0]: return ranges[0][1]
if x >= ranges[-1][0]: return ranges[-1][1]
for i, (start, color) in enumerate(ranges):
if x <= start: break
p = (x - ranges[i-1][0]) / (ranges[i][0] - ranges[i-1][0])
a = _colornum(ranges[i-1][1])
b = _colornum(ranges[i][1])
color = tuple(int((a[c]*(1.0-p) + b[c]*p)) for c in (0,1,2))
return 'rgb(%d,%d,%d)' % color
class Query:
>>> from viz import Query
>>> q = Query([{'a':1}, {'a':1}, {'a':3}])
>>> q.filter(a=2)
>>> q.freq('a', all='All')
def __init__(self, data):
self._filter = {}
self._freq = {} = data
def freq(self, *columns, **options):
key = tuple(columns) + tuple(options.items())
if key in self._freq:
return self._freq[key]
all = options.get('all', None)
result = {}
if len(columns) > 1:
for row in
key = tuple(row.get(column, None) for column in columns)
if not key is None:
result[key] = result.get(key, 0) + 1
if all:
result[all] = result.get(all, 0) + 1
column = columns[0]
for row in
key = row.get(column, None)
if not key is None:
result[key] = result.get(key, 0) + 1
if all:
result[all] = result.get(all, 0) + 1
result = sorted(result.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
self._freq[columns] = result
return result
def filter(self, **filter):
keys = tuple(filter.items())
if keys in self._filter:
return self._filter[keys]
result = []
for row in
match = True
for key, value in keys:
if row[key] != value:
match = False
if match:
self._filter[keys] = result
return result
class Series:
def __init__(self, data):
self.value = []
v = []
sx, sy, sxx, sxy, syy = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
for i, value in enumerate(data):
f = float(value)
sx += i
sy += f
sxx += i*i
syy += f*f
sxy += i*f
f = ''
self.min = min(v) if len(v) else 0
self.max = max(v) if len(v) else 0
self.mean = sum(v) / len(v) if len(v) else 0
self.range = (self.max - self.min) or 1
self.len = len(self.value)
self._v = v
if self.len > 0 and (sxx - sx*sx/self.len) > 0:
self.growth = (sxy - sx*sy/self.len) / (sxx - sx*sx/self.len) * self.len
self.growth = 0
def quantile(self, q):
p = float(q)*(len(self._v)-1)
d = p - int(p)
return self._v[int(p)]*(1.0-d) + self._v[int(p+1)]*d
def correlate(self, series):
n, sx, sy, sxx, sxy, syy = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
for i in xrange(min(len(self.value), len(series.value))):
x = self.value[i]
y = series.value[i]
if type(x) == float and type(y) == float:
sx += x
sy += y
sxx += x*x
syy += y*y
sxy += x*y
n += 1
if n > 0:
varx = sxx - sx*sx/n
vary = syy - sy*sy/n
sd = (varx * vary)**0.5
if sd > 0:
return (sxy - sx*sy/n) / sd
return 0
class Draw:
def show_attrs(cls, *args):
attr = {}
for arg in args: attr.update(arg)
s = []
for key, val in attr.iteritems():
s.append('%s="%s"' % (key, val.replace('"', r'\"')))
return ' '.join(s)
sparkline_template = template.Template('''
<rect x="{{ x }}" y="{{ y1 }}" width="{{ w }}" height="{{ y3-y1 }}" {{ cls.show_attrs(attr, {'stroke':'none'}) }} />
<path d="{{ path }}" {{ cls.show_attrs(attr, {'fill': 'none'}) }} />
def sparkline(cls, x, y, w, h, data, attr={}):
path = []
y1 = y + h*(data.max - data.quantile(0.90)) / data.range
y3 = y + h*(data.max - data.quantile(0.10)) / data.range
for i, value in enumerate(data.value):
if type(value) == float:
vx = x + w*float(i)/(data.len-1)
vy = y + h*(1.0 - (float(value) - data.min)/data.range)
path.append('%s %f %f' % ('L' if i else 'M', vx, vy))
path = ' '.join(path)
return cls.sparkline_template.generate(**locals())
boxplot_template = template.Template('''
<line x1="{{ x0 }}" x2="{{ x4 }}" y1="{{ y + h*0.5 }}" y2="{{ y + h*0.5 }}" {{ cls.show_attrs(attr) }}/>
<rect x="{{ x1 }}" y="{{ y + h*0.1 }}" width="{{ x3 - x1 }}" height="{{ h*0.8 }}" {{ cls.show_attrs(attr) }} />
<line x1="{{ x2 }}" x2="{{ x2 }}" y1="{{ y + h*0.1 }}" y2="{{ y + h*0.9 }}" {{ cls.show_attrs(attr) }}/>
def boxplot(cls, x, y, w, h, data, attr={}, params={}):
start = params.get('min', data.min)
finish = params.get('max', data.max)
range = (finish - start) or 1
x0 = x + w*(data.min - start) / range
x1 = x + w*(data.quantile(0.25) - start) / range
x2 = x + w*(data.quantile(0.50) - start) / range
x3 = x + w*(data.quantile(0.75) - start) / range
x4 = x + w*(data.max - start) / range
return cls.boxplot_template.generate(**locals())
xyscatter_template = template.Template('<circle cx="{{"%0.2f" % cx}}" cy="{{"%0.2f" % cy}}" r="{{rs}}" {{ cls.show_attrs(attr) }}/>')
def xyscatter(cls, x, y, w, h, a, b, attr={}, params={}):
points = min(a.len, b.len)
r = max(1.0, min(w, h) / points)
rs = '%0.2f' % r if r > 1.0 else '1'
x += r
y += r
w -= r + r
h -= r + r
s = []
for i in xrange(points):
v1, v2 = a.value[i], b.value[i]
if type(v1) == float and type(v2) == float:
cx = x + w*(v1 - a.min)/a.range
cy = y + h*(b.max - v2)/b.range
return ''.join(s)
def split_boxes(cls, rect, data, gap=0, dir='horizontal'):
Splits a box into a series of boxes proportional to data.
The sub-boxes can be horizontal or vertical.
rect = [float(v) for v in rect]
total = float(sum(data) or 1)
l = sum(1 for val in data if val > 0)
rects = []
if dir.startswith('h') or dir.startswith('x'):
counter = rect[0]
for value in data:
d = (rect[2] - gap*l) * value / total
rects.append((counter, rect[1], d, rect[3]))
if value > 0: counter += d + gap
counter = rect[1]
for value in data:
d = (rect[3] - gap*l) * value / total
rects.append((rect[0], counter, rect[2], d))
if value > 0: counter += d + gap
return rects
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import os.path
import sys
import csv
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print __doc__.strip()
args = sys.argv[1:]
# Load multiple data files into source[]
source = []
data = []
while len(args) and os.path.exists(args[0]) and os.path.splitext(args[0])[1].lower() == '.csv':
filename = args.pop(0)
data = list(csv.DictReader(open(filename)))
# Load template into tmplfile
tmplfile = 'template.html'
if len(args) and os.path.exists(args[0]):
tmplfile = args.pop(0)
loader = template.Loader(os.getcwd())
print loader.load(tmplfile).generate(**globals())
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