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Created May 29, 2022 19:31
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import scala.util.matching.Regex
val in = """# Systems
|## System 1
|- Foo: bar
|- Baz: qux
|- Bla:
| 1. Bla
| 2. Bla
| 3. Bla
|### Header
|### Another header
|## System 2
|### Property
|- value
|- value
|## System 3
|- foo: bar""".stripMargin
def systemNameToPropertyMap(input: String): Map[String, Map[String, String]] = {
val system = raw"(?m)^## (.*)\n{2}((?:.|\n)*?)(?=^## |\z)".r
val item = raw"(?m)^- (.*):((?:.|\n)*?)\s*(?=^- |^#{2,3} |\z)".r
val block = raw"(?m)^### (.*)\n\s*((?:.|\n)*?)\s*(?=^#{2,3} |\z)".r
val inline = raw"(?m)\A (.*)\z".r
val indented = raw"(?m)\A(\n {2}.*)*\z".r
def content(rawValue: String) =
rawValue match {
case inline(value) => value
case indented(_*) => rawValue.replaceFirst("\n {2}", "").replaceAll("\n {2}", "\n")
def groups(regex: Regex, input: String) = regex.findAllMatchIn(input).map(_.subgroups)
(for {
name :: body :: Nil <- groups(system, input)
items = for (k :: v :: Nil <- groups(item, body)) yield k -> content(v)
blocks = for (k :: v :: Nil <- groups(block, body)) yield k -> v
} yield name -> (items ++ blocks).toMap).toMap
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