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Created October 12, 2012 21:25
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The world gist
Feature: Mailing Wizard
In order to send a Mailing
As an Administrator
I need to be able to create a Mailing
Scenario: Check the first tab has fields
Given I am on the Mailing Wizard
When I am on the first tab
Then I should see a "Mailing Name" input
And I should see a "Description" input
And I should see a "Campaign" drop down
And I should see a "Planned Launch Date" input
And I should see a "Mailing Priority" drop down
And I should see a "Next" button
And halt the test
Scenario: Write an actual test case
Given I am on the Mailing Wizard
When I am on the first tab
And the following data is filled in
| SMA-MAILING-NAME | Cucumber Mailing | Text |
| SMA-MAILING-DESCRIPTION | A lengthy description for my mailing | Text |
| Campaign | c1 | Select |
| Planned Launch Date | Thursday Oct 18, 2012 | Date |
| Mailing Priority | Normal | Select |
And I click on the "SMA-MAILING-SAVE" button
Then I should not see a validation error
#And halt the test
var soda = require("soda"),
assert = require("assert"),
util = require("util");
var browser = soda.createClient({
host: 'localhost'
, port: 4444
, url: ''
, browser: 'firefox'
browser.on('command', function(cmd, args){
console.log(' \x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m: %s', cmd, args.join(', '));
var myMailingWizardStepDefinitions = function() {
var world = this.World = require("../support/world.js").World;
function fillInText(name, value) {
return ".runScript(\"(function() {" +
"dojo.query('." + name + "').forEach(function(el) {" +
"dijit.getEnclosingWidget(el).set('value', '" + value + new Date().getTime() + "');" +
"});" +
"} ());\")";
//(function($) {
//$('.' + name.trim() + ' input').val(value.trim())
this.Given(/^I am on the Mailing Wizard$/, function(callback) {
.getEval("window.resizeTo(1280, 1024); window.moveTo(0, 0);")
.type('organization', 'admin')
.type('username', 'admin')
.type('j_password', 'admin')
.waitForTextPresent("Home", 60)
.runScript("(function() {" +
"" +
if (err);
else callback();
this.When(/^I am on the first tab$/, function(callback) {
.runScript("(function($){" +
"$('.wizardList .step:first').click();" +
.waitForTextPresent("Mailing Name")
if (err);
else callback();
this.Then(/^I should see a "([^"]*)" input$/, function(name, callback) {
.waitForTextPresent(name, 60)
.end(function(err) {
if (err);
else callback();
this.Then(/^I should see a "([^"]*)" drop down$/, function(name, callback) {
// express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
.waitForTextPresent(name, 60)
.end(function(err) {
if (err);
else callback();
this.Then(/^I should see a "([^"]*)" button$/, function(name, callback) {
.click('css=.SMA-MAILING-NEXT span span')
//.runScript("(function($) { $('.SMA-MAILING-NEXT').click();}(jQuery)")
.waitForTextPresent("Mailing Recipient Count")
.end(function(err) {
if (err);
else callback();
this.Then(/^halt the test$/, function(callback) {
browser.testComplete(function() {callback()});
this.When(/^the following data is filled in$/, function(table, callback) {
var data = table.raw();
var commands = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var el = data[i];
if (el[2] && el[2].trim() === "Text") {
commands.push(fillInText(el[0], el[1]));
// Must eval this as we can't loop through browser.chain calls.
// The browser calls are asynchronous and it would be too difficult to
// call the callback after determining if the last loop has successfully fired.
// Selenium will also fail if browser.* API calls are made while others are being
// executed
eval("browser.chain" + commands.join("") + ".end(function(err) { if (err) {;} callback()})");
this.When(/^I click on the "([^"]*)" button$/, function(button, callback) {
.waitForElementPresent("css=." + button + " span span", 10)
.click("css=." + button + " span span")
.end(function(err) {
if (err)
else callback()
this.Then(/^I should not see a validation error$/, function(callback) {
// express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
module.exports = myMailingWizardStepDefinitions;
var World = function World(callback) {
exports.World = World;
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