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Created July 3, 2012 14:48
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require 'mathn'
MAX = 30
AMAX = 10
BMAX = 20
class Pages
attr_accessor :name, :line, :line_of_page
def initialize; yield self; end
def last; (@line / @line_of_page).ceil; end
def line_at_last; (mod_line == 0) ? @line_of_page : mod_line ; end
def line_offset(page); @line_of_page * (page-1); end
def mod_line; @line % @line_of_page; end
def offset_key; "offset_#{name}".to_sym; end
def limit_key; "limit_#{name}".to_sym; end
def conditions(page, count_a, count_b)
@all_line = count_a + count_b
a = {|p| = :a; p.line = count_a; p.line_of_page = AMAX}
b = {|p| = :b; p.line = count_b; p.line_of_page = BMAX}
@boundary_page = [a.last, b.last].min
@all_page = (@all_line / MAX).ceil
a, b = b, a if a.last > b.last
when page > @all_page then nil
when page < @boundary_page
return before_boundary_offsets(page, a, b)
when page == @boundary_page
return on_boundary_offsets(page, a, b)
when page > @boundary_page
return over_boundary_offsets(page, a, b)
def before_boundary_offsets(page, a, b)
{}.tap do |h|
h[a.offset_key] = a.line_offset(page)
h[a.limit_key] = (page == a.last) ? a.line_at_last : a.line_of_page
h[b.offset_key] = b.line_offset(page)
h[b.limit_key] = (page == b.last) ? b.line_at_last : b.line_of_page
def on_boundary_offsets(page, a, b)
{}.tap do |h|
h[a.offset_key] = a.line_offset(page)
h[a.limit_key] = a.line_at_last
h[b.offset_key] = b.line_offset(page)
h[b.limit_key] = b.line_of_page + (a.line_of_page - a.line_at_last)
def over_boundary_offsets(page, a, b)
line_at_last_of_boundary = b.line_offset(@boundary_page + 1)
line_at_last_of_boundary += (a.mod_line == 0 ? 0 : a.line_at_last)
line_of_over_boundary = (page - 1 - @boundary_page) * MAX
{}.tap do |h|
h[a.offset_key] = nil
h[a.limit_key] = nil
h[b.offset_key] = line_at_last_of_boundary + line_of_over_boundary
h[b.limit_key] = page == @all_page ? @all_line % MAX : MAX
count_a = 105
count_b = 2005
p conditions(1, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(9, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(10, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(11, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(12, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(13, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(69, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(70, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(71, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(72, count_a, count_b)
p '-----'
count_a = 100
count_b = 2000
p conditions(1, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(9, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(10, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(11, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(12, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(13, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(69, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(70, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(71, count_a, count_b)
p conditions(72, count_a, count_b)
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