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Created June 20, 2024 08:37
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import {
} from "node:fs/promises";
import { basename } from "node:path";
const CJS_DIR = new URL("./dist/cjs", import.meta.url).pathname;
const ESM_DIR = new URL("./dist/es", import.meta.url).pathname;
const stripComments = (content) => {
return content.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*/g, "").trim();
const isTypeScriptDefinition = (content) => {
const stripped = stripComments(content);
const tsDefinitionPattern =
return tsDefinitionPattern.test(stripped);
async function renameFileExtension(path, extension) {
const newPath = path.replace(/\.js$/, extension);
await copyFile(path, newPath);
// Delete old file
await unlink(path);
return newPath;
async function processFile(file, dir) {
const path = `${dir}/${file}`;
if (!file.endsWith(".js")) {
const content = await readFile(path, "utf8");
if (!isTypeScriptDefinition(content)) {
// replace the .js extension with .d.mts or .d.ts if in cjs dir
if (dir === CJS_DIR) {
return await renameFileExtension(path, ".d.ts");
} else {
return await renameFileExtension(path, ".d.mts");
async function transformDTS(files, dir) {
const fileMap = new Map();
for await (const file of files) {
const path = await processFile(file, dir);
if (!path) {
// No match
// We have a new file path, now we need to get the exact fileName and replace all import statements in all files
const fileName = basename(path);
fileMap.set(file, fileName);
// Loop through all files and replace import statements
for (const filename of await readdir(dir)) {
const path = `${dir}/${filename}`;
for (const [old, newName] of Array.from(fileMap.entries())) {
const content = await readFile(path, "utf8");
const newContent = content.replaceAll(old, newName);
if (newContent !== content) {
await writeFile(path, newContent);
await transformDTS(await readdir(CJS_DIR), CJS_DIR);
await transformDTS(await readdir(ESM_DIR), ESM_DIR);
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