- Copy .ssh folder, .zshrc aliases
- VSCode > Upload settings on Settings Sync.
- Paste .ssh folder, .zshrc aliases
- iCloud login restores Desktop, Documents etc.
- Open Safari > Install Chrome
- Chrome Login will sync all the extensions, password, bookmarks
- Install Slack
- Install Notion
- Install Adobe Creative Cloud
- Photoshop CC
- Adobe XD
- Install VSCode
- Install Settings Sync
- Download plugins using Settings Sync: a80e2cd6d6465a9a3bef09497da7d175
- Install iTerm
- Customise iTerm: https://gist.github.com/kevin-smets/8568070
- ☝️That will install Developer tools
- Settings > Appearance > General > Theme > Minimal
- OhMyZsh plugins that I use
- git zsh-autosuggestions laravel npm copyfile copydir common-aliases composer gitignore
- Utilities
- Fix the home / end keys: http://www.evansweb.info/2005/03/24/mac-os-x-and-home-end-keys/
- Keyboard Shortcut to Zoom the current window: Setup Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Cmd + Alt + = to “zoom”
- Dato
- Magnet
- CopyClip
- Install
- homebrew
- Node / npm
- Yarn
- PHP / composer
- PHP 7.3 for Catalina https://stackoverflow.com/a/59446276/213767
- phpMyAdmin
- Install Xcode
- Get simulators
- Install React Native
- Install Flutter
- mkdir ~/projects
- Clone repos