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Created May 23, 2018 05:14
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pcl_1.7.2 error in installation
Script started on Wed 23 May 2018 12:11:26 AM CDT
]0;baxter2@baxter2-Z9PE-D8-WS: ~/pcl-pcl-1.7.2/releasebaxter2@baxter2-Z9PE-D8-WS:~/pcl-pcl-1.7.2/release$ make
[ 3%] Built target pcl_common
[ 4%] Built target pcl_octree
[ 4%] Built target pcl_io_ply
[ 10%] Built target pcl_io
[ 10%] Built target pcl_pcd_convert_NaN_nan
[ 11%] Built target pcl_openni_grabber_depth_example
[ 11%] Built target pcl_openni_grabber_example
[ 11%] Built target pcl_convert_pcd_ascii_binary
[ 11%] Built target pcl_hdl_grabber
[ 12%] Built target pcl_openni_pcd_recorder
[ 12%] Built target pcl_plyheader
[ 12%] Built target pcl_ply2raw
[ 12%] Built target pcl_ply2ply
[ 12%] Built target pcl_ply2obj
[ 12%] Built target pcl_kdtree
[ 13%] Built target pcl_search
[ 16%] Built target pcl_sample_consensus
[ 21%] Built target pcl_filters
[ 26%] Built target pcl_features
[ 28%] Built target pcl_segmentation
[ 32%] Built target pcl_surface
[ 39%] Built target pcl_registration
[ 41%] Built target pcl_recognition
[ 43%] Built target pcl_keypoints
[ 43%] Built target pcl_transform_point_cloud
[ 47%] Built target pcl_visualization
[ 48%] Built target pcl_openni_save_image
[ 48%] Built target pcl_voxel_grid_occlusion_estimation
[ 48%] Built target pcl_virtual_scanner
[ 48%] Built target pcl_mesh_sampling
[ 48%] Built target pcl_registration_visualizer
[ 48%] Built target pcl_obj_rec_ransac_result
[ 48%] Built target pcl_obj_rec_ransac_scene_opps
[ 49%] Built target pcl_obj_rec_ransac_orr_octree_zprojection
[ 50%] Built target pcl_obj_rec_ransac_hash_table
[ 50%] Built target pcl_obj_rec_ransac_model_opps
[ 50%] Built target pcl_vtk2pcd
[ 51%] Built target pcl_obj2pcd
[ 51%] Built target pcl_tiff2pcd
[ 52%] Built target pcl_organized_pcd_to_png
[ 52%] Built target pcl_pcd2png
[ 52%] Built target pcl_png2pcd
[ 53%] Built target pcl_compute_hull
[ 53%] Built target pcl_mls_smoothing
[ 54%] Built target pcl_xyz2pcd
[ 54%] Built target pcl_lum
[ 55%] Built target pcl_ply2vtk
[ 55%] Built target pcl_grid_min
[ 55%] Built target pcl_add_gaussian_noise
[ 55%] Built target pcl_extract_feature
[ 56%] Built target pcl_vfh_estimation
[ 56%] Built target pcl_compute_hausdorff
[ 56%] Built target pcl_obj_rec_ransac_orr_octree
[ 57%] Built target pcl_passthrough_filter
[ 57%] Built target pcl_sac_segmentation_plane
[ 58%] Built target pcl_pcd2vtk
[ 58%] Built target pcl_elch
[ 59%] Built target pcl_pclzf2pcd
[ 59%] Built target pcl_concatenate_points_pcd
[ 59%] Built target pcl_uniform_sampling
[ 60%] Built target pcl_transform_from_viewpoint
[ 60%] Built target pcl_vtk2ply
[ 61%] Built target pcl_boundary_estimation
[ 61%] Built target pcl_obj_rec_ransac_accepted_hypotheses
[ 62%] Built target pcl_local_max
[ 62%] Built target pcl_normal_estimation
[ 62%] Built target pcl_plane_projection
[ 62%] Built target pcl_pcd2ply
[ 63%] Built target pcl_mesh2pcd
[ 63%] Built target pcl_pcd_change_viewpoint
[ 63%] Built target pcl_cluster_extraction
[ 64%] Built target pcl_outlier_removal
[ 65%] Built target pcl_spin_estimation
[ 65%] Built target pcl_voxel_grid
[ 66%] Built target pcl_ply2pcd
[ 67%] Built target pcl_vtk2obj
[ 67%] Built target pcl_fpfh_estimation
[ 67%] Built target pcl_train_linemod_template
[ 67%] Built target pcl_crop_to_hull
[ 67%] Built target pcl_radius_filter
[ 67%] Built target pcl_marching_cubes_reconstruction
[ 68%] Built target pcl_icp
[ 68%] Built target pcl_octree_viewer
[ 68%] Built target pcl_gp3_surface
[ 68%] Built target pcl_icp2d
[ 68%] Built target pcl_ndt2d
[ 69%] Built target pcl_ndt3d
[ 69%] Built target pcl_obj2vtk
[ 70%] Built target pcl_poisson_reconstruction
[ 70%] Built target pcl_demean_cloud
[ 70%] Built target pcl_oni2pcd
[ 70%] Built target pcl_match_linemod_template
[ 70%] Built target pcl_progressive_morphological_filter
[ 70%] Built target pcl_linemod_detection
[ 70%] Built target pcl_fast_bilateral_filter
[ 71%] Built target pcl_morph
[ 71%] Built target pcl_compute_cloud_error
[ 72%] Built target pcl_generate
[ 72%] Built target pcl_hdl_viewer_simple
[ 72%] Built target pcl_timed_trigger_test
[ 73%] Built target pcl_oni_viewer
[ 73%] Built target pcl_pcd_grabber_viewer
[ 73%] Built target pcl_image_grabber_saver
[ 74%] Built target pcl_image_grabber_viewer
[ 74%] Built target pcl_viewer
[ 75%] Built target pcl_openni_image
[ 76%] Built target pcl_pcd_image_viewer
[ 76%] Built target pcl_openni_viewer
[ 76%] Built target pcl_outofcore
[ 77%] Built target pcl_outofcore_viewer
[ 78%] Built target pcl_outofcore_print
[ 78%] Built target pcl_outofcore_process
[ 79%] Built target pcl_example_supervoxels
[ 79%] Built target pcl_example_region_growing
[ 79%] Built target pcl_example_extract_clusters_normals
[ 79%] Built target pcl_example_get_keypoints_indices
[ 79%] Built target pcl_example_sift_z_keypoint_estimation
[ 80%] Built target pcl_example_sift_normal_keypoint_estimation
[ 80%] Built target pcl_example_sift_keypoint_estimation
[ 81%] Built target pcl_example_half_edge_mesh
[ 81%] Built target pcl_example_check_if_point_is_valid
[ 81%] Built target pcl_example_scope_time
[ 81%] Built target pcl_example_organized_point_cloud
[ 82%] Built target pcl_example_copy_point_cloud
[ 82%] Built target pcl_example_get_max_min_coordinates
[ 82%] Built target pcl_example_extract_indices
[ 82%] Built target pcl_example_remove_nan_from_point_cloud
[ 82%] Built target pcl_example_normal_estimation
[ 83%] Built target pcl_example_principal_curvatures_estimation
[ 83%] Built target pcl_example_point_feature_histograms
[ 83%] Built target pcl_example_shape_contexts
[ 83%] Built target pcl_example_difference_of_normals
[ 84%] Built target pcl_example_fast_point_feature_histograms
[ 84%] Built target pcl_example_spin_images
[ 85%] Built target pcl_example_rift_estimation
[ 85%] Built target pcl_example_outofcore_with_lod
[ 86%] Built target pcl_example_outofcore
[ 87%] Built target pcl_tracking
[ 87%] Built target pcl_openni_planar_segmentation
[ 87%] Built target pcl_openni_3d_convex_hull
[ 87%] Built target pcl_pcd_select_object_plane
[ 88%] Built target pcl_pyramid_surface_matching
[ 88%] Built target pcl_ni_agast
[ 88%] Built target pcl_openni_fast_mesh
[ 88%] Built target pcl_openni_feature_persistence
[ 88%] Built target pcl_openni_octree_compression
[ 88%] Built target pcl_pcd_organized_multi_plane_segmentation
[ 88%] Built target pcl_openni_ii_normal_estimation
[ 88%] Generating include/pcl/apps/moc_pcd_video_player.cxx
usr/include/boost/type_traits/detail/has_binary_operator.hp:50: Parse error at "BOOST_JOIN"
apps/CMakeFiles/pcl_pcd_video_player.dir/build.make:66: recipe for target 'apps/include/pcl/apps/moc_pcd_video_player.cxx' failed
make[2]: *** [apps/include/pcl/apps/moc_pcd_video_player.cxx] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:7370: recipe for target 'apps/CMakeFiles/pcl_pcd_video_player.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [apps/CMakeFiles/pcl_pcd_video_player.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:160: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
]0;baxter2@baxter2-Z9PE-D8-WS: ~/pcl-pcl-1.7.2/releasebaxter2@baxter2-Z9PE-D8-WS:~/pcl-pcl-1.7.2/release$ exit
Script done on Wed 23 May 2018 12:11:51 AM CDT
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