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Last active June 19, 2024 20:23
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James Edward Butler – Developer and SRE

I am an experienced developer and SRE with over 13 years experience designing architecture for, building and running web, mobile and cloud-based large scale infrastructures. I write application features as well as infrastructure-centric tooling. I have worked as an individual contributor and led technical teams, and would consider doing either in the future

Employment History

Centrica / Hive - Senior Developer

May 17 - June 22

Designed, rolled out and maintained fully automated end 2 end CI/CD pipeline + production infra for rollout of new web-based customer dashboard (JS + React) and development of supporting public facing HTTP apis (NodeJS deployed on AWS Lambda). Later converted project into React-Native app to replace existing native iOS and Android apps which included designing and implementing multiplatform CI pipeline using AWS Codebuild, CircleCI, Github. Day to day operations responsibility for customer mobile aand web based control panel that allow Hive's 1 million customers to remotely monitor and control their homes.

Razor Occam / W. W. Grainger - Senior Fullstack Developer

May 16 - Apr 17

Part of a team that rebuilt a supplied ecommerce site for a major multinational industrial MRO supplier as part of their acquisition of UK competitor. Designed and implemented data pipeline between legacy postgres datawarehouse running in on-prem DC and MongoDB cluster on AWS EC2.

Bizzby - Lead Backend Developer

Apr 13 - Apr 16

Joined 6 months into the initial prototyping and took over responsibilites for designing and building various features, moving the project into production, coordinating work and features with the mobile teams and customer services + business teams. Firefighting / debugging operational issues. Technologies/services used included AWS, Heroku, Mongolab, HAProxy, Nginx, Nodejs, mongodb, postgres, Chef, HTTP2.

Mobile5 Media Limited - Lead Backend Developer & Operations

Oct 12 - Apr 13

Designed and built hosting system for mobile ad-serving and various stats tracking tools, and client/project specific pieces of work. Tech/Services used included nodejs, nginx, PHP, Postgres, Mysql, Riak, Rackspace, Fastly, Varnish, SPDY, Redis, Kafka. Worked with frontend developers to R&D new concepts for mobile ads and build various tools to speed up project turnarond time.

SimpleStream Ltd - Lead Developer & Operations

Mar 12 - Oct 12

Designing and building a VOD + live streaming PAAS from scratch. Writing / Designing PHP and NodeJS applications for TV streaming and storage system. Design & Provisioning of web and storage infrastructure. Organising and leading the web development team and coordinating work/plans with mobile and streaming teams.

Grapple Mobile Ltd – Lead Backend Developer & Operations,

Mar 11 – Mar 12

Designed, built and maintained multi-tiered scalable hosting platform from scratch using Amazon Web Services components (RDS, ELB, EC2, EBS, S3, SNS, etc), for hosting multiple client and inteneral websites, APIs and real- time communication services, to support wide selection of mobile apps for sectors ranging from Financial & Banking to FMCG. Tech used for the websites and APIs included Zend Framework, Node.js [, connect], CouchDB, Riak and 3rd Party APIs such as Facebook, UrbanAirship, Google Maps/Places etc. Role included managing groups of contractors and small dev teams (3 - 6) for numerous CMS/Mobile Web projects while working in an agile/scrum environment.

eDigitalResearch Ltd – Application Developer

Mar 10 – Mar 11

Key projects include:

  • The design and implementation of job queue that uses Gearman to create scalable and highly fault tolerant system that underpins nearly all of the other research systems and applications.
  • Introduction of internal technical wiki to collate and improve documentation of code and ideas and allow for sharing of best practice.
  • Development of internal tool for distributed video transcoding using Python and ffmpeg to allow entire office desktop estate to be used overnight to allow rapid turnaround to meet client deadlines.
  • Lead developer and deployment manager for DevOp’s team responsible for rolling out cluster wide application updates, and ensuring code and server design are optimised to take advantage of each other.
  • Virtulising most production workloads using a mix of dedicated rackspace hardware and EC2

eDigitalResearch Ltd – Junior Developer

Mar 09 – Mar 10

Worked on variety of Zend Framework based community sites for clients that used MVC / Front controller pattern as well as identifying and fixing bugs in main research system code base.

Key projects included:

  • Design and implementation of external RESTful API to allow clients to exchange data with us in automated and secure fashion.
  • Introduction of Continuous Integration, and 'one click' code deployment to software release cycle using Phing and Hudson.
  • Lead for conversion of legacy parts of in-house application to PHP5.3+ compatible code.
  • Virtulisation of internal and staging systems using a mix of KVM & Xen

Feb 08 – 09 eDigitalResearch Ltd – Technical Assistant

Joined tech-led market research agency as part of in-house IT team who were responsible for development, maintenance and support of the companies flagship PHP based research/surveying system that handles 2-3K requests per second, and internal and production server infrastructure. Clients include the BBC, Sky, Goldman Sachs, AOL/Carphone Warehouse, New Look, Tesco and Virgin Media. Key responsibilities included:

  • creating DDA complaint surveys from scratch using XHTML,CSS, and JQuery while working within tight deadlines
  • Supporting configuration and maintenance of 20 Linux application and database servers.
  • Customizing, patching, testing, and installation of PHP binaries on production server cluster.

Mar 07 – Feb 08 Arqiva Ltd – Contractor

Worked in the Broadcast Radio Unit developing simple support apps such as MySQL database to replace ad-hoc paper record system and created web based interface to allow access to client, license, and engineering data by users remotely in the field.

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