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Created June 4, 2020 13:05
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Dynamic sql table/columns
-- psql $HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL -f dynsql.sql
drop schema if exists meta cascade;
create schema meta;
set search_path to 'meta', 'public';
drop table if exists db_column;
drop table if exists db_table;
drop table if exists db_datatype;
create table db_table (
tablename varchar not null unique
create table db_datatype (
datatypename varchar not null unique
insert into db_datatype (datatypename) values ('integer'), ('text');
create table db_column (
tablename varchar not null references db_table(tablename) on update cascade on delete cascade,
columnname varchar not null,
datatypename varchar not null references db_datatype(datatypename),
unique(tablename, columnname)
create or replace function db_table_mutation()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
sql text;
raise notice 'TG_OP % OLD % NEW %', TG_OP, OLD, NEW;
when TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
sql := 'create table meta.' || quote_ident(new.tablename) || '()';
when TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
sql := 'drop table meta.' || quote_ident(old.tablename);
when TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
if new.tablename != old.tablename then
sql := 'alter table meta.' || quote_ident(old.tablename) || ' rename to ' || quote_ident(new.tablename);
end if;
end case;
if sql is not null then
execute sql;
end if;
return new;
create trigger db_table_trigger
before insert or update or delete on db_table
for each row execute procedure db_table_mutation();
create or replace function db_column_mutation()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
alter_table text;
sql text;
raise notice 'TG_OP % OLD % NEW %', TG_OP, OLD, NEW;
alter_table := 'alter table meta.' || quote_ident(coalesce(old.tablename, new.tablename));
when TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
execute alter_table || ' add column ' || quote_ident(new.columnname) || ' ' || new.datatypename;
when TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
execute alter_table || ' drop column ' || quote_ident(old.columnname);
when TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
if new.columnname != old.columnname then
execute alter_table || ' rename ' || quote_ident(old.columnname) || ' to ' || quote_ident(new.columnname);
end if;
if new.datatypename != old.datatypename then
sql := alter_table || ' alter column ' || quote_ident(new.columnname) || ' type ' || new.datatypename
|| ' using ' || quote_ident(new.columnname) || '::' || new.datatypename;
raise notice 'SQL %', sql;
execute sql;
end if;
end case;
return new;
create trigger db_column_trigger
before insert or update or delete on db_column
for each row execute procedure db_column_mutation();
do $$
insert into db_table (tablename) values ('contact');
update db_table set tablename = 'contact' where tablename = 'contact';
insert into db_column (tablename, columnname, datatypename) values ('contact', 'name', 'text');
update db_column set (tablename, columnname, datatypename) = ('contact', 'my_name', 'integer')
where (tablename, columnname) = ('contact', 'name');
delete from db_column where (tablename, columnname) = ('contact', 'my_name');
update db_table set tablename = 'my_contact' where tablename = 'contact';
delete from db_table where tablename = 'my_contact';
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