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Forked from thibautjombart/simulate_occupancy.R
Created April 23, 2020 03:31
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Simulator for projecting bed occupancy
#' Simulator for projecting bed occupancy
#' This function predits bed occupancy from admission data (dates, and numbers
#' of admissions on these days). Duration of hospitalisation is provided by a
#' function returning `integer` values for the number of days in hospital.
#' @param dates A vector of dates, ideally as `Date` but `integer` should work too.
#' @param n_admissions An `integer` vector giving the number of admissions
#' predicted for each date in `dates`.
#' @param r_los A `function` with a single parameter `n` returning `n` `integer`
#' values of lenth of hospital stay (LoS) in days. Ideally, this should come
#' from a discrete random distribution, such as `rexp` or any `distcrete`
#' object.
#' @param n_sim The number of times duration of hospitalisation is simulated for
#' each admission. Defaults to 10. Only relevant for low (<30) numbers of
#' initial admissions, in which case it helps accounting for the uncertainty
#' in LoS.
#' @author Thibaut Jombart
#' @examples
#' ## ## make toy duration of hospitalisation (exponential distribution)
#' if (require(projections)) {
#' r_duration <- function(n = 1) rexp(n, .2)
#' ## simulate admissions data (daily incidence)
#' dates <- Sys.Date() - 1:10
#' admissions <- rpois(10, 100)
#' beds <- simulate_occupancy(admissions, dates, r_duration, 30)
#' plot(beds)
#' }
simulate_occupancy <- function(n_admissions, dates, r_los, n_sim = 10) {
## sanity checks
if (!length(dates)) stop("`dates` is empty")
if (!is.finite(n_admissions[1])) stop("`n_admissions` is not a number")
if (n_admissions[1] < 1) stop("`n_admissions` must be >= 1")
if (inherits(r_los, "distcrete")) {
r_los <- r_los$r
if (!is.function(r_los)) stop("`r_los` must be a function")
if (!is.finite(n_sim)) stop("`n_sim` is not a number")
if (n_sim[1] < 1) stop("`n_sim` must be >= 1")
## Outline:
## We take a vector of dates and incidence of admissions, and turn this into a
## vector of admission dates, whose length is sum(n_admissions). We will
## simulate for each date of admission a duration of stay, and a corresponding
## vector of dates at which this case occupies a bed. Used beds are then
## counted (summing up all cases) for each day. To account for stochasticity
## in duration of stay, this process can be replicated `n_sim` times,
## resulting in `n_sim` predictions of bed needs over time.
admission_dates <- rep(dates, n_admissions)
n <- length(admission_dates)
last_date <- max(dates)
out <- vector(n_sim, mode = "list")
for (j in seq_len(n_sim)) {
los <- r_los(n)
list_dates_beds <- lapply(seq_len(n),
function(i) seq(admission_dates[i],
length.out = los[i],
by = 1L))
## Note: unlist() doesn't work with Date objects
dates_beds <-, list_dates_beds)
beds_days <- incidence::incidence(dates_beds)
if (!is.null(last_date)) {
to_keep <- incidence::get_dates(beds_days) <= last_date
beds_days <- beds_days[to_keep, ]
out[[j]] <- projections::build_projections(
x = beds_days$counts,
dates = incidence::get_dates(beds_days))
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