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Created February 24, 2016 11:45
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generic-pool async validation funsies
var Pool = require('../').Pool;
var resourceIdx = 1
var pool = new Pool(
name: 'test-resource-pool',
create: function (callback) {
var id = resourceIdx++
console.log('### creating resource %d', id);
callback({testResource: 'test', id: id});
destroy: function (resource) {
console.log('### destroying resource ', resource);
// USING validate rather than validateAsync seems to work OK
// validate: function (resource) {
// console.log('synchronous validation', resource);
// return true;
// },
validateAsync: function (resource, callback) {
console.log('### asynchronous validation:', resource);
function _validate(){callback(true)}
// Simulate this taking some time/event-loops
setTimeout(_validate, 10);
max: 2,
min: 0,
reapIntervalMillis: 5000,
idleTimeoutMillis: 5000,
log: true
function executeUnitOfWork(someWork, duration, callback) {
pool.acquire(function (error, resource) {
if(error) {
return callback(error);
console.log('### performing work: "%s" with resource %d', someWork,;
function _work(){
callback(null, {testData:})
if(duration == false) {
return _work()
} else {
setTimeout(_work, duration)
* @param {string} work message to print when doing the work
* @param {integer|boolean} duration length of time the task should take to execute, or boolean for synchronous completion
* @return {function} [description]
function createUnitOfWorkExecutor(work, duration){
return function(cb){
executeUnitOfWork(work, duration, function (error, results) {
if (error) {
console.error('### Could not acquire resource from the pool', error);
} else {
console.log('### results: ', results);
var unit1 = createUnitOfWorkExecutor("should create a new resource", 500)
var unit2 = createUnitOfWorkExecutor("should re-use an existing resource", 500)
var unit3 = createUnitOfWorkExecutor("should re-use an existing resource again", 500)
// Should probably use async for this....
setTimeout(unit1, 1000)
setTimeout(unit2, 2500)
setTimeout(unit3, 4000)
* Potentially a bug where pool state changes between starting and ending async validation
INFO pool test-resource-pool - dispense() clients=1 available=0
VERBOSE pool test-resource-pool - createResource() - creating obj - count=1 min=0 max=2
### creating resource 1
### performing work: "should create a new resource" with resource 1
INFO pool test-resource-pool - dispense() clients=1 available=0
VERBOSE pool test-resource-pool - createResource() - creating obj - count=2 min=0 max=2
### creating resource 2
### performing work: "should re-use an existing resource" with resource 2
INFO pool test-resource-pool - dispense() clients=1 available=0
VERBOSE pool test-resource-pool - timeout: 1455983427789
INFO pool test-resource-pool - dispense() clients=1 available=1
VERBOSE pool test-resource-pool - dispense() - reusing obj
### asynchronous validation: { testResource: 'test', id: 1 }
### results: { testData: 1 }
VERBOSE pool test-resource-pool - timeout: 1455983428790
INFO pool test-resource-pool - dispense() clients=1 available=2
VERBOSE pool test-resource-pool - dispense() - reusing obj
### asynchronous validation: { testResource: 'test', id: 1 }
### results: { testData: 2 }
### performing work: "should re-use an existing resource again" with resource 1
clientCb(err, objWithTimeout.obj)
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