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Created October 9, 2023 19:49
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Switch between audio profiles on Bluetooth Headset - Linux
# Get the name of the Bluetooth headset
device_name=$(pactl list cards | grep -B 20 "device.form_factor = \"headset\"" | grep "Name" | awk '{print $2}')
# Get the current active profile for the headset
active_profile=$(pactl list cards | grep -A 40 "Name: $device_name" | grep "Active Profile" | cut -d ' ' -f3)
# Toggle between the two profiles
# Complete list of available profiles can be seen by using pactl list cards
if [ "$active_profile" == "a2dp-sink" ]; then
pactl set-card-profile "$device_name" headset-head-unit-msbc
echo "Switched to HSP"
pactl set-card-profile "$device_name" a2dp-sink
echo "Switched to A2DP"
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This assumes you're using BlueZ and pulseaudio (or pipewire-pulse)

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If your headset doesn't have the same profiles, then you'll need to modify the script by using information from pactl list cards.

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sanskar10100 commented Oct 9, 2023

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