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Forked from noxx3xxon/
Created September 8, 2022 18:59
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CFMM Routing Arbitrage Example
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
import itertools
# Problem data
global_indices = list(range(4))
# 0 = TOKEN-0
# 1 = TOKEN-1
# 2 = TOKEN-2
# 3 = TOKEN-3
local_indices = [
[0, 1, 2, 3], # TOKEN-0/TOKEN-1/TOKEN-2/TOKEN-3
[0, 1], # TOKEN-0/TOKEN-1
[1, 2], # TOKEN-1/TOKEN-2
[2, 3], # TOKEN-2/TOKEN-3
[2, 3] # TOKEN-2/TOKEN-3
reserves = list(map(np.array, [
[4, 4, 4, 4], # balancer with 4 assets in pool TOKEN-0, TOKEN-1, TOKEN-2, TOKEN-3 (4 TOKEN-0, 4 TOKEN-1, 4 TOKEN-2 & 4 TOKEN-3 IN POOL)
[10, 1], # uniswapV2 TOKEN-0/TOKEN-1 (10 TOKEN-0 & 1 TOKEN-1 IN POOL)
[1, 5], # uniswapV2 TOKEN-1/TOKEN-2 (1 TOKEN-1 & 5 TOKEN-2 IN POOL)
[40, 50], # uniswapV2 TOKEN-2/TOKEN-3 (40 TOKEN-2 & 50 TOKEN-3 IN POOL)
[10, 10] # constant_sum TOKEN-2/TOKEN-3 (10 TOKEN-2 & 10 TOKEN-3 IN POOL)
fees = [
.998, # balancer fees
.997, # uniswapV2 fees
.997, # uniswapV2 fees
.997, # uniswapV2 fees
.999 # constant_sum fees
# "Market value" of tokens (say, in a centralized exchange)
market_value = [
1.5, # TOKEN-0
10, # TOKEN-1
2, # TOKEN-2
3 # TOKEN-3
# Build local-global matrices
n = len(global_indices)
m = len(local_indices)
A = []
for l in local_indices: # for each CFMM
n_i = len(l) # n_i = number of tokens avaiable for CFMM i
A_i = np.zeros((n, n_i)) # Create matrix of 0's
for i, idx in enumerate(l):
A_i[idx, i] = 1
# Build variables
# tender delta
deltas = [cp.Variable(len(l), nonneg=True) for l in local_indices]
# receive lambda
lambdas = [cp.Variable(len(l), nonneg=True) for l in local_indices]
psi = cp.sum([A_i @ (L - D) for A_i, D, L in zip(A, deltas, lambdas)])
# Objective is to maximize "total market value" of coins out
obj = cp.Maximize(market_value @ psi) # matrix multiplication
# Reserves after trade
new_reserves = [R + gamma_i*D - L for R, gamma_i, D, L in zip(reserves, fees, deltas, lambdas)]
# Trading function constraints
cons = [
# Balancer pool with weights 4, 3, 2, 1
cp.geo_mean(new_reserves[0], p=np.array([4, 3, 2, 1])) >= cp.geo_mean(reserves[0]),
# Uniswap v2 pools
cp.geo_mean(new_reserves[1]) >= cp.geo_mean(reserves[1]),
cp.geo_mean(new_reserves[2]) >= cp.geo_mean(reserves[2]),
cp.geo_mean(new_reserves[3]) >= cp.geo_mean(reserves[3]),
# Constant sum pool
cp.sum(new_reserves[4]) >= cp.sum(reserves[4]),
new_reserves[4] >= 0,
# Arbitrage constraint
psi >= 0
# Set up and solve problem
prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons)
# Trade Execution Ordering
current_tokens = [0, 0, 0, 0]
new_current_tokens = [0, 0, 0, 0]
tokens_required_arr = []
tokens_required_value_arr = []
pool_names = ["BALANCER 0/1/2/3", "UNIV2 0/1", "UNIV2 1/2", "UNIV2 2/3", "CONSTANT SUM 2/3"]
permutations = itertools.permutations(list(range(len(local_indices))), len(local_indices))
permutations2 = []
for permutation in permutations:
current_tokens = [0, 0, 0, 0]
new_current_tokens = [0, 0, 0, 0]
tokens_required = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for pool_id in permutation:
pool = local_indices[pool_id]
for global_token_id in pool:
local_token_index = pool.index(global_token_id)
new_current_tokens[global_token_id] = current_tokens[global_token_id] + (lambdas[pool_id].value[local_token_index] - deltas[pool_id].value[local_token_index])
if new_current_tokens[global_token_id] < 0 and new_current_tokens[global_token_id] < current_tokens[global_token_id]:
if current_tokens[global_token_id] < 0:
tokens_required[global_token_id] += (current_tokens[global_token_id] - new_current_tokens[global_token_id])
new_current_tokens[global_token_id] = 0
tokens_required[global_token_id] += (-new_current_tokens[global_token_id])
new_current_tokens[global_token_id] = 0
current_tokens[global_token_id] = new_current_tokens[global_token_id]
tokens_required_value = []
for i1, i2 in zip(tokens_required, market_value):
min_value = min(tokens_required_value_arr)
min_value_index = tokens_required_value_arr.index(min_value)
print("\n-------------------- ARBITRAGE TRADES + EXECUTION ORDER --------------------\n")
for pool_id in permutations2[min_value_index]:
pool = local_indices[pool_id]
print(f"\nTRADE POOL = {pool_names[pool_id]}")
for global_token_id in pool:
local_token_index = pool.index(global_token_id)
if (lambdas[pool_id].value[local_token_index] - deltas[pool_id].value[local_token_index]) < 0:
print(f"\tTENDERING {-(lambdas[pool_id].value[local_token_index] - deltas[pool_id].value[local_token_index])} TOKEN {global_token_id}")
for global_token_id in pool:
local_token_index = pool.index(global_token_id)
if (lambdas[pool_id].value[local_token_index] - deltas[pool_id].value[local_token_index]) >= 0:
print(f"\tRECEIVEING {(lambdas[pool_id].value[local_token_index] - deltas[pool_id].value[local_token_index])} TOKEN {global_token_id}")
print("\n-------------------- REQUIRED TOKENS TO KICK-START ARBITRAGE --------------------\n")
print(f"TOKEN-0 = {tokens_required_arr[min_value_index][0]}")
print(f"TOKEN-1 = {tokens_required_arr[min_value_index][1]}")
print(f"TOKEN-2 = {tokens_required_arr[min_value_index][2]}")
print(f"TOKEN-3 = {tokens_required_arr[min_value_index][3]}")
print(f"\nUSD VALUE REQUIRED = ${min_value}")
print("\n-------------------- TOKENS & VALUE RECEIVED FROM ARBITRAGE --------------------\n")
net_network_trade_tokens = [0, 0, 0, 0]
net_network_trade_value = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for pool_id in permutations2[min_value_index]:
pool = local_indices[pool_id]
for global_token_id in pool:
local_token_index = pool.index(global_token_id)
net_network_trade_tokens[global_token_id] += lambdas[pool_id].value[local_token_index]
net_network_trade_tokens[global_token_id] -= deltas[pool_id].value[local_token_index]
for i in range(0, len(net_network_trade_tokens)):
net_network_trade_value[i] = net_network_trade_tokens[i] * market_value[i]
print(f"RECEIVED {net_network_trade_tokens[0]} TOKEN-0 = ${net_network_trade_value[0]}")
print(f"RECEIVED {net_network_trade_tokens[1]} TOKEN-1 = ${net_network_trade_value[1]}")
print(f"RECEIVED {net_network_trade_tokens[2]} TOKEN-2 = ${net_network_trade_value[2]}")
print(f"RECEIVED {net_network_trade_tokens[3]} TOKEN-3 = ${net_network_trade_value[3]}")
print(f"\nSUM OF RECEIVED TOKENS USD VALUE = ${sum(net_network_trade_value)}")
print(f"CONVEX OPTIMISATION SOLVER RESULT: ${prob.value}\n")
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