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Created March 22, 2012 12:38
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Snakes Game using Python
# Use ARROW KEYS to play, SPACE BAR for pausing/resuming and Esc Key for exiting
import curses
from curses import KEY_RIGHT, KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN
from random import randint
win = curses.newwin(20, 60, 0, 0)
key = KEY_RIGHT # Initializing values
score = 0
snake = [[4,10], [4,9], [4,8]] # Initial snake co-ordinates
food = [10,20] # First food co-ordinates
win.addch(food[0], food[1], '*') # Prints the food
while key != 27: # While Esc key is not pressed
win.addstr(0, 2, 'Score : ' + str(score) + ' ') # Printing 'Score' and
win.addstr(0, 27, ' SNAKE ') # 'SNAKE' strings
win.timeout(150 - (len(snake)/5 + len(snake)/10)%120) # Increases the speed of Snake as its length increases
prevKey = key # Previous key pressed
event = win.getch()
key = key if event == -1 else event
if key == ord(' '): # If SPACE BAR is pressed, wait for another
key = -1 # one (Pause/Resume)
while key != ord(' '):
key = win.getch()
key = prevKey
if key not in [KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, 27]: # If an invalid key is pressed
key = prevKey
# Calculates the new coordinates of the head of the snake. NOTE: len(snake) increases.
# This is taken care of later at [1].
snake.insert(0, [snake[0][0] + (key == KEY_DOWN and 1) + (key == KEY_UP and -1), snake[0][1] + (key == KEY_LEFT and -1) + (key == KEY_RIGHT and 1)])
# If snake crosses the boundaries, make it enter from the other side
if snake[0][0] == 0: snake[0][0] = 18
if snake[0][1] == 0: snake[0][1] = 58
if snake[0][0] == 19: snake[0][0] = 1
if snake[0][1] == 59: snake[0][1] = 1
# Exit if snake crosses the boundaries (Uncomment to enable)
#if snake[0][0] == 0 or snake[0][0] == 19 or snake[0][1] == 0 or snake[0][1] == 59: break
# If snake runs over itself
if snake[0] in snake[1:]: break
if snake[0] == food: # When snake eats the food
food = []
score += 1
while food == []:
food = [randint(1, 18), randint(1, 58)] # Calculating next food's coordinates
if food in snake: food = []
win.addch(food[0], food[1], '*')
last = snake.pop() # [1] If it does not eat the food, length decreases
win.addch(last[0], last[1], ' ')
win.addch(snake[0][0], snake[0][1], '#')
print("\nScore - " + str(score))
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darkseid66 commented Jan 23, 2021 via email

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Bluva commented May 2, 2021

How do i extend the surface?

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MikeRbl commented May 5, 2022

Hi I have this issue it was working, and next time I runned it breaks

PS C:\Users\roble> python -u "c:\Users\roble\Documents\Code\Projects\Python\Python-Projects\Snake\"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\roble\Documents\Code\Projects\Python\Python-Projects\Snake\", line 18, in
win = curses.newwin( WINDOW_LARGO, WINDOW_ALTO, 0, 0) # y,x
_curses.error: curses function returned NULL
PS C:\Users\roble>

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ruprechtgaming commented May 10, 2022 via email

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Am 10.05.2020 um 12:26 schrieb vanhung3007 @.***>: @vanhung3007 commented on this gist. ========================= Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python36\", line 4, in import curses File "C:\Python36\lib\", line 13, in from _curses import * ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_curses' me too u can help me? — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe

pip install curses

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Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 13 58 46 hi, I have got this error. who knows what happened? thanks for help

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i always get errors when i try to import curses

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File "/usr/lib/python3.6/curses/", line 30, in initscr
_curses.error: setupterm: could not find terminal

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