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Last active June 13, 2021 02:52
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Setup Checklist for Mini Project 4
1.2 Instructions 4
2 Problem Statement 5
2.1 Objective 5
2.2 Abstract of the project 5
2.3 Functional components of the project 5
2.4 Technology used 6
3 Implementation in JEE LOT 7
3.1 Summary of the functionality to be built 7
3.2 Guidelines on the functionality to be built 8
3.3 Evaluation and assessment parameters 11
This document outlines a mini project for the JEE LOT. The project is to develop an Online
Asset Management System for an organization. This document contains the work flow of the system and gives guidelines on how to build the functionality gradually in each of the course modules of the JEE LOT.
Minimum System Requirements
• Intel Pentium 90 or higher (P166 recommended)
• Microsoft Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0, 2k, XP, Windows 7
• Memory: 32MB of RAM (64MB or more recommended)
• Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
• Oracle 9i client and access to oracle 9i server
• JDK 8
• Eclipse Luna
• JUnit 4.0, Maven
• WildFly
• The code modules in the mini project should follow all the coding standards.
• Create a directory by your name in drive <drive>. In this directory, create a subdirectory MiniProject. Store your Project here.
• You can refer to your course material.
• You may also look up the help provided in the java docs and documentation provided with WildFly server.
• The total time required to complete this mini project is 50 hrs.
• Since this project work will span over couple of months, you will need to take care of maintaining the code
Development of Asset Management System used for maintenance of an asset details in an organization.
This project is aimed at developing Online Asset Management System. This is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization and this is a web based application that can be accessed over the web. This system can be used to search for an asset based on search condition, assign a hardware asset to/from an employee based on request, insert new asset details, modify an existing asset details and display all asset allocation request details. This is an integrated system that contains both the user (Manager) component and the Admin component.
Following is a list of functionalities of the system. Wherever, the description of functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed.
There are two categories of people who would access the system viz. User (Manager) & Admin. Each one of them would have some exclusive privileges (for e.g. Managers can just raise a request for allocation/release of an asset for his/her team member on behalf of them.)
1. Managers should be able to
• Login to the system using his/her credentials
• Raise a request for allocation of asset to an employee, by filling up the asset requisition form that auto generates the asset request ID.
• View the status of request, based on the asset request ID
2. The administrators should be able to
• Login into the system using his/her credentials
• Include new asset/modify asset details from the inventory.
• Approve/Reject a request on the basis of the details of the request raised. If raised request is approved, then allocate asset to an employee and change request status as ‘Allocated’.
• Generate various reports like:
 View List of assets available in an organization based on category:
1. Allocated Assets
2. Unallocated Assets
 Also export the assert details data into an excel sheet.
 Front End & Web Components:–
1. HTML/JavaScript
2. Servlets
3. JSP
 Business Logic Components and Services :-
1. Java Beans
 Application Servers :-
1. WildFly
 Databases:-
1. Oracle 9i
The participants need to develop the Online AMS by building the functionality incrementally in each of the course modules of JEE LOT.
Sr. No Course Duration
(in PDs) No. of Saturdays Functionality to be built
1 Programming Foundation with Pseudo code 3 1 Analyze the given case study
2 Web Basics (HTML 5,CSS 3, JavaScript, XML) 4.5 1 Developing prototype i.e. developing screens/web pages in HTML and client side validation in JavaScript.
3 Oracle Basics 4 1 Creating relevant database tables
4 OOP & UML 1.5 1 Creating relevant Use case and class diagrams
5 Programming Foundation with Pseudo code + Web Basics +Oracle Basics + OOP & UML Test 1
6 Core Java 8 & Development Tools (Junit, Log4j) 10 2 Developing Business components (java classes). Coding for test classes & testing the functionality using JUnit
7 Core Java 8 + Dev Tools + OOP/UML Test 1
8 Servlets 3.5 2 Developing the web application using the prototypes. Converting the HTML web pages to jsp pages and java classes (business components) to java beans. Integrating jsp web pages with business components to complete the entire functionality. Building the web applications component using MAVEN build script.
9 JSP 2
10 Developer Workbench (PMD, MAVEN) 1
11 Servlets + JSP + Dev Workbench Test 1
12 Basic Spring 4.0 5 1
Prepare document for presentation.
13 Basic Spring Test 1
14 Mini Project presentation 1
The functionality and components to be built in each of the course modules of JEE LOT is as follows:
1. Course: HTML, JavaScript (Duration: 10 hours)
a. Develop the following screens:
i. Home page screen: Home page for the online Asset Management System which provides a link for the login page.
ii. Login Screen: Allows the valid user or admin to logon to the system and display the Main option screen.
iii. Main option screen: For Manager, this screen will display links for Raise a request for allocation of asset to an employee and view status of raised request screen. For Admin, this screen will display links for Add/Modify Asset Details screen, View all request raised and approve/reject request screen & Export data into CSV/Excel screens.
iv. Asset Allocation Request screen: This screen allows the manager to raise a request for allocation of asset to an employee.
v. View Status Screen: This screen allows the manager to view the status of request raised.
vi. Add/Modify Asset Screen: This screen allows the Admin to add/modify asset details.
vii. Display all request for an asset Screen: This screen allows the Admin to display all request raised by managers with approve/reject option.
viii. Export data into CSV/Excel Screen: This screen allows the Admin to export data into CSV/Excel file.
ix. Navigate to home page at any point of time
x. Logoff from the application at any point of time
b. In this course you need to develop the user interface using HTML and document the flow of your application including the images of html page in a word document. The screens/web pages should include the fields as per the functionality mentioned above. Also, include client-side validations using JavaScript in each of these screens
2. Course: Oracle (Duration: 5 hours)
a. Create the following database tables:
i. User_Master: This will contain the list of valid users.
ii. Department: This contains the list of departments available in the organization.
iii. Employee: This will contain the details of an employee who have joined in an organization.
iv. Asset: This will contain the details of available hardware asset in an organization
v. Asset_Allocation: This will contain the details of asset allocated for an employee.
b. The structure of the above listed tables is as follows:
i. User_Master: UserId VARCHAR2(6), UserName VARCHAR2(15), UserPassword VARCHAR2(50), UserType VARCHAR2(10)
For Admin, and User (Manager), assume that the users are already added to the system.
ii. Department: Dept_ID int, Dept_Name VARCHAR2(50)
iii. Employee: Empno Number(6), Ename Varchar2(25), job Varchar2(50), mgr number(4), hiredate date, Dept_ID number
iv. Asset: AssetId Number, AssetName Varchar2(25), AssetDes Varchar2(25), Quantity Number, Status Varchar2(15)
v. Asset_Allocation: AllocationId Number, AssetId Number, Empno Number, Allocation_date Date, Release_date Date
Note: You may add/normalize/denormalize the tables if your application demands it.
3. Course: OOP & UML (Duration: 5 hours)
a. Develop relevant Use case and Class diagrams for the application.
4. Course: Core Java 8 + Developer Tools (Duration: 14 hours)
a. Develop business components (java classes) for the following functionality:
i. Authentication Service (on Login): This component will verify if the user who is trying to access the system is a valid user. This verification is as against the valid users listed in the User_Master table.
ii. Admin Service: This component will allow the admin to add new asset, update an existing asset details and Display all request for an asset.
iii. User Service: This component will allow the User/Manager to Raise a request for allocation of asset to an employee and check the status of request.
b. Develop test classes for testing the following functionality and Test the application using JUnit.
i. Login
ii. Add asset details
iii. Modify asset details
c. Configure Logger to log the status of an application
5. Course: Servlets + JSP + Developer Workbench (Duration: 14 hours)
a. Convert all the screens developed in HTML to JSP.
b. Convert all the java classes (business components) created in Java module to Java beans
c. Integrate all screens (JSP pages) with business components (java beans) to complete the entire functionality
d. Configure the DataSource and modify the data access classes to use DataSource object configured.
e. Use https for security throughout the pages so that the valid users can only access the application.
f. Develop Logger ServletFilter to log status of an application
g. Build the web component using ANT
6. Documentation (Duration: 2 hours)
a. Project Documentation: Document your project details (Duration: 1 hour 30 min’s).
b. Project submission: Submit your project with all the artifacts including the test cases & documentation (Duration: 30 min’s).
Application Architecture: Discuss this with your mentor on regular basis.
This miniproject will be done in groups of five. Each group will identify a Team Lead who will decide which team member will code for which functionality. This project shall be evaluated at the end of spring module.
Evaluation Criteria (out of 100):
Look and Feel of Web pages 05
Client-side and server-side validation 10
Code Documentation and using coding standards 10
Overall Business logic. This includes:
• Usage of Logging API (log4j) 25
Usage of Maven to build project 5
Good amount of appropriate dataset to showcase project completely 5
Appropriate test cases using JUnit 4.0 5
Using MVC architecture and clean encapsulation of business logic in appropriate components. Judicious use of java beans, cleaner looks to JSP
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joeshc commented Feb 28, 2020

Possible to provide the source code?

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Possible to provide project report

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Can we get the source code of this project

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can we get the source code of this project

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