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Forked from cmcqueen/index.html
Created December 29, 2013 03:18
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
window.WebSocket = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket;
var websocket = new WebSocket('ws://',
websocket.onopen = function () {
$('h1').css('color', 'green');
websocket.onerror = function () {
$('h1').css('color', 'red');
websocket.onmessage = function (message) {
$('div').append($('<p>', { text: }));
$('button').click(function(e) {
<h1>WebSockets test</h1>
<input type="text" />
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libwebsockets.h>
static int callback_http(struct libwebsocket_context * this,
struct libwebsocket *wsi,
enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason, void *user,
void *in, size_t len)
switch (reason) {
printf("connection established\n");
char *requested_uri = (char *) in;
printf("requested URI: %s\n", requested_uri);
if (strcmp(requested_uri, "/") == 0) {
void *universal_response = "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nLocation: /index.html\r\n\r\n";
libwebsocket_write(wsi, universal_response,
strlen(universal_response), LWS_WRITE_HTTP);
} else {
// try to get current working directory
char cwd[1024];
char *resource_path;
if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL) {
// allocate enough memory for the resource path
resource_path = malloc(strlen(cwd) + strlen(requested_uri) + 1);
// join current working directory to the resource path
sprintf(resource_path, "%s%s", cwd, requested_uri);
printf("resource path: %s\n", resource_path);
char *extension = strrchr(resource_path, '.');
char *mime;
// choose mime type based on the file extension
if (extension == NULL) {
mime = "text/plain";
} else if (strcmp(extension, ".png") == 0) {
mime = "image/png";
} else if (strcmp(extension, ".jpg") == 0) {
mime = "image/jpg";
} else if (strcmp(extension, ".gif") == 0) {
mime = "image/gif";
} else if ((strcmp(extension, ".htm") == 0) || (strcmp(extension, ".html") == 0)) {
mime = "text/html";
} else if (strcmp(extension, ".css") == 0) {
mime = "text/css";
} else {
mime = "text/plain";
// by default non existing resources return code 400
// for more information how this function handles headers
// see it's source code
libwebsockets_serve_http_file(this, wsi, resource_path, mime);
// close connection
libwebsocket_close_and_free_session(this, wsi,
printf("unhandled callback %u\n", reason);
return 0;
static int callback_dumb_increment(struct libwebsocket_context * this,
struct libwebsocket *wsi,
enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason,
void *user, void *in, size_t len)
switch (reason) {
case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED: // just log message that someone is connecting
printf("connection established\n");
case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE: { // the funny part
// create a buffer to hold our response
// it has to have some pre and post padding. You don't need to care
// what comes there, libwebsockets will do everything for you. For more info see
unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char*) malloc(LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + len +
int i;
// pointer to `void *in` holds the incomming request
// we're just going to put it in reverse order and put it in `buf` with
// correct offset. `len` holds length of the request.
for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + (len - 1) - i ] = ((char *) in)[i];
// log what we recieved and what we're going to send as a response.
// that disco syntax `%.*s` is used to print just a part of our buffer
printf("received data: %s, replying: %.*s\n", (char *) in, (int) len,
// send response
// just notice that we have to tell where exactly our response starts. That's
// why there's `buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING]` and how long it is.
// we know that our response has the same length as request because
// it's the same message in reverse order.
libwebsocket_write(wsi, &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING], len, LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
// release memory back into the wild
return 0;
static struct libwebsocket_protocols protocols[] = {
/* first protocol must always be HTTP handler */
"http-only", // name
callback_http, // callback
0 // per_session_data_size
"dumb-increment-protocol", // protocol name - very important!
callback_dumb_increment, // callback
0 // we don't use any per session data
NULL, NULL, 0 /* End of list */
int main(void) {
// server url will be http://localhost:9000
int port = 9000;
const char *interface = NULL;
struct libwebsocket_context *context;
// we're not using ssl
const char *cert_path = NULL;
const char *key_path = NULL;
const char *ca_file_path = NULL;
void *user = NULL;
// no special options
int opts = 0;
// create libwebsocket context representing this server
context = libwebsocket_create_context(port, interface, protocols,
cert_path, key_path, ca_file_path, -1, -1, opts, user);
if (context == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "libwebsocket init failed\n");
return -1;
printf("starting server...\n");
// infinite loop, to end this server send SIGTERM. (CTRL+C)
while (1) {
libwebsocket_service(context, 50);
// libwebsocket_service will process all waiting events with their
// callback functions and then wait 50 ms.
// (this is a single threaded webserver and this will keep our server
// from generating load while there are not requests to process)
return 0;
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