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A Python example of how to use OAuth on GoodReads
import oauth2 as oauth
import urlparse
url = ''
request_token_url = '%s/oauth/request_token/' % url
authorize_url = '%s/oauth/authorize/' % url
access_token_url = '%s/oauth/access_token/' % url
consumer = oauth.Consumer(key='Your-GoodReads-Key',
client = oauth.Client(consumer)
response, content = client.request(request_token_url, 'GET')
if response['status'] != '200':
raise Exception('Invalid response: %s' % response['status'])
request_token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content))
authorize_link = '%s?oauth_token=%s' % (authorize_url,
print authorize_link
accepted = 'n'
while accepted.lower() == 'n':
# you need to access the authorize_link via a browser,
# and proceed to manually authorize the consumer
accepted = raw_input('Have you authorized me? (y/n) ')
token = oauth.Token(request_token['oauth_token'],
client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)
response, content = client.request(access_token_url, 'POST')
if response['status'] != '200':
raise Exception('Invalid response: %s' % response['status'])
access_token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content))
# this is the token you should save for future uses
token = oauth.Token(access_token['oauth_token'],
# As an example, let's add a book to one of the user's shelves
import urllib
client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)
# the book is: "Generation A" by Douglas Coupland
body = urllib.urlencode({'name': 'to-read', 'book_id': 6801825})
headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
response, content = client.request('%s/shelf/add_to_shelf.xml' % url,
'POST', body, headers)
# check that the new resource has been created
if response['status'] != '201':
raise Exception('Cannot create resource: %s' % response['status'])
print 'Book added!'
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