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Forked from mkolod/
Created July 17, 2020 19:44
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A CUDA memory profiler for pytorch
Memory profiling utilities
import gc
import inspect
import linecache
import os.path
import sys
import time
import threading
import traceback as tb
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import lru_cache, partial
import torch
def mem_stat(stats=('allocated', 'cached'), device_ids=None):
''' Return a dictionary of CUDA memory stats '''
mem_stats = {}
device_ids = device_ids or range(torch.cuda.device_count())
for device in [torch.cuda.device(i) for i in device_ids]:
with device:
device_stats = {}
for stat in stats:
stat_name = f'memory_{stat}'
max_stat_name = f'max_{stat_name}'
device_stats[stat_name] = torch.cuda.__dict__[stat_name]()
device_stats[max_stat_name] = torch.cuda.__dict__[max_stat_name]()
mem_stats[device.idx] = device_stats
return mem_stats
def mem_stat_string(stats=('allocated', 'cached'), sep=' ', device_ids=None):
''' Return a formatted string of the mem stats '''
mem_stats = []
device_ids = device_ids or range(torch.cuda.device_count())
for device in [torch.cuda.device(i) for i in device_ids]:
with device:
for stat in stats:
stat_name = f'memory_{stat}'
max_stat_name = f'max_{stat_name}'
stat_value = torch.cuda.__dict__[stat_name]() / 1024**2
max_stat_value = torch.cuda.__dict__[max_stat_name]() / 1024**2
return sep.join(mem_stats)
def get_function(code):
''' Get the function from the given code object '''
# Function lookups can be VERY slow if there are lots of references in a tight loop, so use an
# lr_cache
for obj in gc.get_referrers(code):
if inspect.isfunction(obj):
return obj
def cuda_tensors():
''' A generator for CUDA tensors '''
for obj in gc.get_objects():
if torch.is_tensor(obj):
tensor = obj
elif hasattr(obj, 'data') and torch.is_tensor(
tensor =
if tensor.is_cuda:
yield tensor
# pylint:disable=broad-except
except Exception:
# pylint:enable=broad-except
def collect_modules(module, modules=None):
''' A function that collects all modules in the module hierarchy '''
if not isinstance(module, torch.nn.Module):
return set()
modules = modules or set()
for child in module.children():
modules = collect_modules(child, modules)
return modules
def collect_scopes(module, scopes=None):
''' A function that collects all profile scopes in the module '''
if not isinstance(module, torch.nn.Module):
return set()
scopes = scopes or set()
for child in module.children():
scopes = collect_scopes(child, scopes)
return scopes
class CUDAMemoryProfiler(object):
''' A class that does implements CUDA memory profiling '''
AllocInfo = namedtuple('AllocInfo', ['function', 'lineno', 'device', 'creation_time', 'parent'])
def __init__(self, models, filename=''):
''' Initialize the CUDA profiler with scopes you want to trace '''
super(CUDAMemoryProfiler, self).__init__()
self.stacks = {}
self.tensors = set()
self.last_stat = None
self.filename = filename
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.scopes = None
self.modules = None
for model in models:
self.scopes = collect_scopes(model, self.scopes)
self.modules = collect_modules(model, self.modules)
def __call__(self, frame, event, arg):
''' Entry point into the profiler '''
if event == 'exception':
elif event != 'call':
return self.trap_exception
function = get_function(frame.f_code)
if not function:
return self.trap_exception
# only trace the desired scopes (or those nested within)
qualname = function.__qualname__
thread = threading.get_ident()
stack = self.stacks.get(thread, [])
if not stack and qualname not in self.scopes:
return self.trap_exception
# We are now tracing a new function
stack.append((qualname, -1))
self.stacks[thread] = stack
return self.profile_scope
def dump_exception(self, exception, value, traceback):
''' Output exception information '''
if not issubclass(exception, RuntimeError):
lines = [f'*** {exception.__name__}({value}) ***\n']
lines.append('Current tensors:\n')
total_bytes = {d: 0 for d in range(torch.cuda.device_count())}
device_lines = {d: [] for d in range(torch.cuda.device_count())}
for tensor, size, nbytes, alloc in self.tensors:
total_bytes[alloc.device] += nbytes
line = f' {alloc.function}:{alloc.lineno}:{alloc.device} '
if alloc.parent:
_, _, _, parent = alloc.parent
line += f'from {parent.function}:{parent.lineno}:{parent.device} '
line += f'{tensor}{str(size)} {nbytes/1024}KiB\n'
device_lines[alloc.device].append((alloc.creation_time, line))
for device in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
lines.append(f' cuda:{device}\n')
# sort by creation time
sorted_lines = sorted(device_lines[device], key=lambda k: k[0])
_, sorted_lines = zip(*sorted_lines)
lines.append(f' Total={total_bytes[device]/1024**2}MiB\n')
with open(self.filename, 'a+') as file:
def trap_exception(self, frame, event, arg): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
''' Trace function that only looks for exceptions '''
if event == 'exception':
def get_tensor_info(self, tensor, parent=None, function=None):
''' Get the tracking information for the tensor '''
return (
tuple(tensor.size()), * tensor.numel(),
self.get_tensor_alloc_info(tensor, parent, function)
def get_tensor_alloc_info(self, tensor, parent=None, function=None):
''' Return the allocation info for a tensor '''
if not hasattr(tensor, '__alloc_info'):
thread = threading.get_ident()
stack = self.stacks.get(thread, [])
if stack:
function, lineno = self.stacks[thread][-1]
frame = sys._getframe() # pylint:disable=protected-access
current_file = frame.f_globals['__file__']
while frame and current_file == frame.f_globals['__file__']:
frame = frame.f_back
if frame:
lineno = frame.f_lineno
function = get_function(frame.f_code)
lineno = -1
function = function or '<unknown>'
setattr(tensor, '__alloc_info', CUDAMemoryProfiler.AllocInfo(
function, lineno, tensor.get_device(), time.perf_counter(), parent=parent))
return getattr(tensor, '__alloc_info')
def profile_scope(self, frame, event, arg):
''' Memory profiling of the current scope '''
if event == 'exception':
thread = threading.get_ident()
if event == 'line':
lines = []
lineno = frame.f_lineno
filename = frame.f_globals["__file__"]
line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno).strip()
function, _ = self.stacks[thread][-1]
# update the current line number
self.stacks[thread][-1] = (function, lineno)
if self.lock.acquire():
stat = mem_stat()
if stat != self.last_stat:
self.last_stat = stat
path = os.path.relpath(filename)
if len(path) > len(filename):
path = filename
if len(line) > 100:
line = line[:50] + '...' + line[-50:]
lines.append(f'[{mem_stat_string()}]\n {path}:{lineno} {line}\n')
tensors = set()
for tensor in cuda_tensors():
tensor_info = self.get_tensor_info(tensor)
if tensor.requires_grad and tensor_info not in self.tensors:
# register hook to gather memory stats during backward
tensor.register_hook(partial(self.profile_grad, tensor_info))
for tensor, size, nbytes, alloc in tensors - self.tensors:
f' + {alloc.function}:{alloc.lineno}:{alloc.device} '
f'{tensor}{str(size)} {nbytes/1024}KiB\n'
for tensor, size, nbytes, alloc in self.tensors - tensors:
f' - {alloc.function}:{alloc.lineno}:{alloc.device} '
f'{tensor}{str(size)} {nbytes/1024}KiB\n'
self.tensors = tensors
if lines:
with open(self.filename, 'a+') as file:
elif event == 'return':
def profile_grad(self, parent_tensor_info, grad):
''' Memory profiling for the backward pass '''
if not grad.is_cuda:
return grad
tensor_info = self.get_tensor_info(grad, parent_tensor_info, 'torch.autograd.backward')
if self.lock.acquire():
tensor, size, nbytes, alloc = tensor_info
_, _, _, parent_alloc = parent_tensor_info
with open(self.filename, 'a+') as file:
f' + {alloc.function} - '
f'{parent_alloc.function}:{parent_alloc.lineno}:{parent_alloc.device} '
f'{tensor}{str(size)} {nbytes/1024}KiB\n'
return grad
from torch import nn
import profile
model = nn.ReLU(nn.Linear(20, 30)).cuda()
criterion = nn.MSELoss().cuda()
memory_profiler = profile.CUDAMemoryProfiler(
[model, criterion],
loss = criterion(model(torch.randn(20)), torch.range(1, 30))
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