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Created December 2, 2017 01:24
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require 'ostruct'
class Bounty
class Parser
@@task_assignment_regexs = {
/It appears they have a creature problem they'd like you to solve/ => :cull,
/It appears they need your help in tracking down some kind of lost heirloom/ => :heirloom,
/The local furrier .+ has an order to fill and wants our help/ => :skins,
/The local gem dealer, [^,]+, has an order to fill and wants our help/ => :gem,
# /to provide a protective escort/ => :escort,
/Hmm, I've got a task here from the town of ([^.]+?). The local [^,]+?, [^,]+, has asked for our aid. Head over there and see what you can do. Be sure to ASK about BOUNTIES./ => :herb,
/It appears that a local resident urgently needs our help in some matter/ => :rescue,
/It appears they have a bandit problem they'd like you to solve/ => :bandit,
@@task_completed_regexs = {
/^You have succeeded in your task and can return to the Adventurer's Guild/ => :taskmaster,
/^You have located (?:an?|some) (.+) and should bring it back to (?:one of the (.*) gate guards|the dwarven militia sergeant near the (Kharam-Dzu) town gates|one of the guardsmen just inside the (Ta'Illistim) City Gate|Quin Telaren of (Wehnimer's Landing))\.$/ => :heirloom,
/^You succeeded in your task and should report back to (?:one of the (.*) gate guards|the dwarven militia sergeant near the (Kharam-Dzu) town gates|one of the guardsmen just inside the (Ta'Illistim) City Gate|Quin Telaren of (Wehnimer's Landing))\.$/ => :dangerous,
@@task_triggered_regexs = {
/^You have made contact with the child you are to rescue and you must get (?:him|her) back alive to one of the (?:guardsmen) just inside ([^.]+)\.$/ => :rescue,
/^You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous ([^.]+) that has established a territory [oi]n (?:the\s+)?([^.]+?)(?: near [^.]+)?\. You have provoked (?:his|her|its) attention and now you must(?: return to where you left (?:him|her|it) and)? kill (?:him|her|it)!$/ => :dangerous,
@@task_description_regexs = {
/^You have been tasked to(?: help \w+)? suppress (bandit) activity (?:on|in) (?:the\s+)?([^.]+?)(?:\s+near [^.]+)?\. You need to kill (\d+) (?:more\s+)?of them to complete your task\.$/ => :bandit,
/^You have been tasked to(?: help \w+)? suppress ([^.]+) activity (?:on|in) (?:the\s+)?([^.]+?)(?:\s+near [^.]+)?\. You need to kill (\d+) (?:more\s+)?of them to complete your task\.$/ => :cull,
/^You have been tasked to recover (?:an?|some) ([^.]+) that an unfortunate citizen lost after being attacked by an? ([^.]+?) (?:near|[oi]n) (?:the\s+)?([^.]+?)(?:\s+near [^.]+)?\. The heirloom can be identified by the initials \w+ engraved upon it\. [^.]*?(LOOT|SEARCH)[^.]+\.$/ => :heirloom,
/^You have been tasked to retrieve (\d+) ([^.]+?)s? of at least ([^.]+) quality for [^.]+ in ([^.]+?)\. You can SKIN them off the corpse of an? ([^.]+) or purchase them from another adventurer\. You can SELL the skins to the furrier as you collect them\."$/ => :skins,
/^The gem dealer in ([^,]+), [^,]+, has received orders from multiple customers requesting (?:an?|some) ([^.]+)\. You have been tasked to retrieve (\d+) (?:more\s+)?of them\. You can SELL them to the gem dealer as you find them\.$/ => :gem,
/^(?:The taskmaster told you: ")?I've got a special mission for you\. A certain client has hired us to provide a protective escort on (?:his|her) upcoming journey\. Go to ([^.]+) and WAIT for (?:him|her) to meet you there\. You must guarantee (?:his|her) safety to ([^.]+) as soon as you can, being ready for any dangers that the two of you may face\. Good luck!"?$/ => :escort,
/^The .+? in ([^,]+?), [^,]+?, is working on a concoction that requires (?:an?|some) ([^.]+?) found [oi]n (?:the\s+)?([^.]+?)(?:\s+near [^.]+)?\. These samples must be in pristine condition\. You have been tasked to retrieve (\d+) (?:more\s+)?samples?\.$/ => :herb,
/^You have been tasked to (?: help \w+|hunt down and) kill a (?:particularly )?dangerous ([^.]+) that has established a territory [oi]n (?:the\s+)?([^.]+?)(?: near [^.]+)?\. You can get its attention by killing other creatures of the same type in its territory\.$/ => :dangerous,
/^You have been tasked to rescue the young (?:runaway|kidnapped) (?:son|daughter) of a local citizen\. A local divinist has had visions of the child fleeing from an? ([^.]+) [oi]n (?:the\s+)?([^.]+?)(?:\s+near [^.]+)?\. Find the area where the child was last seen and clear out the creatures that have been tormenting (?:him|her) in order to bring (?:him|her) out of hiding\.$/ => :rescue,
@@regex_for_task_description_of = @@task_description_regexs.invert
@@regex_for_trigger_description_of = @@task_triggered_regexs.invert
@@regex_for_assignment_of = @@task_assignment_regexs.invert
@@regex_for_completed = @@task_completed_regexs.invert
@@requirement_labels_for_task = {
:cull => [ :creature, :area, :number ],
:heirloom => [ :item, :creature, :area, :action ],
:skins => [ :number, :skin, :quality, :town, :creature ],
:gem => [ :town, :gem, :number ],
:escort => [ :start, :destination ],
:herb => [ :town, :herb, :area, :number ],
:rescue => [ :creature, :area ],
:dangerous => [ :creature, :area ],
:bandit => [ :creature, :area, :number ],
@@task_failed_regexs = {
/^You have failed in your task/ => :taskmaster,
/^The child you were tasked to rescue is gone and your task is failed. Report this failure to the Adventurer's Guild./ => :taskmaster,
def self.parse(desc)
return nil if desc.nil? or desc.empty?
@description = desc
@requirements = nil
@task = nil
@status = nil
# Figure task type and status from description
if @description =~ /^You are not currently assigned a task/
@task = :taskmaster
elsif check_task_description( desc )
@status = :unfinished
@task = check_task_description( desc )
@requirements =
elsif check_task_assignment( desc )
@status = :assigned
@task = check_task_assignment( desc )
if [:herb].include? @task
match_data = @@regex_for_assignment_of[@task].match( @description )
@requirements = { town: match_data[1] }
elsif check_task_completed( desc )
@status = :done
@task = check_task_completed( desc )
if :heirloom == @task
match_data = @@regex_for_completed[@task].match( @description )
@requirements = {
:item => match_data[1],
:town => match_data.captures.compact.last,
if match_data = @@regex_for_completed[@task].match( @description )
@requirements = {
:town => match_data.captures.compact.last,
elsif check_task_failed( desc )
@status = :failed
@task = check_task_failed( desc )
elsif check_task_triggered( desc )
@status = :triggered
@task = check_task_triggered( desc )
@requirements =
if :dangerous == @task
if @description =~ @@regex_for_trigger_description_of[@task]
match_data = @@regex_for_trigger_description_of[@task].match( @description ).to_a.flatten
@@requirement_labels_for_task[@task].each_with_index { |label, index|
@requirements[label] = match_data[index]
echo "ERROR: couldn't parse triggered dangerous task requirements"
elsif :heirloom == @task and defined? @@last_heirloom_item and not @@last_heirloom_item.nil?
@requirements = { :item => @@last_heirloom_item }
#echo "ERROR: did not recognize bounty description:"
#echo desc
return nil
if @task.nil?
# we don't have a bounty, so it doesn't have any requirements
elsif :unfinished == @status and @description =~ @@regex_for_task_description_of[@task]
match_data = @@regex_for_task_description_of[@task].match( @description ).to_a.flatten
@@requirement_labels_for_task[@task].each_with_index { |label, index|
if :action == label
@requirements[label] = match_data[index].downcase
elsif :number == label
@requirements[label] = match_data[index].to_i
elsif :creature == label
# Clean up creature value if we need to remove extra adjectives (eg beings, centaurs)
critter = match_data[index]
critter = 'being' if critter =~ /^\w+ being$/
@requirements[label] = critter
@requirements[label] = match_data[index]
if :heirloom == @task
@@last_heirloom_item = @requirements[:item]
elsif :unfinished == @status
echo "ERROR: couldn't parse requirements from description"
return { description: @description, requirements: @requirements, task: @task, status: @status }
def self.check_task_description(desc)
return nil if desc.nil? or desc.empty?
for regex in @@task_description_regexs.keys
if desc =~ regex
return :bandit if desc =~ /bandit/
return @@task_description_regexs[regex]
return nil
def self.check_task_assignment(desc)
return nil if desc.nil? or desc.empty?
for regex in @@task_assignment_regexs.keys
return @@task_assignment_regexs[regex] if desc =~ regex
return nil
def self.check_task_completed(desc)
return nil if desc.nil? or desc.empty?
for regex in @@task_completed_regexs.keys
return @@task_completed_regexs[regex] if desc =~ regex
return nil
def self.check_task_failed(desc)
return nil if desc.nil? or desc.empty?
for regex in @@task_failed_regexs.keys
return @@task_failed_regexs[regex] if desc =~ regex
return nil
def self.check_task_triggered(desc)
return nil if desc.nil? or desc.empty?
for regex in @@task_triggered_regexs.keys
return @@task_triggered_regexs[regex] if desc =~ regex
return nil
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