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Last active December 25, 2015 09:55
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pH of 40% solution of sodium bisulfite in water (init. pH=7)
from sympy.matrices import Matrix
from sympy import solve, nsolve, symbols, pprint
import numpy as np
from numpy import log10
import timeit
from Tkinter import Text, Tk, END, INSERT
# i C0, gmol/L
# 1 C0_{H2SO3} = 0
# 2 C0_{HSO3(-)} = 5.10E+00
# 3 C0_{SO3(2-)} = 0
# 4 C0_{H3O(+)} = 1.00E-07
# 5 C0_{OH(-)} = 1.01E-07
# 6 C0_{H2O} = 5.54E+01
# 7 C0_{Na(+)} = 5.10E+00
# r1 H2SO3 +H2O<==>H3O(+) +HSO3(-) Kc1*Ce6 = 10^-pKa1 = Ce4*Ce2/Ce1=10^-1.8569852
# r2 HSO3(-) +H2O<==>H3O(+) +SO3(2-) Kc2*Ce6 = 10^-pKa2 = Ce4*Ce3/Ce1=10^-7.171984936
# r3 H2O +H2O<==>OH(-) +H3O(+) Kc3*Ce6^2 = 10^-pKw = Ce4*Ce5=10^-13.99567863
# (Harris)
# Ci = Ci0 + Sum(nu_ij csi_j)
# 1 0 =-Ce1 -xe1 Ce1
# 2 0 =-Ce2 + C02 + xe1 - xe2 Ce2
# 3 0 =-Ce3 + xe2 Ce3
# 4 0 =-Ce4 + C04 + xe1 + xe2 + xe3 Ce4
# 5 0 =-Ce5 + C05 + xe3 Ce5
# 6 0 =-Ce6 + C06 - xe1 - xe2 -2xe3 Ce6
# 7 0 =-Ce7 + C07 Ce7
# 6 0 = Ka1*Ce1 - Ce4*Ce2 xe1
# 7 0 = Ka2*Ce2 - Ce4*Ce3 xe2
# 8 0 = Kw - Ce4*Ce5 xe3
def main():
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,x1,x2,x3 = symbols('C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,x1,x2,x3')
X0 = (0.01,5.08,0.01,1e-7,10**-13.99567863/1e-7,997/(2*1.00794+15.9994),5.10,0,0,0)
X = (C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,x1,x2,x3)
f_0 = (
-C6 -x1 -x2 -2*x3 + 997/(2*1.00794+15.9994),
J = Matrix((
(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0),
(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,+1,-1, 0),
(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,+1, 0),
(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0,+1,+1,+1),
(0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0,+1),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0,-1,-1,-2),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0),
print '\n'
nu_ij = np.matrix([[-1, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, -2], [0, 0, 0]])
print '\n'
J[0:7, 0:7] = -1*np.eye(7).astype(int)
J[0:7, 7:10] = nu_ij
J[7:10, 0:7] = ( \
np.diag(np.power(np.matrix(X[0:7]).T, -1).A1,0) * \
nu_ij * \
np.diag([0:7]).T, nu_ij), 0).A1) \
text2 = pprint(J)
solution = nsolve(f_0, X, X0)
a = np.empty(5,dtype='S20')
a[0] = 'pH =' + '{:.6f}'.format(-log10(float(solution[3])))
a[1] = 'pOH =' + '{:.6f}'.format(-log10(float(solution[4])))
a[2] = 'pH + pOH =' + '{:.6f}'.format(-log10(float(solution[3]))+-log10(float(solution[4])))
a[3] = 'CH2O0 =' + '{:.6f}'.format(float(X0[5]))
a[4] = 'CH2O =' + '{:.6f}'.format(float(solution[5]))
root = Tk()
T = Text(root, height=40, width=30)
for part in a:
print part
T.insert(END, str(part) + '\n')
T.insert(END, 'Solution ' + str(X) + '= \n')
for part in solution:
T.insert(END, str(part)+', \n')
T.delete('end -1 lines',END)
T.delete('end -3 chars',END)
T.delete('end -3 chars',END)
T.insert(END, '\n'*3)
X0 = [0.0111594604012,\
T.insert(END, 'X0 = ' + str(X0))
T.insert(END, '\n'*2+'f(X0) =')
replacements = [(X[i],X0[i]) for i in range(10)]
sum_f_2 = 0
subs_part = 0
for part in f_0:
subs_part = part.subs(replacements)
sum_f_2 += subs_part**2
T.insert(END, '\n'+str(subs_part))
T.insert(END, '\n'*1+'||f(X0)|| =' + str(sum_f_2))
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
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