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Created April 23, 2022 12:15
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Firebase Auth Functions VueJS / VueX / Pathify
// Utilities
import { make } from 'vuex-pathify';
import { isEmpty, capitalize, startCase } from 'lodash';
import { doc, setDoc, updateDoc, serverTimestamp } from 'firebase/firestore';
import {
} from '@firebase/auth';
import { auth, db } from '@/firebase/firebase';
import { store } from '@/store';
import router from '@/router';
const state = {
user: {},
profile: {},
showResendActivationEmail: false,
removeAccountDialog: false,
verifyAccountDialog: false,
const mutations = make.mutations(state);
const actions = {
// Generates a password recovery email.
async accountEmailVerification({ dispatch, state, getters }, code) {
try {
if (getters.isLoggedIn && !getters.verified) {
await applyActionCode(auth, code);
// reloads user object to reflect emailVerified value as true.
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'Your account is now verified', {
root: true,
if (!getters.isLoggedIn) {
await applyActionCode(auth, code);
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'Your account is now verified', {
root: true,
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'Your account is already verified.', {
root: true,
} catch ({ ...error }) {
dispatch('errors/authMessagesSnackbar', error.code, { root: true });
// Generates a password recovery email.
async accountRecovery({ dispatch }, email) {
store.set('loaders/authLoader', true);
try {
await sendPasswordResetEmail(auth, email);
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'Account recovery email sent.', { root: true });
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
} catch ({ ...error }) {
dispatch('errors/authMessagesSnackbar', error.code, { root: true });
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
// Verification of temporary password reset token.
// if valid, the account password will be changed.
async accountRecoveryResetPassword({ dispatch }, { payload }) {
const { oobCode, newPassword } = payload;
store.set('loaders/authLoader', true);
try {
await confirmPasswordReset(auth, oobCode, newPassword);
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'Account password changed.', { root: true });
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
} catch ({ ...error }) {
dispatch('errors/authMessagesSnackbar', error.code, { root: true });
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
// Validates the current account password.
// if valid, the account password will be changed.
async accountResetPassword({ dispatch }, { credentials }) {
store.set('loaders/authLoader', true);
try {
const credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(, credentials.currentPassword);
const authenticated = await reauthenticateWithCredential(auth.currentUser, credential);
await updatePassword(authenticated.user, credentials.newPassword);
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'Account password changed', { root: true });
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
} catch ({ ...error }) {
dispatch('errors/authMessagesSnackbar', error.code, { root: true });
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
// Saves new user profile basic settings.
async updateProfileSettings({ getters, state }) {
const userProfile = doc(db, 'users', getters.userId);
await updateDoc(userProfile, {
// Logout and clear user data objects in Vuex.
async logout({}) {
await signOut(auth);
store.set('authentication/user', {});
store.set('authentication/profile', {});
// Removes the account and then routes the user to the homepage.
async removeAccount({ dispatch }, password) {
try {
store.set('loaders/removeAccountLoader', true);
const credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(, password);
const authenticated = await reauthenticateWithCredential(auth.currentUser, credential);
// Pass authenticated.user for deletion.
await deleteUser(authenticated.user);
store.set('authentication/user', {});
store.set('authentication/profile', {});
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'Account removed, Hope to see you again soon 💚', { root: true });
store.set('loaders/removeAccountLoader', false);
} catch ({ ...error }) {
store.set('loaders/removeAccountLoader', false);
// dispatch('snackbar/snackbarError', 'Incorrect password, try again', { root: true });
// Creates a new user account and routes to profile page.
async signup({ dispatch }, signupForm) {
store.set('loaders/signupLoader', true);
const { email, password } = signupForm;
try {
const userCredential = await createUserWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
const { user } = userCredential;
// Adds a document in a firestore collection.
// doc (Firestore instance, collection name, collection id).
const userDocRef = doc(db, 'users', user.uid);
// User profile fields to be created in db (payload)
const userDocData = {
uid: user.uid,
lastName: signupForm.lastName,
avatar: '',
coverAvatar: '',
dateCreated: serverTimestamp(),
// SetDoc (Firestore, Payload)
// creates the user profile in the db collection.
setDoc(userDocRef, userDocData);
// Set user in Vuex and navigate to the new user profile.
store.set('authentication/user', user);
store.set('loaders/signupLoader', false);
await sendEmailVerification(userCredential.user);
} catch ({ ...error }) {
dispatch('errors/signupMessagesSnackbar', error.code, { root: true });
store.set('loaders/signupLoader', false);
// Login user account, load user profile object and route to profile page.
async login({ dispatch }, loginForm) {
store.set('loaders/authLoader', true);
const { email, password } = loginForm;
try {
const userCredential = await signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
const { user } = userCredential;
store.set('authentication/user', user);
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
} catch ({ ...error }) {
dispatch('errors/authMessagesSnackbar', error.code, { root: true });
store.set('loaders/authLoader', false);
// Re-sends the account activation email.
async resendActivationEmail({ dispatch, getters }, password) {
store.set('loaders/verifyLoader', true);
try {
const userCredential = await signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, getters.userEmail, password);
await sendEmailVerification(userCredential.user);
store.set('loaders/verifyLoader', false);
store.set('authentication/verifyAccountDialog', false);
dispatch('snackbar/snackbarSuccess', 'We sent you an email to activate your account.', { root: true });
} catch ({ ...error }) {
dispatch('errors/authMessagesSnackbar', error.code, { root: true });
store.set('loaders/verifyLoader', false);
const getters = {
// Checks if the user is authenticated.
isLoggedIn: (auth.onAuthStateChanged, (auth) => !isEmpty(auth.user)),
getPasswordComplexity: () => (value) => {
let progress = 0;
// at least one number
if (/\d/.test(value)) {
progress += 20;
// at least one capital letter
if (/(.*[A-Z].*)/.test(value)) {
progress += 20;
// at least a lowercase
if (/(.*[a-z].*)/.test(value)) {
progress += 20;
// more than 5 digits
if (value.length >= 6) {
progress += 20;
// at least one special character
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(value)) {
progress += 20;
return progress;
userId: (state, getters) => {
if (getters.isLoggedIn) return state.user?.uid;
userEmail: (state, getters) => {
if (getters.isLoggedIn) return state.user?.email;
verified: (state, getters) => {
if (getters.isLoggedIn) return state.user?.emailVerified;
// Capitalize the first letter of every word.
fullName: (state) => {
if (state.profile) {
const name = startCase(capitalize(;
const lastName = startCase(capitalize(state.profile.lastName));
return `${name} ${lastName} `;
// Shows first name and first letter of last name.
firstAndShortLast: (state) => {
if (state.profile) {
const name = startCase(capitalize(;
const lastName = startCase(capitalize(state.profile.lastName));
return name && lastName ? `${name} ${lastName[0]}.` : `${name}`;
// returns current user last login date/time.
lastLogin: (state) => state.user?.metadata?.lastSignInTime,
avatar: (state) => state.profile?.avatar,
export default {
namespaced: true,
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