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Created August 18, 2020 14:22
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🙌 Week 12 - Day 1

Class duration: 180 min

Setup (reflects to all the lessons):

  • No additional setup required


  • Axios | GET Request - restcountries part (45 min)
  • Break 1 (10 min)
  • Axios | GET Request - stock-chart part (30 min)
  • Break 2 (10 min)
  • Recap (10 min)
  • LAB | Financial data graphing (GET only) (75 min + HW)
  • [EXTRA] Google maps

Learning objectives:

Students will learn about Axios GET request and how to fetch data from the 3rd party APIs.

After today's class, students will be able to:

  1. know how to use Axios library to make HTTP GET requests to the 3rd party APIs,
  2. be able to use data received from web APIs in your app.

  • Sample Code provided below

PART 1 - restcountries api (45 min)

[I DO] Lesson (20 min)

  • Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for JS which can be used in the frontend (in browsers) and backend (Node) applications.
  • Install via NPM npm i axios or using CDN <script src=""></script>
  • A standard Axios call for any HTTP request is a method axios() that receives a JavaScript object that specifies different options of the request.
  method: 'The HTTP method (verb) we are going to use, e.g. GET, POST, PUT, etc.',
  url: 'The url the server is going to receive.',
  params: 'URL parameters to be sent with the request'
  .then(response => {
    // Here we can do something with the response object
  .catch(err => {
    // Here we catch the error
  • Mostly, we will be using a bit shorter and cleaner syntax:
.then(reponseFromApi => /* do something with response */)
.catch(error => /* do something with the error */)
  • restcountries api example - sample code
    • explain available endpoints (one or two),
    • then explain the Postman and how to use it,
    • then develop code example.

[YOU DO] Check for understanding (15 min)

[WE DO] Review (10 min)

Review, Q&A, and takeaways.

Break 1 (10 min)

PART 2 - stock-chart

[I DO] Lesson (30 min)

[YOU DO] Check for understanding (--)

  • Students will practice in the lab.

[WE DO] Review (--)

Review, Q&A, and takeaways.

Break 2 (10 min)

Recap (10 min)

At a high-level review:

  • Axios library allows us to handle asynchronous JS calls to servers. Axios make the promise-based HTTP requests to any server. This server could be our server or any remote server.
  • The GET Axios request: axios.get(endpointUrl).
  • Axios allow us to update DOM without refreshing the page.

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