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Santiago León santileortiz

  • Mexico
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santileortiz / gnome_shell_env
Created May 14, 2018 08:26
Script to setup a virtual terminal to be able to run a debug version of gnome-shell in Ubuntu
gnome_session=$(pgrep --full -u $USER gnome-session-binary.*ubuntu)
eval export $(sed 's/\o000/\n/g;' < /proc/$gnome_session/environ | grep DISPLAY)
eval export $(sed 's/\o000/\n/g;' < /proc/$gnome_session/environ | grep XAUTHORITY)
eval export $(sed 's/\o000/\n/g;' < /proc/$gnome_session/environ | grep XDG_SESSION_TYPE)
eval export $(sed 's/\o000/\n/g;' < /proc/$gnome_session/environ | grep DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS)
santileortiz / gist:698adbde7b1af1a1e3299886551aa864
Created January 24, 2018 07:40 — forked from ChickenProp/gist:3194723
The Liang-Barsky algorithm for line-rectangle collisions

The Liang-Barsky algorithm is a cheap way to find the intersection points between a line segment and an axis-aligned rectangle. It's a simple algorithm, but the resources I was pointed to didn't have particularly good explanations, so I tried to write a better one.

Consider a rectangle defined by x_min ≤ x ≤ x_max and y_min ≤ y ≤ y_max, and a line segment from (x_0, y_0) to (x_0 + Δ_x, y_0 + Δ_y). We'll be assuming at least one of Δ_x and Δ_y is nonzero.

Image depicting the situation

(I'm working with Flash, so I'll be using the convention that y increases as you go down.)

We want to distinguish between the following cases:

santileortiz / profiling_commands.txt
Last active October 16, 2018 01:26
Profiling tools
Prints a report containing time spent in each function. Also prints a report on the call graph by
telling for each function how many times was called and by whom, and also how many times it called
each other function.
1. Compile with flag -pg and optimizations.
2. Run executable, file gmon.out will be created.
3. Run $ gprof <path to binary>