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Created November 21, 2012 03:24
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Save sandro-pasquali/4122813 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
nrmp in php
class Match {
public $candidatearray;
public $programarray;
public function __construct($candidatearray, $programarray) {
$this->candidatearray = $candidatearray;
$this->programarray = $programarray;
} // function __construct
public function RunMatch() {
// go through each candidate
for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->candidatearray); $x++) {
} // go through each candidate
} // function RunMatch
public function PrintResult() {
echo "\n\n";
echo "FINAL PROGRAM MATCHLIST\n------------------------------\n";
// go through each program
for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->programarray); $x++) {
echo $this->programarray[$x]->name . ": ";
// go through program's tentmatcharray and print matched candidates
for ($y = 0; $y < count($this->programarray[$x]->tentmatcharray); $y++) {
echo $this->programarray[$x]->tentmatcharray[$y]->name;
echo "(" . (array_search($this->programarray[$x]->tentmatcharray[$y], $this->programarray[$x]->ranklist) + 1) . ") ";
} // go through each program's tentmatcharray
echo "\n";
} // go through each program
echo "\n\n";
echo "FINAL CANDIDATE RESULTS\n------------------------------\n";
// go through each candidate
for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->candidatearray); $x++) {
echo $this->candidatearray[$x]->name . ": ";
if ($this->candidatearray[$x]->tentmatch == null)
echo "Unmatched";
else {
echo $this->candidatearray[$x]->tentmatch->name;
echo "(" . (array_search($this->candidatearray[$x]->tentmatch, $this->candidatearray[$x]->ranklist) + 1) . ")";
echo "\n";
} // go through each candidate
} // function PrintResult
} // class Match
class Candidate {
public $name;
public $ranklist;
public $tentmatch;
public $matchresult;
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
//echo "Candidate: $this->name\n";
} // function __construct
public function FindMatch() {
// go through ranklist starting from the beginning
for ($i=0; $i< count($this->ranklist); $i++) {
echo $this->name . " seeks match at " . $this->ranklist[$i]->name;
echo " (ranked " . ($i + 1) . " by " . $this->name . ").\n";
// run Match
$this->matchresult = $this->ranklist[$i]->TryMatch($this);
// if candidate is able to find a match at the program, add to tentmatch
if ( (get_class($this->matchresult) == "Candidate") || ($this->matchresult === true) ) {
echo $this->name . " tentatively matched with " . $this->ranklist[$i]->name . ".\n\n";
$this->tentmatch = $this->ranklist[$i];
// if popped candidate is returned
if (get_class($this->matchresult) == "Candidate") {
echo "Finding new match for " . $this->matchresult->name . ".\n";
// reset tentmatch for candidate
$this->matchresult->tentmatch = null;
// find match for popped candidate
} // if popped candidate is returned
return true;
} // if candidate is able to find a match at the prorgram...
// else, if the match result is false...
else if ($matchresult === false) {
echo $this->name . " not matched at " . $this->ranklist[$i]->name . ".\n\n";
} // else if matchresult is false
} // go through ranklist starting from beginning
echo "Reached end of $this->name's ranklist, $this->name remains unmatched.\n\n";
} // function FindMatch
} // class Candidate
class Program {
public $spots;
public $tentmatcharray;
public $ranklist;
public $tentmatchlast;
public $poppedcandidate;
public $lowestmatchrank;
public function __construct($name, $spots) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->spots = $spots;
} // function __construct
public function TryMatch($candidate) {
// if candidate is not on program's ranklist, reject candidate
if (in_array($candidate, $this->ranklist) == false) {
echo "$candidate->name is not on $this->name's ranklist. $candidate->name not matched at $this->name.\n\n";
return false;
} // reject is candidate is not on program's ranklist
// otherwise, candidate is on program's ranklist
echo "$candidate->name is ranked " . (array_search($candidate, $this->ranklist)+1) . " on $this->name's ranklist.\n";
echo "$this->name has $this->spots total spots, " . count($this->tentmatcharray) . " of which are tentatively taken.\n";
// if ranklist is empty or has empty spaces
if ( ($this->tentmatchlast == null) || (count($this->tentmatcharray) < $this->spots) ) {
// add candidate to program's tentmatcharray
return true;
} // if ranklist is empty or has open spaces
// else if program spots are full and candidate is ranked higher than the lowest ranked candidate currently matched
else if (
(count($this->tentmatcharray) == $this->spots) &&
(array_search($candidate, $this->ranklist) < array_search($this->tentmatchlast, $this->ranklist))
) {
echo "$candidate->name is ranked higher by $this->name than " . $this->tentmatchlast->name . ".\n";
return $this->poppedcandidate;
} // if program spots are full and candidate is ranked higher by program than program's current last place candidate
// else match not made
else {
echo "$candidate->name ranked too low on $this->name's ranklist. $candidate->name not matched at $this->name.\n\n";
return false;
} // else match not made, return false
} // function TryMatch
public function RemoveLastPlaceCandidate() {
array_splice($this->tentmatcharray, array_search($this->tentmatchlast, $this->tentmatcharray), 1);
echo $this->tentmatchlast->name . " removed from " . $this->name . "'s tentative match list.\n";
$this->poppedcandidate = $this->tentmatchlast;
//$this->tentmatchlast = null;
public function ResetTentMatchLast() {
$this->tentmatchlast = $this->tentmatcharray[0];
$this->lowestmatchrank = array_search($this->tentmatcharray[0], $this->ranklist);
// loop through tentmatcharray
for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->tentmatcharray); $i++) {
// if tentmatcharray's nth element's ranking is higher
if (array_search($this->tentmatcharray[$i], $this->ranklist) > $this->lowestmatchrank) {
$this->tentmatchlast = $this->tentmatcharray[$i];
$this->lowestmatchrank = array_search($this->tentmatcharray[$i], $this->ranklist);
} // if
} // for
echo $this->tentmatchlast->name . " is the lowest ranking candidate on " . $this->name . "'s ranklist.\n";
} // FindLastPlaceTentMatchCandidate
public function AddToTentMatchArray($candidate) {
// add candidate to program's tentmatcharray
$this->tentmatcharray[] = $candidate;
echo "$candidate->name added to $this->name's tentative match list.\n";
// return true;
} // function AddToTentMatchArray
public function PrintTentMatchArray() {
echo "$this->name's tentative match list: ";
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->tentmatcharray); $i++) {
echo " " . $this->tentmatcharray[$i]->name;
echo "(" . (array_search($this->tentmatcharray[$i], $this->ranklist) + 1). ")";
} // for each item in tentmatcharray
echo "\n";
return true;
} // function PrintTentMatchArray
} // class Program
// initialize candidates, programs and respective ranklist objects
$candidates[0] = new Candidate("Anderson");
$candidates[1] = new Candidate("Brown");
$candidates[2] = new Candidate("Chen");
$candidates[3] = new Candidate("Davis");
$candidates[4] = new Candidate("Eastman");
$candidates[5] = new Candidate("Ford");
$candidates[6] = new Candidate("Garcia");
$candidates[7] = new Candidate("Hassan");
$programs[0] = new Program("Mercy", 2);
$programs[1] = new Program("City", 2);
$programs[2] = new Program("General", 2);
$programs[3] = new Program("State", 2);
$candidates[0]->ranklist = array($programs[1]);
$candidates[1]->ranklist = array($programs[1], $programs[0]);
$candidates[2]->ranklist = array($programs[1], $programs[0]);
$candidates[3]->ranklist = array($programs[0], $programs[1], $programs[2], $programs[3]);
$candidates[4]->ranklist = array($programs[1], $programs[0], $programs[3], $programs[2]);
$candidates[5]->ranklist = array($programs[1], $programs[2], $programs[0], $programs[3]);
$candidates[6]->ranklist = array($programs[1], $programs[0], $programs[3], $programs[2]);
$candidates[7]->ranklist = array($programs[3], $programs[1], $programs[0], $programs[2]);
$programs[0]->ranklist = array($candidates[2], $candidates[6]);
$programs[1]->ranklist = array($candidates[6], $candidates[7], $candidates[4], $candidates[0], $candidates[1], $candidates[2], $candidates[3], $candidates[5]);
$programs[2]->ranklist = array($candidates[1], $candidates[4], $candidates[7], $candidates[0], $candidates[2], $candidates[3], $candidates[6]);
$programs[3]->ranklist = array($candidates[1], $candidates[4], $candidates[0], $candidates[2], $candidates[7], $candidates[5], $candidates[3], $candidates[6]);
// run program
$a = new Match($candidates, $programs);
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