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Last active March 22, 2024 03:50
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Scaler topics site - generate timestamps, empty note files
* Raw name to simpler name (for markdown file)
function nameToHypenName(name) {
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* [{ title, videos: [ {title, duration} ]}]
* Generate time file
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video.title || video.test_name
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* [{ title, videos: [ {title, duration} ]}]
* Generate files
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child_process.execSync(`touch ${file};`);
child_process.execSync(`cd ..`);
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test_name: "Challenge 14 - DBMS",
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title: "Transactions and Concurrency Control",
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title: " Model of a computer for transactions \u0026 concurrency",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
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title: " ACID properties \u0026 Concurrency",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
duration: "50:00",
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slug: 522,
title: " Problems due to Concurrency",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
duration: "40:59",
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slug: 523,
title: " Recoverability of Schedules",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
duration: "49:47",
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slug: 524,
title: " Serializability of Schedules -Conflict Serializability",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
duration: "45:44",
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slug: 525,
title: " View Serializability",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
duration: "28:15",
order: 7,
type: "Video",
slug: 526,
title: " Lock based concurrency control",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
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slug: 527,
" Time stamp based protocols + Deadlock and Starvation prevention",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
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slug: 528,
title: " Thomas Write Rule",
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title: "File Structure (B and B+ Trees)",
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total_time: "2h 6m",
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title: " Files and Indexing: introduction",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
duration: "45:47",
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title: " B-Trees and B+ Trees with examples",
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slug: 531,
title: " More Solved Problems",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
duration: "09:08",
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type: "Video",
slug: 532,
title: " Terminology related to Indexes",
published_at: "2022-10-06T08:46:28.000Z",
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status: "current",
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// Run
// console.log(generateDurationFileContent(data));
// generateFiles(data)
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