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Created June 23, 2010 17:47
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Sample WrittenImages TinderBox Output
#include "cinder/app/AppBasic.h"
#include "cinder/params/Params.h"
#include "cinder/ImageIo.h"
#include "cinder/gl/TileRender.h"
#include "cinder/Utilities.h"
#include "cinder/Rand.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
class SampleApp : public AppBasic {
void prepareSettings(Settings *settings);
void launch( const char *title, int argc, char * const argv[] );
void setup();
void update();
void draw();
void renderTiles( string toFile );
void simulateSketch();
void shutdown();
void keyDown( KeyEvent event );
void mouseDown( MouseEvent event );
void mouseUp( MouseEvent event );
void mouseDrag( MouseEvent event );
void fileDrop( FileDropEvent event );
params::InterfaceGl mParams;
Color mBackgroundColor;
bool mDrawingTiles;
bool mDoBatchRender;
vector<string> mFilenames;
void SampleApp::launch( const char *title, int argc, char * const argv[] )
// providing filename arguments at launch will set mDoBatchRender to true
// setting to true without passing args will batch render the default filenames
mDoBatchRender = false;
for ( int i=1; i != argc; ++i )
string arg = argv[i];
// ignore strange args from osx open command
if( arg.find("-psn_") == 0 )
mFilenames.push_back( arg );
if( mFilenames.size() != 0 )
// we received args, just render to those paths
mDoBatchRender = true;
} else
// create some default filenames for testing
string dir = getHomeDirectory() + "cinder" + getPathSeparator() + "writtenImages" + getPathSeparator() + "Sample" + getPathSeparator();
for( int i=1; i != 5; ++i )
mFilenames.push_back( dir + toString<int>(i) + ".png" );
// launch the app normally
AppBasic::launch( title, argc, argv );
void SampleApp::prepareSettings(Settings *settings)
// make the app fit on screen
// but proportional to the final printed size
settings->setWindowSize( 4080/4, 2720/4 );
void SampleApp::setup()
mDrawingTiles = false;
// I generally find having one of these useful
mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Settings", Vec2i( 200, 400 ) );
mParams.addParam( "Background color", &mBackgroundColor );
if( mDoBatchRender )
// save an image to each supplied path
for ( vector<string>::iterator file = mFilenames.begin(); file != mFilenames.end(); ++file)
renderTiles( *file );
void SampleApp::simulateSketch()
// perhaps loop through a series of updates, perhaps not
// maybe apply some input that acts like your mouse did
// you could reset your application to a blank slate,
// or pile versions on top of each other
// we'll just set the background to a random cool hue
mBackgroundColor = Color( CM_HSV, Rand::randFloat( 0.4f, 0.65f ), 0.8f, 0.7f );
void SampleApp::update()
void SampleApp::draw()
// clear the background
if( mDrawingTiles )
{ // anything special you might need to do for the tiles
// maybe adjust texCoords, not sure
// draw your stuff
if( !mDrawingTiles )
{ // draw interface and things you don't want in your final print
void SampleApp::renderTiles( string toFile )
//4080 x 2720 px image
gl::TileRender tr( 4080, 2720 );
tr.setMatricesWindow(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight());
mDrawingTiles = true;
while( tr.nextTile() ) {
mDrawingTiles = false;
writeImage( toFile, tr.getSurface() );
gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), true );
void SampleApp::mouseDown( MouseEvent event )
void SampleApp::mouseUp( MouseEvent event )
void SampleApp::mouseDrag( MouseEvent event )
void SampleApp::keyDown( KeyEvent event )
switch( event.getChar() ){
case ' ':
renderTiles( mFilenames[0] );
void SampleApp::fileDrop( FileDropEvent event )
void SampleApp::shutdown()
// This line tells Cinder to actually create the application
CINDER_APP_BASIC( SampleApp, RendererGl )
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