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Last active January 8, 2024 09:49
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  • Save sanmue/f0ed97bed95c7bc7926cc3a88949bd39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sanmue/f0ed97bed95c7bc7926cc3a88949bd39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
starship.toml; 'Starship shell prompt' config file; Variant 2: two line prompt, no background in top line, see screenshot in the comment below for more Info; to remove filling solid line in top row: see comments at the beginning of the toml-file; variant with background in top line:
# Get editor completions based on the config schema
"$schema" = ''
# ~/.config/starship.toml
# ### Variant 2: two line prompt, no background in top line, separators on left side
# *** Borrowed from a design seen in a zsh (should be from
# - No filling solid line in top row:
# Replace '$fill\' with just one character '\' or just completely delete the line that contains '$fill\' further down,
# within the format-block: format = """ ... """.
# - '$line_break': everything from the next line on refers to the second line of the prompt.
# - Some modules listed further down will not show up (all the time), as their default value is 'disabled = true' or
# they are only displayed under certain conditions.
# - Symbols:
# Don't be confused if you see this toml file via web browser on a website, gist, ... and you don't see any "real" symbols further down.
# If Nerd-fonts are already installed on your system (e.g. MesloLG Nerd Font, FiraCode Nerd Font, ...) it should work.
# Customizing the prompt (and placing desired modules at desired position and sequence):
format = """
[ ](fg:#242424)\
# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts:
add_newline = true
# Customization and activation of some modules:
# Listed in the order of their position in the module row above
format = "[$symbol ]($style)[ ]()"
style = "fg:#AAAAAA"
disabled = false
Alpine = ""
Amazon = ""
Android = ""
Arch = ""
CentOS = ""
Debian = ""
DragonFly = "🐉" # ""
Emscripten = "🔗"
EndeavourOS = "" # ""
Fedora = ""
FreeBSD = ""
Garuda = ""
Gentoo = ""
HardenedBSD = ""
Illumos = "🐦"
Linux = ""
Macos = ""
Manjaro = ""
Mariner = ""
MidnightBSD = "🌘"
Mint = ""
NetBSD = ""
NixOS = ""
OpenBSD = "" # ""
OpenCloudOS = "☁️"
openEuler = ""
openSUSE = ""
OracleLinux = "⊂⊃"
Pop = "" # ""
Raspbian = ""
Redhat = ""
RedHatEnterprise = ""
Redox = "🧪"
Solus = "" # " "
SUSE = ""
Ubuntu = ""
Unknown = ""
Windows = ""
format = '[ ](fg:green bold)[$user]($style)[ ]()'
style_user = 'fg:green bold'
style_root = 'fg:red bold'
show_always = false
disabled = false
format = '[$ssh_symbol ](fg:green bold)[$hostname](fg:green bold)[ ]()'
ssh_only = true
ssh_symbol = '' # '⇒' # ' ' # 'fi⇒'
#trim_at = ''
disabled = false
format = '[ ](fg:red bold)[as $symbol]($style)'
style = 'fg:red bold'
symbol = '' # ' ❯ '
disabled = false
format = '[ ](fg:cyan bold)[$read_only]($read_only_style)[$repo_root]($repo_root_style)[$path]($style)'
style = 'fg:cyan bold'
home_symbol = ' ~'
read_only = '' # ' ' # ' ''
read_only_style = 'fg:cyan'
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = '…/'
truncate_to_repo = true
repo_root_format = '[ ](fg:cyan bold)[$read_only]($read_only_style)[$before_root_path]($before_repo_root_style)[$repo_root]($repo_root_style)[$path]($style)[ ]()'
repo_root_style = 'fg:cyan bold'
use_os_path_sep = true
disabled = false
format = '[❯ $symbol $branch(:$remote_branch)]($style)[ ]()'
style = 'fg:#E04D27'
symbol = ''
#ignore_branches = ['master', 'main']
format = '[\($hash$tag\)]($style)[ ]()'
style = 'fg:#E04D27'
commit_hash_length = 8
tag_symbol = '' # ' ''
disabled = false
format = '[\[+$added/]($added_style)[-$deleted\]]($deleted_style)[ ]()'
added_style = 'fg:#E04D27'
deleted_style = 'fg:#E04D27'
disabled = false
# place symbols before '$count'
format = '([$all_status$ahead_behind]($style))'
style = 'fg:#E04D27'
conflicted = '[${count} ](fg:red)'
ahead = '[⇡${count} ](fg:yellow)'
behind = '[⇣${count} ](fg:yellow)'
diverged = '[⇕${ahead_count}⇡${behind_count}⇣ ](fg:yellow)' # ⇕ ↕ ⇳ 󰹹 󰹺 󰧈
up_to_date = '[✓ ](fg:green)'
untracked = '[ﳇ${count} ](fg:red)' # ' ' # '? '
stashed = '[${count} ](fg:#A52A2A)' # '📦 '# ' ' # ' ' # ' ' # ' '
modified = '[󰷉${count} ](fg:#C8AC00)' # '📝' # '! ' #  #  # 
staged = '[${count} ](fg:green)' # '+ '
renamed = '[${count} ](fg:yellow)' # ' ' # '﫦' # ᴂ #  #  #  # ﳳ
deleted = '[﯊${count} ](fg:orange)' # '🗑 ' '- '
disabled = false
format = '[  ](fg:blue bold)[$number$symbol]($style)'
style = 'fg:blue'
symbol = '' # '廒' # '󰜎' # '' # '✦'
symbol_threshold = 1
number_threshold = 4
disabled = false
format = '[  ](fg:purple bold)[$symbol ${ram} ${swap}]($style)'
style = 'fg:purple'
symbol = '﬙ 北' # '﬙ 痢' # '﬙ / 󰾵' # '󰍛 󰾵' # '﬙ 󰾴' # '﬙ 󰾶' # '﬙ 󰾷' '﬙ 󰣂'
threshold = 75
disabled = false
format = '[  $duration ]($style)'
style = 'fg:yellow'
min_time = 500
disabled = false
style = 'fg:#505050'
symbol = ''
format = '[$symbol$status $hex_status  $signal_number-$signal_name ]($style)'
style = 'fg:red'
symbol = ''
disabled = false
format = '[$localipv4 ](fg:green bold)'
ssh_only = true
disabled = false
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sanmue commented Mar 22, 2023


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