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Last active December 17, 2015 15:09
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Static code analysis
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Static code analysis for C/C++,
Grep out the bad codes in the C/C++ file,
The premise is that codes were executable.
Usage: bc_grep <C/C++ file>/<C/C++ dir> <-s> <-p>
'-s' is optional, means simple. Defalut will display bad comments detail.
'-p' is optional, means the first arg is a file with dirs or files list in it"""
__author__ = 'sanpingz ('
import re
import sys
import os
from os.path import join
pattern = (
r'(?:(?s)#\s*if.*?#\s*endif)|(?:/(?:\\\n)?/.*?\n)|(?:(?s)".*?")|((?s)/(?:\\\n)?\*.*?\*(?:\\\n)?/)', # /* code /* code */
r'(?m)^/(?:\\\n)?/.*?(?:\\|\?\?/)\n\s*[\w+\-]+', # // end with backslash
r'\bif\b[ \t]*\([^"(]*?\b\w+\b[ \t]*=(?:[ \t]*!)?[ \t]*\b\w+\b.*?\)', # if(a=b), if(a=!b)
r'\bif\b[ \t]*\([^"(]*?\b\w+\b[ \t]*[><](?:[ \t]*=)?[ \t]*\b\w+\b[ \t]*[><](?:[ \t]*=)?[ \t]*\b\w+\b.*?\)', # if( 0 < a < 5)
reg = map(re.compile, pattern)
num = 0
def register():
return (
def comments(lines, fn, mode):
global num
for tup in reg[0].finditer(lines):
# macro, quota, single, block = tup.groups()
# if not macro and not quota and not single and block:
block =
if block:
cm = block.strip()
if reg[1].search(cm) and reg[2].search(cm):
num += 1
output(fn, cm, lines=lines, mode=mode)
def backslash(lines, fn, mode):
global num
for tup in reg[4].finditer(lines):
num += 1;
block =
output(fn, block, lines=lines, mode=mode)
def carelessif(lines, fn, mode):
global num
count = 0
for line in iter(reg[5].split(lines)):
count += 1
if reg[6].search(line) or reg[7].search(line):
num += 1
output(fn, line.strip(), mode=mode, loc = count)
def process(lines, fn, mode):
for func in register():
func(lines, fn, mode)
def output(fn, block, lines='', mode='-s', loc=0):
if not loc:
loc =, lines).start(0)
loc = lines[:loc].count('\n') + 1
print '%s@[line:%d]' % (fn, loc)
if '-s' == mode:
block = '[' + block +']'
print reg[3].sub('\t', block)
print '='*80
def iscpp(fn):
return reg[-1].search(fn)
def check_file(fn, mode='-s'):
cm = ''
with open(fn) as f:
lines =
if lines:
process(lines, fn, mode)
def check_dir(dn, mode='-s'):
gen = os.walk(dn)
for base, dns, fns in gen:
for fn in fns:
if iscpp(fn):
check_file(join(base, fn), mode=mode)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print __doc__
m = '-d' if '-s' in sys.argv else '-s'
fn = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.isfile(fn):
if '-p' in sys.argv:
with open(fn) as f:
for line in iter(f.readline, ''):
if os.path.isfile(line) and iscpp(line):
check_file(line, mode=m)
elif os.path.isdir(line):
check_dir(line, mode=m)
elif iscpp(fn):
check_file(fn, mode=m)
elif os.path.isdir(fn):
check_dir(fn, mode=m)
if num:
print 'total find: %d' % num
print 'pass'
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