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Last active February 17, 2022 06:47
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/* Author: Santhosh Reddy */
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.*;
contract carInsurance {
address addrs = 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4;
address payable insurer = payable(addrs);
uint8 public totalUsers;
uint8 public totalInsureds;
uint8 public totalCoverageRequests;
function balance() public view returns(uint) {
return address(this).balance;
struct user {
uint8 id;
string name;
uint8[] insurances;
mapping(address => user) private users;
struct insured {
uint256 time;
uint256 lastPaid;
uint256 maxCoverage;
uint256 premium;
uint8 period;
uint8 billStatus;
uint8[] coverages;
address addr;
string name;
string carName;
string carNo;
string carPic;
bool status;
mapping(uint8 => insured) private insureds;
struct coverageRequest {
uint8 id;
uint8 amount;
bool status;
string report;
mapping(uint8 => coverageRequest) private coverageRequests;
string[] private carsInsured;
event userSignedIn(address addr);
event insuranceInsured(uint8 id);
event premiumPaid(uint8 id);
event coverageRequestedOrVerified(uint8 id, string action);
event insuranceCovered(uint8 id, uint256 amount);
event fundsWithdrawn(uint256 amount);
modifier onlyInsurer() {
require(msg.sender == addrs, "You aren't the Insurer");
modifier onlyInsured(uint8 id) {
require(insureds[id].addr == msg.sender, "You aren't the Insured");
/* SignIn Function */
function signIn(string memory name) public {
require(users[msg.sender].id == 0, "You have already signedIn");
uint8[] memory x;
users[msg.sender] = user(totalUsers, name, x);
emit userSignedIn(msg.sender);
/* Functions on Insurer */
function withdrawFunds(uint amount) external onlyInsurer {
require(amount < balance, "insufficient balance!");
emit fundsWithdrawn(amount);
function checkPremiums() public onlyInsurer {
uint256 time = block.timestamp/86400;
for (uint8 i=1; i<totalInsureds+1; i++) {
if(time - insureds[i].lastPaid == 365 && insureds[i].billStatus == 0) {
insureds[i].billStatus = 1;
if(time - insureds[i].time > 365+30 && insureds[i].billStatus == 1) {
insureds[i].billStatus = 2;
insureds[i].status = false;
function verifyCoverage(uint8 id, uint8 amount, string memory report) public onlyInsurer {
require(coverageRequests[id].status == false, "The coverage was already verified");
require(amount <= insureds[coverageRequests[id].id].maxCoverage, "the amount is more than the maximum coverage amount");
coverageRequests[id].status = true;
coverageRequests[id].amount = amount;
coverageRequests[id].report = report;
emit coverageRequestedOrVerified(id, "verified");
function getUsers(address addr) public view onlyInsurer returns(user memory) {
return users[addr];
function getInsuredDetails(uint8 id) public view onlyInsurer returns(insured memory) {
return insureds[id];
function getCoverageRequests(uint8 i) public view onlyInsurer returns(coverageRequest memory) {
return coverageRequests[i];
/* Functions of Insureds */
function insurePolicy(uint256 maxCoverage, uint256 premium, string memory carName, string memory carNo, string memory carPic) public payable {
require(users[msg.sender].id != 0, "Please signIn before insuring");
require(msg.value == premium, "Pay the right amount");
bool a = true;
for(uint8 i=0; i<carsInsured.length; i++) {
if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(carsInsured[i])) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(carNo))) {
a = false;
require(a == true, "This car was already Insured");
uint8[] memory x;
insureds[totalInsureds] = insured(block.timestamp/86400, block.timestamp/86400, maxCoverage, premium, 7, 0, x, msg.sender, users[msg.sender].name, carName, carNo, carPic, true);
emit insuranceInsured(totalInsureds);
function payPremium(uint8 id) public payable onlyInsured(id) {
require(insureds[id].billStatus == 1, "You have no premium due");
require(msg.value == insureds[id].premium, "Pay the right amount");
insureds[id].billStatus = 0;
insureds[id].lastPaid = block.timestamp/86400;
emit premiumPaid(id);
function requestCoverage(uint8 id) public onlyInsured(id) {
require(insureds[id].billStatus == 0, "Please clear your current premium due");
coverageRequests[totalCoverageRequests] = coverageRequest(id, 0, false, "");
emit coverageRequestedOrVerified(id, "requested");
function claimCoverage(uint8 id) external onlyInsured(coverageRequests[id].id) {
require(coverageRequests[id].status == true, "the coverage you requested isn'isn't verified yet!");
emit insuranceCovered(coverageRequests[id].id, coverageRequests[id].amount);
function myDetails() public view returns(user memory) {
require(users[msg.sender].id != 0, "You aren't a user");
return users[msg.sender];
function myInsuredDetails(uint8 id) public view onlyInsured(id) returns(insured memory) {
return insureds[id];
function myCoverageRequests(uint8 id) public view onlyInsured(coverageRequests[id].id) returns(coverageRequest memory) {
return coverageRequests[id];
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