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Created March 12, 2015 18:06
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$device = "eth0";
#check if device has an expected ip address
$ifoutput = `ifconfig $device`;
if (!($ifoutput =~ /216.165.108/)) {
$device = "eth1";
$ifoutput = `ifconfig $device`;
die "neither eth0 nor eth1 have right ip\n" if (!($ifoutput =~ /216.165.108/));
print "spreading interrupts for $device\n";
#figure out the list of irqs on $device
$irqoutput = `grep $device /proc/interrupts`;
@lines = split('\n', $irqoutput);
@irqs = ();
foreach $l (@lines) {
@fields = split('\s+', $l);
$num_cpu = 0;
$active = 0;
$irq = 0;
for $f (@fields) {
if ($f =~ /(\d+):/) {
$irq = $1;
}elsif ($f =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$cpu[$num_cpu] = $1;
if ($1 > 100) {
$active = 1;
if (!$total_cpus) {
$total_cpus = $num_cpu;
}else {
die if ($total_cpus != $num_cpu);
if ($active) {
push @irqs, $irq;
print "irqs: @irqs\n";
print "total CPUs: $num_cpu\n";
#figure out how many CPU cores in total, which ones are hyper-threaded together
open FILE, "/proc/cpuinfo" or die "cannot open /proc/cpuinfo\n";
$virtual_id = 0;
$num_phy = 0;
$num_core = 0;
while (<FILE>) {
if (/processor\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
$virtual_id = $1;
}elsif (/physical id\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
$phy_id = $1;
if (($phy_id+1) > $num_phy) {
$num_phy = $phy_id+1;
}elsif (/core id\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
$core_id = $1;
if (($core_id+1) > $num_core) {
$num_core = $core_id+1;
}elsif (/cpu cores\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
print "processor $virtual_id: phy_id $phy_id core_id $core_id\n";
$my_mask = 1 << $virtual_id;
if (!defined($masks{"$phy_id.$core_id"})) {
$masks{"$phy_id.$core_id"} = $my_mask;
$masks{"$phy_id.$core_id"} |= $my_mask;
close FILE;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_phy; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $num_core; $j++) {
$key = "$i.$j";
$mask = $masks{$key};
print "key $key ";
printf '%#x', $mask;
print "\n";
#spread irqs to differen physical cores
$phy_id = 0;
$core_id = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#irqs; $i++) {
$key = "$phy_id.$core_id";
$mask = sprintf("%x", $masks{$key});
print "echo $mask > /proc/irq/$irqs[$i]/smp_affinity\n";
`echo $mask > /proc/irq/$irqs[$i]/smp_affinity`;
if ($core_id >= $num_core) {
$core_id = 0;
die if ($phy_id == $num_phy);
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