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Created July 11, 2016 05:20
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UITextField extension
import Foundation
extension UITextField {
func containsOnlyNumbers(string: String, maximumDecimalPlaces: NSInteger, maximumValue: NSInteger) -> Bool {
// Check that textfield only contains allowed number of decimal places (this can also be done in regex, but avoiding so that is easier to understand and debug
if string.characters.contains(".") {
if string.componentsSeparatedByString(".").count > 2 {
return false
} else {
let newStringSplitAtDecimal = string.componentsSeparatedByString(".")
if newStringSplitAtDecimal.count > 1 {
let decimalPlaces = newStringSplitAtDecimal.last
if decimalPlaces?.characters.count > maximumDecimalPlaces {
return false
// Check that textfield only contains numbers and decimal (.)
let regularExpression = maximumDecimalPlaces > 0 ? "^[0-9.]*$" : "^[0-9]*$"
do {
let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: regularExpression, options: .CaseInsensitive)
let numberOfMatches = regex.numberOfMatchesInString(string, options: .Anchored, range: NSMakeRange(0, string.characters.count))
if numberOfMatches == 0 {
return false
} catch {
return false
let stringInt = (string as NSString).integerValue
if stringInt > maximumValue {
return false
return true
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