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Created December 23, 2023 14:36
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SATySFi で Tikz ライクなお絵描きを実現する構想
@require: stdjareport
@require: list
@require: color
@require: base/length
@require: base/tuple
@require: xpath/xpath
@require: xpath/util
@require: xpath-gr/gr
% @require: debug-show-value/debug-show-value
% type declarations
type context = (|
line-width : length;
draw-color : color;
inner-sep : length;
precision : length; % precision for calculating intersections
type node = Node of (|
position : point;
border : context -> point -> XPath.t;
content: graphics;
% style: ctx -> ctx
type edge = Edge of (|
from: node;
to: node;
shorten: point * point;
% style: ctx -> ctx
type picture = (|
nodes: node list;
edges: edge list;
context: context;
% default context
let default-context = (|
line-width = 1pt;
draw-color =;
inner-sep = 2pt;
precision = 0.1pt;
let draw ctx path =
XPath.stroke ctx#line-width ctx#draw-color path
% node
let circle ctx r =
fun pt -> pt r
let make-rectangle-border w h d ctx pt =
let inner-sep = ctx#inner-sep in
let shift = (w *' 0.5 +' inner-sep, (h +' d) *' 0.5 +' inner-sep) in
XPathUtil.(XPathGr.rectangle (pt -.. shift) (pt +.. shift))
let make-text-node text-ctx point it =
let ib = read-inline text-ctx it in
let content = draw-text point ib in
let (w,h,d) = get-natural-metrics ib in
let gr = shift-graphics ((w *' -0.5), ((h -' d) *' -0.5)) content in
position = point;
border = make-rectangle-border w h d;
content = gr;
let node-to-path ctx node =
node#border ctx node#position
let node-to-graphics ctx node =
let border = node-to-path ctx node in
let border-gr = draw ctx border in
[ node#content; border-gr ]
% edge
let make-edge from to =
from = from;
to = to;
shorten = (0pt, 0pt);
let shorten (l1, l2) edge =
(| edge with shorten = (l1, l2) |)
let cut-at precision point ppat =
let len = XPath.get-projection-length precision point ppat in
XPath.split precision len ppat
let cut-at-first-point precision point-list ppat =
match point-list with
| [] -> ppat
| point :: _ -> Pair.fst (cut-at precision point ppat)
let cut-until-last-point precision point-list ppat =
point-list |> List.fold-left
(fun ppat point -> Pair.snd (cut-at precision point ppat))
let shorten-prepath precision (l1, l2) ppat =
let l = XPath.get-rough-length precision ppat in
|> XPath.split precision (l -' l2) |> Pair.fst
|> XPath.split precision l1 |> Pair.snd
let edge-to-path ctx edge =
let ppat = XPath.start-path edge#from#position
|> XPath.line-to edge#to#position in
% TODO: Intersections calculation of Xpath seems wrong. Needs debugging the algorithm.
let border-from = node-to-path ctx edge#from in
let border-to = node-to-path ctx edge#to in
let intersects-from = XPath.get-intersections-with ctx#precision ppat border-from in
let intersects-to = XPath.get-intersections-with ctx#precision ppat border-to in
% let _ = display-message ( intersects-from) in
% let _ = display-message ( intersects-to) in
|> cut-until-last-point ctx#precision intersects-from
|> cut-at-first-point ctx#precision intersects-to
|> shorten-prepath ctx#precision edge#shorten
|> XPath.terminate-path
let edge-to-graphics ctx edge =
[ draw ctx (edge-to-path ctx edge) ]
let empty-path =
XPath.start-path (0pt, 0pt) |> XPath.terminate-path
let-rec unite-paths paths =
match paths with
| [] -> empty-path
| x :: [] -> x
| x :: xs -> XPath.unite-path x (unite-paths xs)
let start-picture ctx = (|
nodes = [];
edges = [];
context = ctx;
let add-node node picture =
let nodes = node :: picture#nodes in
(| picture with nodes = nodes |)
let add-edge edge picture =
let edges = edge :: picture#edges in
(| picture with edges = edges |)
let-rec get-graphics-list-bbox grlst =
let nan = 1pt *' (0. /. 0.) in
match grlst with
| [] -> ((nan, nan), (nan, nan))
| x :: [] -> get-graphics-bbox x
| x :: xs -> XPathUtil.concat-bbox (get-graphics-bbox x) (get-graphics-list-bbox xs)
let-inline ctx \picture picture =
let node-graphics = (node-to-graphics picture#context) picture#nodes |> List.concat in
let edge-graphics = (edge-to-graphics picture#context) picture#edges |> List.concat in
let all-graphics = List.append node-graphics edge-graphics in
let bbox = get-graphics-list-bbox all-graphics in
let ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = bbox in
let h = y2 -' y1 in
let w = x2 -' x1 in
let d = 0pt in
inline-graphics w h d (fun (x,y) -> all-graphics |> (shift-graphics (x -' x1, y -' y1)))
document (|
title = {Graphics test};
author = {sankantsu};
|) '<
+p {
foo \picture(
let text-ctx = get-initial-context 100000cm (command \math) in
let r = 10pt in
let node1 = make-text-node text-ctx (0pt, 0pt) {This is a test} in
let node2 = make-text-node text-ctx (100pt, 30pt) {fgh} in
let node3 = make-text-node text-ctx (30pt, -50pt) {Another node} in
let edge1 = make-edge node1 node2 in
let edge2 = make-edge node1 node3 in
start-picture default-context
|> add-node node1
|> add-node node2
|> add-node node3
|> add-edge edge1
|> add-edge edge2
); bar
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