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Last active April 4, 2024 19:54
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OpenShift Deprecated API Queries
# This jq filter takes as input a List of APIRequestCounts and outputs
# json objects with the following properties:
# - namespace: the namespace of the request
# - api: the api that the request invoked
# - requestCount: how many request were made in the current hour
# WARNING: There is no actual namespace information in the APIRequestCount.
# The namespace outputted by this filter is derived from the username
# that ServiceAccounts present as in the requests, which are of the
# form: system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<sa-name>.
# This tool will not report any non-service account usage.
# Example invocation:
# oc get apirequestcounts -o json
# | jq -c -f by-namespace.jq --arg removedInRelease '1.22'
# Use other tools to make the output even prettier:
# oc get apirequestcounts -o json
# | jq -c -f by-namespace.jq --arg removedInRelease '1.22'
# | jq -r '[to_entries[]|.value]|@tsv'|column -t -NNAMESPACE,API,REQUESTS
# First filter by removedInRelease value.
# Invoke jq with `--arg removedInRelease re`, where `re` is
# a regular expression to match removedInRelease against.
| select(.status.removedInRelease//""|test($removedInRelease))
# Keep a reference to the metadata so we can reference it later.
| .metadata as $meta
# We're only going to look at current hour.
| .status.currentHour
# Gather an array all "byUser" entries in the currentHour, ignoring
# the "byNode" structure.
| [
.. # eveything under .currentHour:
| objects # that is an object,
| .byUser[]? # and has a byUser key, return the users
# Include only users that appear to be system accounts.
| select(.username | startswith("system:serviceaccount:"))
# Exclude system accounts in openshift-* namespaces
# (comment out the following line to show all namespaces)
| select(.username|split(":")[2]|startswith("openshift-")|not)
# Group by the namespace (extracted from SystemAccount username)
| group_by(.username|split(":")[2])[]
# Output namespace, deprecated api used, and request count
| { namespace: .[0].username|split(":")[2], api:$, requestCount:[.[]|.requestCount]|add }
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# defaults to removedInRelease=1.22 specifiy alternative regex
# ss first # parameter to this script if needed, for example:
# '.*'
oc get -o json \
| jq -f by-namespace.jq -c --arg removedInRelease "${1-1.22}" \
| jq -c -r '[to_entries[]|.value]|@tsv' \
| sort \
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