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Last active April 17, 2020 11:42
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Some of the most frequently required Git commands
List of pending commits to be pushed from local to remote repo
git log origin/master..HEAD
git diff origin/master..HEAD
git diff origin/feature_branch..HEAD
Branch commands:
git branch list all the branches in the local machine
git branch -a list all the branches (local + remote)
git branch -av list all the branches (local + remote) with comments
git checkout -b <branch> <from> create a branch <branch> from <from>
Creating a feature branch (from integration) and pushing it to remote repo:
git checkout integration
git checkout -b feature_branch integration
git push origin <branch>
Remove untracked branches in the remote repo:
git fetch --prune
Remove untracked files and dirs:
git clean -f -d --dry-run do a dry run before to see the list of affected files/dirs
git clean -f clean untracked files
git clean -d -f clean untracked files and directories
git ls-files list only the tracked files
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