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Last active July 13, 2023 15:36
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  • Save sangheestyle/6d9905450b6cc68a990c637e1a64cffa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sangheestyle/6d9905450b6cc68a990c637e1a64cffa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using ORT for dependency graph

Requirements should be installed manually. For example, pip install git+ should be required for generating dependency graph for python.

$ ./cli/build/install/ort/bin/ort requirements

After installation, analyze will generate dependency graph for python, node, and etc.

$ ./cli/build/install/ort/bin/ort --info analyze -f JSON -i ../test-oss-analyzer -o ../analyzer

Please find dependency_graphs in analyzer-result.json for checking dependency_graphs. PIP(python) and PNPM(node) are there for this turn.

Info: Here is the output of ort requirements on my local.

% ./cli/build/install/ort/bin/ort requirements                        (main)ort
/        \_______   \__    ___/ The OSS Review Toolkit, version dc870389cd.
|    |   | |       _/ |    |
|    |   | |    |   \ |    |    Running 'requirements' as 'sanghee' under Java 16.0.1 on Mac OS X
\________/ |____|___/ |____|    with 10 CPUs and a maximum of 8192 MiB of memory.

Environment variables:
ORT_CONFIG_DIR = /Users/sanghee/.ort/config
ORT_DATA_DIR = /Users/sanghee/.ort
SHELL = /bin/zsh
TERM = xterm-256color

Looking for ORT configuration in the following file:
	/Users/sanghee/.ort/config/config.yml (does not exist)

	- Askalono: Requires 'askalono' in no specific version. Tool not found.
	- BoyterLc: Requires 'lc' in no specific version. Tool not found.
	- Licensee: Requires 'licensee' in no specific version. Tool not found.
	- ScanCode: Requires 'scancode' in version >=3.0.0. Tool not found.

	- Bower: Requires 'bower' in version >=1.8.8. Tool not found.
	* Cargo: Requires 'cargo' in no specific version. Found version 1.57.0.
	* CocoaPods: Requires 'pod' in version >=1.11.0. Found version 1.12.1.
	- Composer: Requires 'composer' in version >=1.5.0. Tool not found.
	- Conan: Requires 'conan' in version >=1.18.0. Tool not found.
	- GoDep: Requires 'dep' in no specific version. Tool not found.
	* GoMod: Requires 'go' in version >=1.19.0. Found version 1.20.5.
	* Npm: Requires 'npm' in version >=6.0.0 and <9.0.0. Found version 8.19.4.
	- Pipenv: Requires 'pipenv' in version >=2018.10.9. Tool not found.
	+ Pnpm: Requires 'pnpm' in version >=5.0.0 and <8.0.0. Found version 8.4.0.
	- Poetry: Requires 'poetry' in no specific version. Tool not found.
	- Pub: Requires 'dart' in version >=2.10.0. Tool not found.
	- Sbt: Requires 'sbt' in version >=0.13.0. Tool not found.
	* Spm: Requires 'swift' in no specific version. Found version 5.8.1.
	- Stack: Requires 'stack' in version >=2.1.1. Tool not found.
	- Yarn: Requires 'yarn' in version >=1.3.0 and <1.23.0. Tool not found.

	* Git: Requires 'git' in version >=2.29.0. Found version 2.40.0.
	- GitRepo: Requires 'repo' in no specific version. Tool not found.

Other tools:
	- MercurialCommand: Requires 'hg' in no specific version. Tool not found.
	- NuGetInspector: Requires 'nuget-inspector' in no specific version. Tool not found.
	* PythonInspector: Requires 'python-inspector' in version >=0.9.2. Found version 0.9.7.

Prefix legend:
	- The tool was not found in the PATH environment.
	+ The tool was found in the PATH environment, but not in the required version.
	* The tool was found in the PATH environment in the required version.

ScanCode license texts not found.

Not all tools were found in their required versions.


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"curations" : [ ]
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