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Last active April 14, 2021 18:34
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from functools import reduce
in_file = open('/users/andi/xworkspace/AdventOfCode-2020/input_21')
file_lines = in_file.readlines()
class Food:
def __init__(self, input_str):
all_tokens = input_str.strip().split('contains')
self.allergens = [a.strip() for a in all_tokens[1][:-1].split(',')]
self.ingredients = [a.strip() for a in all_tokens[0][:-2].split(' ')]
allergen_to_foods_map = {}
all_food_list = []
for line in file_lines:
f = Food(line)
for allergen in f.allergens:
if allergen not in allergen_to_foods_map:
allergen_to_foods_map[allergen] = [f]
ingredients_containing_allergens_set = set()
allergens_to_ingredients_map = {}
for allergen in allergen_to_foods_map:
# list of lists of ingredients that this allergen appears
all_lists_of_ingredients = list(map(lambda f: f.ingredients, allergen_to_foods_map[allergen]))
ingredients_that_might_contain_allergen = list(reduce(lambda a, b: set(a) & set(b), all_lists_of_ingredients))
allergens_to_ingredients_map[allergen] = ingredients_that_might_contain_allergen
safe_ingredients = []
for food in all_food_list:
safe_ingredients.extend(set(food.ingredients) - ingredients_containing_allergens_set)
print('Part 1: ', len(safe_ingredients))
allergen_ingredient_map = {}
while allergens_to_ingredients_map:
for allergen in list(allergens_to_ingredients_map.keys()):
if len(allergens_to_ingredients_map[allergen]) == 1:
allergen_ingredient_map[allergen] = allergens_to_ingredients_map[allergen][0]
ingredient = allergens_to_ingredients_map.pop(allergen)[0]
for other_allergen in allergens_to_ingredients_map:
if ingredient in allergens_to_ingredients_map[other_allergen]: allergens_to_ingredients_map[other_allergen].remove(ingredient)
canonical_dangerous_ingredient_list = []
for key in sorted(allergen_ingredient_map):
print('Part 2: ', ','.join(canonical_dangerous_ingredient_list))
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