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Last active January 13, 2018 03:04
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Save sanryuu/7676266 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
display-couple-parenthesis Elispの対応するカッコを情報をミニバッファに表示する。
(defvar display-couple-parenthesis-type "token")
(defvar display-couple-parenthesis-process nil)
(defvar display-couple-parenthesis-interval 0.5)
;; 表示を行表示に切り替える
(defun switch-display-couple-parenthesis-line ()
"switch display couple parenthesis type to line"
(setq display-couple-parenthesis-type "line"))
;; 表示をトークン表示に切り替える
(defun switch-display-couple-parenthesis-token ()
"switch display couple parenthesis type to line"
(setq display-couple-parenthesis-type "token"))
;; 対応する括弧とトークンを表示する
(defun display-couple-parenthesis ()
"display couple pre parenthesis
this function is called by timer"
(equal ")" (buffer-substring (point) (+ 1 (point))))
((equal "token" display-couple-parenthesis-type)
(message (couple-parenthesis-token))
((equal "line" display-couple-parenthesis-type)
(message (couple-parenthesis-line))
;; 括弧のカウンターの数を増やす
(defun increment-parenthesis ()
"This function is used when count parenthesis
return: count"
(setq count-parenthesis (+ count-parenthesis 1)))
;; 括弧のカウンターの数を減らす
(defun decrement-parenthesis ()
"This function is used when count parenthesis
return: count"
(setq count-parenthesis (- count-parenthesis 1)))
;; バッファに対して戻りながら"("か")"のカウントを変更する
(defun re-search-parenthesis ()
(let (result)
(re-search-backward "(\\|)" nil t)
(if (equal ")" (match-string 0))
(setq result (increment-parenthesis))
(setq result (decrement-parenthesis)))
;; 対応する括弧のトークンを返す
(defun couple-parenthesis-token ()
(setq current-point (point))
(setq count-parenthesis 1)
(while (< 0 (re-search-parenthesis)))
(setq pre-parenthesis (concat "(" (elisp-current-token)))
(goto-char current-point)
;; 対応する括弧の行を返す
(defun couple-parenthesis-line ()
(let (current-point begin-point end-point line-token)
(setq current-point (point))
(setq count-parenthesis 1)
(while (< 0 (re-search-parenthesis)))
(setq begin-point (point))
(re-search-forward ")\\|\n" nil t)
(forward-char -1)
(setq end-point (point))
(setq pre-parenthesis
(buffer-substring-no-properties begin-point end-point))
(when (equal current-point end-point)
(setq pre-parenthesis (concat pre-parenthesis ")")))
(goto-char current-point)
(defconst elisp-symbol-regexp "[A-Za-z_+-][A-Za-z_0-9\\+-]*)?"
"Regexp matching tag name.")
;; カーソル位置のElisp-tokenを返す
(defun elisp-current-token ()
((looking-at "[A-Za-z_+-]")
(while (looking-at "[A-Za-z_0-9\\+-]")
(forward-char -1))
(forward-char 1))
(while (looking-at "[ \t]")
(forward-char 1))))
(if (looking-at elisp-symbol-regexp)
(match-string-substring 0) nil))
(defun elisp-current-token ()
((looking-at "[A-Za-z_+-]")
(while (looking-at "[A-Za-z_0-9\\+-]")
(forward-char -1))
(forward-char 1))
(while (looking-at "[ \t]")
(forward-char 1))))
(if (looking-at elisp-symbol-regexp)
(match-string-substring 0) nil))
(defun match-string-substring (n)
(buffer-substring (match-beginning n) (match-end n)))
(defun toggle-display-couple-parenthesis-process()
(cancel-timer display-couple-parenthesis-process)
(setq display-couple-parenthesis-process nil))
(setq display-couple-parenthesis-process
(run-with-timer t display-couple-parenthesis-interval
;; スタックを実装することによって回避する必要がある。
;; スタックの実装は試みたが、"のスタック化と"のエスケープと
;; コメント内での括弧の回避をやらないと。
;; 行番号の表示は要検討
;; 行表示の際に、)が来るまで見ているので複数括弧が
;; 行の中にある場合に切れてしまう
;; 行表示の際に、look-atを使っていないからか色表示されない。
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