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Created February 18, 2024 15:51
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# Function to find all minimal separators of a graph
def find_minimal_separators(G):
separators = []
visited_separators = {}
# Initial iteration
for v in G.vertices():
N_v = set(G.neighbors(v))
S = N_v.union({v})
G_S = G.copy()
connected_components = G_S.connected_components()
for H in connected_components:
N_v = set(G.neighbors(H[0]))
for vertex in H:
N_v = N_v.union(set(G.neighbors(vertex)))
nh = N_v.difference(H)
# Remove duplicates from the separators list
separators = list({tuple(sorted(s)) for s in separators})
print("after initialization, list of minimal separators: ", separators)
# Iteration to get all minimal separators
for entry in separators:
if not visited_separators.get(tuple(sorted(entry)), False):
visited_separators[tuple(sorted(entry))] = True # Mark separator as visited
for x in entry:
Sx = set(entry).union(G.neighbors(x))
G_Sx = G.copy()
connected_components = G_Sx.connected_components()
for H in connected_components:
N_v = set(G.neighbors(H[0]))
for vertex in H:
N_v = N_v.union(set(G.neighbors(vertex)))
nh = N_v.difference(H)
print("final separators: ", separators)
return separators
# Example usage:
# Create a graph (replace this with your actual graph)
G = Graph({1: [2], 2: [1, 3], 3: [2, 4], 4: [5, 3], 5: [4, 6]})
separators = find_minimal_separators(G)
print("final separators: ", separators)
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