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Created February 3, 2011 13:57
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//// Two player example
TrueskillCalc trueskillCalc = new TrueskillCalc();
// or, to use non-default gameInfo
TrueskillCalc trueskillCalc = new TrueskillCalc(GameInfo gameInfo);
Rating playerRating1 = trueskillCalc.newDefaultRating();
Rating playerRating2 = new Rating(mean, stdDev);
// player1 wins, player2 comes second
trueskillCalc.updateRatings(playerRating1, 1, playerRating2, 2);
// Note, there are multiple overloaded implementations of TrueskillCalc.updateRatings()
// In this case, we use updateRatings(Player a, int aResult, Player b, bResult) - and
// this contains code specific to a one-on-one game (like TwoPlayerTrueSkillCalculator)
// Note also that the Ratings are updated in-place. This is more efficient and probably
// in-keeping with the most common use-cases. Rating should implement a clone()
// method, so that they can be copied before giving them to updateRatings() if the
// caller needs to keep the original around.
//// Two teams with 2 players in the first team, and 3 players in the second
// Team implements the List<Rating> interface
Team team1 = Team.create(playerRating1, playerRating2);
Team team2 = Team.create(playerRating3, playerRating4, playerRating5);
trueskillCalc.updateRatings(team1, 1, team2, 2);
//// What about multiple players? We use a map
// ("Maps" is a utility class provided by Google's guava-libraries)
// Here, player1 wins, and player2 and player3 tie for second place
Map<Rating, Integer> gameResults = Maps.newHashMap();
Rating playerRating1 = ...
gameResults.put(playerRating1, 1);
Rating playerRating2 = ...
gameResults.put(playerRating2, 2);
Rating playerRating3 = ...
gameResults.put(playerRating3, 2);
// HOWEVER, we can't use another overloaded implementation of our updateRatings() to do the
// same with teams because of a limitation of Java's generics, so we do this:
Map<Team, Integer> gameResults = Maps.newHashMap();
// .. create the teams and add them to gameResults
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