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Created September 24, 2023 10:00
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A minimal sample of optimised CopyMemory for VBA


Based almost entirely on the work of cristianbuse's MemoryModule, this is merely a minimal example and substitute for CopyMemory in VBA without any other helper functions.

Kudos to Cristian for building the original solution.

Attribute VB_Name = "MCopyMemory"
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
#If Mac Then
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function CopyMemoryAPI Lib "/usr/lib/libc.dylib" Alias "memmove" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Private Declare Function CopyMemoryAPI Lib "/usr/lib/libc.dylib" Alias "memmove" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) As Long
#End If
#Else 'Windows
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryAPI Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
Private Declare Sub CopyMemoryAPI Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
#End If
#End If
#If VBA7 = 0 Then 'LongPtr trick discovered by @Greedo (
Private Enum LongPtr
End Enum
#End If '
#If Win64 Then
Private Const PTR_SIZE As Long = 8
Private Const VARIANT_SIZE As Long = 24
Private Const PTR_SIZE As Long = 4
Private Const VARIANT_SIZE As Long = 16
#End If
Private Const BYTE_SIZE As Long = 1
Private Const INT_SIZE As Long = 2
Private Const VT_SPACING As Long = VARIANT_SIZE / INT_SIZE 'VarType spacing in an array of Variants
#If Win64 Then
#If Mac Then
Private Const vbLongLong As Long = 20 'Apparently missing for x64 on Mac
#End If
Private Const vbLongPtr As Long = vbLongLong
Private Const vbLongLong As Long = 20 'Useful in Select Case logic
Private Const vbLongPtr As Long = vbLong
#End If
memValue As Variant
remoteVT As Variant 'Will be linked to the first 2 bytes of 'memValue' - see 'InitRemoteMemory'
isInitialized As Boolean 'In case state is lost
End Type
'Flag used to simulate ByRef Variants
Private Const VT_BYREF As Long = &H4000
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SAFEARRAY_1D
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
#If Win64 Then
dummyPadding As Long
pvData As LongLong
pvData As Long
#End If
End Type
Private Const FADF_HAVEVARTYPE As Long = &H80
'Alternative for CopyMemory - not affected by API speed issues on Windows
'Mac - wrapper around CopyMemory/memmove
'Win - bytesCount 1 to 2147483647 - no API calls. Uses a combination of
' REMOTE_MEMORY/SAFEARRAY_1D structs as well as native Strings and Arrays
' to manipulate memory. Works within size limitation of Strings in VBA
' For some smaller sizes (<=5) optimizes via MemLong, MemInt, MemByte etc.
' - bytesCount < 0 or > 2147483647 - wrapper around CopyMemory/RtlMoveMemory
Public Sub CopyMemory(ByVal destinationPtr As LongPtr _
, ByVal sourcePtr As LongPtr _
, ByVal bytesCount As LongPtr)
If destinationPtr = sourcePtr Then Exit Sub
#If Mac Then
CopyMemoryAPI ByVal destinationPtr, ByVal sourcePtr, bytesCount
#If Win64 Then
Const maxLong As Long = &H7FFFFFFF
If bytesCount < 0 Or bytesCount > maxLong Then
If bytesCount < 0 Then
#End If
CopyMemoryAPI ByVal destinationPtr, ByVal sourcePtr, bytesCount
Exit Sub
End If
If bytesCount <= 4 Then
'Cannot use BSTR
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To CLng(bytesCount)
MemByte(destinationPtr + i - 1) = MemByte(sourcePtr + i - 1)
'Structs used to read/write memory
Static sArrByte As SAFEARRAY_1D
Static rmArrSrc As REMOTE_MEMORY
Static rmDest As REMOTE_MEMORY
If Not rmArrSrc.isInitialized Then
With sArrByte
.cDims = 1
.cbElements = BYTE_SIZE
End With
rmArrSrc.memValue = VarPtr(sArrByte)
InitRemoteMemory rmArrSrc
InitRemoteMemory rmSrc
InitRemoteMemory rmDest
InitRemoteMemory rmBSTR
End If
rmSrc.memValue = sourcePtr
rmDest.memValue = destinationPtr
CopyBytes CLng(bytesCount), rmSrc, rmSrc.remoteVT, rmDest, rmDest.remoteVT _
, rmDest.memValue, sArrByte, rmArrSrc.memValue, rmArrSrc.remoteVT _
, rmBSTR, rmBSTR.remoteVT, rmBSTR.memValue
End If
#End If
End Sub
'Read/Write a Byte from/to memory
Private Property Get MemByte(ByVal memAddress As LongPtr) As Byte
#If Mac Then
CopyMemoryAPI MemByte, ByVal memAddress, 1
RemoteAssign rm, memAddress, rm.remoteVT, vbByte + VT_BYREF, MemByte, rm.memValue
#End If
End Property
Private Property Let MemByte(ByVal memAddress As LongPtr, ByVal newValue As Byte)
#If Mac Then
CopyMemoryAPI ByVal memAddress, newValue, 1
RemoteAssign rm, memAddress, rm.remoteVT, vbByte + VT_BYREF, rm.memValue, newValue
#End If
End Property
'Utility for 'MemCopy' - avoids extra stack frames
'The 'bytesCount' expected to be larger than 4 because the first 4 bytes are
' needed for the destination BSTR's length.
'The source can either be a String or an array of bytes depending on the first 4
' bytes in the source. Choice between the 2 is based on speed considerations
'Note that no byte is changed in source regardless if BSTR or SAFEARRAY is used
Private Sub CopyBytes(ByVal bytesCount As Long _
, ByRef rmSrc As REMOTE_MEMORY, ByRef vtSrc As Variant _
, ByRef rmDest As REMOTE_MEMORY, ByRef vtDest As Variant _
, ByRef destValue As Variant, ByRef sArr As SAFEARRAY_1D _
, ByRef arrBytes As Variant, ByRef vtArr As Variant _
, ByRef rmBSTR As REMOTE_MEMORY, ByRef vtBSTR As Variant _
, ByRef bstrPtrValue As Variant)
Const bstrPrefixSize As Long = 4
Dim bytes As Long: bytes = bytesCount - bstrPrefixSize
Dim bstrLength As Long
Dim s As String 'Must not be Variant so that LSet is faster
Dim tempSize As Long
Dim useBSTR As Boolean
Dim hasOverlap As Boolean
Dim overlapBSTRLen As Long
Dim overlapOffset As LongPtr
vtSrc = vbLong + VT_BYREF
bstrLength = rmSrc.memValue 'Copy first 4 bytes froum source
vtSrc = vbLongPtr
Const maxMidBs As Long = 2 ^ 5 'Use SAFEARRAY and MidB below this value
useBSTR = (bstrLength >= bytes Or bstrLength < 0) And bytes > maxMidBs
If useBSTR Then 'Prepare source BSTR
rmBSTR.memValue = VarPtr(s)
#If Win64 Then
Const curBSTRPrefixSize As Currency = 0.0004
vtSrc = vbCurrency
vtBSTR = vbCurrency + VT_BYREF
bstrPtrValue = rmSrc.memValue + curBSTRPrefixSize
vtSrc = vbLongPtr
vtBSTR = vbLong + VT_BYREF
bstrPtrValue = rmSrc.memValue + bstrPrefixSize
#End If
Const maxStartMidB As Long = 2 ^ 30 'MidB second param limit (bug)
If bytes > maxStartMidB And bytes Mod 2 = 1 Then
tempSize = maxStartMidB
bytes = bytes - maxStartMidB
tempSize = bytes
bytes = 0
End If
Else 'Prepare source SAFEARRAY
'For large amounts it is faster to copy memory in smaller chunks
Const chunkSize As Long = 2 ^ 16 'Similar performance with 2 ^ 17
If bytes > chunkSize + bstrPrefixSize + 1 Then
tempSize = chunkSize
bytes = bytes - chunkSize - bstrPrefixSize
tempSize = bytes
bytes = 0
End If
sArr.pvData = rmSrc.memValue + bstrPrefixSize
sArr.rgsabound0.cElements = tempSize
vtArr = vbArray + vbByte
End If
'Prepare destination BSTR
If rmDest.memValue + 4 > rmSrc.memValue Then
hasOverlap = UnsignedAdd(rmSrc.memValue, tempSize + bstrPrefixSize) > rmDest.memValue
If hasOverlap Then overlapOffset = rmDest.memValue - rmSrc.memValue
hasOverlap = False
End If
vtDest = vbLong + VT_BYREF
If hasOverlap Then overlapBSTRLen = destValue
destValue = tempSize
vtDest = vbLongPtr
rmDest.memValue = rmDest.memValue + bstrPrefixSize
vtDest = vbString
'Copy and clean
If useBSTR Then
LSet destValue = s 'LSet cannot copy an odd number of bytes
If tempSize Mod 2 = 1 Then
MidB(destValue, tempSize, 1) = MidB$(s, tempSize, 1)
End If
bstrPtrValue = 0
vtBSTR = vbEmpty
Const maxMidBa As Long = maxMidBs * 2 ^ 3
If tempSize > maxMidBa Then
LSet destValue = arrBytes
If tempSize Mod 2 = 1 Then
Static lastByte(0 To 0) As Byte
lastByte(0) = arrBytes(UBound(arrBytes))
MidB(destValue, tempSize, 1) = lastByte
End If
MidB(destValue, 1) = arrBytes
End If
vtArr = vbEmpty
End If
vtDest = vbLongPtr
rmDest.memValue = rmDest.memValue - bstrPrefixSize
vtDest = vbLong + VT_BYREF
destValue = bstrLength 'Copy the correct 'BSTR length' bytes
vtDest = vbLongPtr
If hasOverlap Then
rmDest.memValue = rmDest.memValue + overlapOffset
vtDest = vbLong + VT_BYREF
destValue = overlapBSTRLen
vtDest = vbLongPtr
rmDest.memValue = rmDest.memValue - overlapOffset
End If
If bytes > 0 Then 'Advance address for next chunk
Dim bytesOffset As Long: bytesOffset = chunkSize + bstrPrefixSize
rmDest.memValue = UnsignedAdd(rmDest.memValue, bytesOffset)
rmSrc.memValue = UnsignedAdd(rmSrc.memValue, bytesOffset)
End If
Loop Until bytes = 0
End Sub
'Method purpose explanation at:
'Practical note Jan-2021 from Vladimir Vissoultchev (
'This is mostly not needed in client application code even for LARGEADDRESSAWARE
' 32-bit processes nowadays as a reliable technique to prevent pointer
' arithmetic overflows is to VirtualAlloc a 64KB sentinel chunk around 2GB
' boundary at application start up so that the boundary is never (rarely)
' crossed in normal pointer operations.
'This same sentinel chunk fixes native PropertyBag as well which has troubles
' when internal storage crosses 2GB boundary.
Private Function UnsignedAdd(ByVal unsignedPtr As LongPtr, ByVal signedOffset As LongPtr) As LongPtr
#If Win64 Then
Const minNegative As LongLong = &H8000000000000000^
Const minNegative As Long = &H80000000
#End If
UnsignedAdd = ((unsignedPtr Xor minNegative) + signedOffset) Xor minNegative
End Function
'Returns an initialized (linked) REMOTE_MEMORY struct
'Links .remoteVt to the first 2 bytes of .memValue
Private Sub InitRemoteMemory(ByRef rm As REMOTE_MEMORY)
rm.remoteVT = VarPtr(rm.memValue)
MemIntAPI(VarPtr(rm.remoteVT)) = vbInteger + VT_BYREF
rm.isInitialized = True
End Sub
'The only method in this module that uses CopyMemory!
'Assures that InitRemoteMemory can link the Var Type for new structs
Private Property Let MemIntAPI(ByVal memAddress As LongPtr, ByVal newValue As Integer)
If Not rm.isInitialized Then 'Link .remoteVt to .memValue's first 2 bytes
rm.remoteVT = VarPtr(rm.memValue)
CopyMemoryAPI rm.remoteVT, vbInteger + VT_BYREF, 2
rm.isInitialized = True
End If
RemoteAssign rm, memAddress, rm.remoteVT, vbInteger + VT_BYREF, rm.memValue, newValue
End Property
'This method assures the required redirection for both the remote varType and
' the remote value at the same time thus removing any additional stack frames
'It can be used to both read from and write to memory by swapping the order of
' the last 2 parameters
Private Sub RemoteAssign(ByRef rm As REMOTE_MEMORY _
, ByRef memAddress As LongPtr _
, ByRef remoteVT As Variant _
, ByVal newVT As VbVarType _
, ByRef targetVariable As Variant _
, ByRef newValue As Variant)
rm.memValue = memAddress
If Not rm.isInitialized Then InitRemoteMemory rm
remoteVT = newVT
targetVariable = newValue
remoteVT = vbEmpty 'Stop linking to remote address, for safety
End Sub
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