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Created September 24, 2012 18:06
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Notes for Scala functional programming coursera
  • if CBV terminates, then so does CBN - since CBN will evaluate less than or equal parameters than CBV
  • CBV avoids repeated recomputation of values
  • force scala to do CBN, by defining def fun(x:Int, y:=>Int)
  • disjunction and conjunction (&& and ||) are short-circuit operators - the right side will only be evaluated in certain cases.
  • in certain cases like
      return 1
    there is an error Scala: type mismatch; found : Unit required: Boolean
    • this happens because you have to have an else clause, otherwise the type checker doesn't know what the return type is when it's not the case
  • return fn(a-1) is tail recursive but return n * fn(a-1) is not
    • import scala.annotation.tailrec and @tailrec annotation is a good way of verifying whether a function is tail-recursive
  • val vs var : val is immutable, while var is mutable.
  • create a function returnin new object with some activity def addRational(r:Rational, s:Rational):Rational = new Rational(r.num*s.num, r.den*s.den)
  • override def toString = num + "/" + den
  • Instead of using a mutable variable, try making the variable a function parameter. If it isn't already a parameter of the function, define a function inside it that has the parameter and use recursion inside that function to change the value of the parameter. *return statement in a closure does not look like a return statement: it's hard to understand which function should return, the closure in progress — or the main one?


##define a function taking another function as input

def sum(f: Int => Int)

define a function returning another function

def sum(x:Int): Int => Boolean = ...


type RetType = Int => Boolean
def sum(x:Int): RetType = ...

function taking in a function and returning another function

NOTE: this function starts from a to b

def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = {
 def sumF(a:Int, b:Int):Int = {
   if(a>b) return 0
   else f(a) + sumF(a+1, b)


def sum2(f:Int=>Int)(a:Int, b:Int): Int = {
 if(a>b) return 0
   else f(a) + sum2(f)(a+1, b)

NOTE: the first bracket (f:Int=>Int) is the parameters of the upper function and the second bracket (a:Int, b:Int) is actually the formal parameters of the inner function. Return parameters of the whole function is the return parameter of the inner (returning) function.

general definition of function argument lists

def f (args1)(args2)...(argsn) =E is actually def f(args1)(args2)...(argsn-1) = {def g(argsn) = E; g} or in terms of anonymous functions

def f(args1)(args2)...(argsn-1) = (argsn => E)

Expanding : def f = (args1 => (args2 => (args3 => ... (argsn => E))))


sumC = sum(x=>x*x*x)


def cube(x:Int):Int = {


  if (a>b) return zero
  else combine( f(a), mapreduce(f,combine,zero)(a+1,b))

```sum(f:Int => Int)(a:Int, b:Int):Int = mapreduce(f, (x,y)=>x*y, 0)(a,b) ```
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