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Last active April 26, 2019 13:13
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object Solution extends App {
def solve (number:String) = {
var bigNum = "".toList;
var smallNum = "".toList;
number.foreach( c => {
if(c == '4') {
bigNum = '1' :: bigNum;
smallNum = '3' :: smallNum
} else {
bigNum = c :: bigNum
smallNum = '0' :: smallNum
bigNum = bigNum.reverse
smallNum = smallNum.reverse.dropWhile(c => c == '0')
(bigNum.mkString, smallNum.mkString);
val n = readInt()
for( a <- 1 to n){
val input = readLine()
val (output1, output2) = solve(input)
println( f"Case #$a: $output1 $output2");
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