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Last active November 29, 2022 21:59
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tree function for AD OUs and Containers
Hierarchy              ObjectClass
---------              -----------
myDomain               domainDNS
├── Workstations       organizationalUnit
├── SomeOU             organizationalUnit
│   ├── OtherOU1       organizationalUnit
│   └── OtherOU2       organizationalUnit
├── TestOU             organizationalUnit
├── People             organizationalUnit
├── Operations         organizationalUnit
└── Domain Controllers organizationalUnit
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management
using namespace System.Management.Automation
function Get-TreeOrganizationalUnit {
[string] $Identity,
[switch] $IncludeContainer
end {
$filter = "(|(name=$Identity)(samAccountName=$Identity)(distinguishedName=$Identity))"
$object = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter $filter
if(-not $object) {
return $PSCmdlet.WriteWarning("Cannot find an object with Identity: '$Identity'.")
if($object.Count -gt 1) {
$errorRecord = [ErrorRecord]::new(
[Exception] "More than one object found with Identity: '$Identity'. Please use 'DistinguishedName' attribute.",
[string] "AmbiguousResult",
class Tree {
[string] $Hierarchy
[string] $ObjectClass
hidden [int] $Depth
hidden [string] $Base
Tree([ADObject] $Object, [int] $Depth) {
$this.Hierarchy = [Tree]::Indent($Object.Name, $Depth)
$this.ObjectClass = $Object.ObjectClass
$this.Base = $Object.DistinguishedName
$this.Depth = $Depth
static [string] Indent([string] $String, [Int64] $Indentation) {
return "$(' ' * $Indentation)$String"
static [void] DrawTree([object[]] $InputObject, [PSCmdlet] $Cmdlet) {
$corner, $horizontal, $pipe, $connector = '└', '─', '│', '├'
$cornerConnector = "${corner}$(${horizontal}*2) "
foreach($group in $InputObject | Group-Object Depth | Select-Object -Skip 1) {
foreach($item in $group.Group) {
$item.Hierarchy = $item.Hierarchy -replace '\s{4}(?=\S)', $cornerConnector
for($i = 1; $i -lt $InputObject.Count; $i++) {
$index = $InputObject[$i].Hierarchy.IndexOf($corner)
if($index -ge 0) {
$z = $i - 1
while($InputObject[$z].Hierarchy[$index] -notmatch "$corner|\S") {
$replace = $InputObject[$z].Hierarchy.ToCharArray()
$replace[$Index] = $pipe
$InputObject[$z].Hierarchy = [string]::new($replace)
if($InputObject[$z].Hierarchy[$index] -eq $corner) {
$replace = $InputObject[$z].Hierarchy.ToCharArray()
$replace[$Index] = $connector
$InputObject[$z].Hierarchy = [string]::new($replace)
$Cmdlet.WriteObject($InputObject, $true)
$stack = [Stack[Tree]]::new()
$stack.Push([Tree]::new($object, 0))
$param = @{
LDAPFilter = '(objectClass=organizationalUnit)'
SearchScope = 'OneLevel'
if($IncludeContainer.IsPresent) {
$param['LDAPFilter'] = '(|(objectClass=container)' + $param['LDAPFilter'] + ')'
while($stack.Count) {
$target = $stack.Pop()
$param['SearchBase'] = $target.Base
foreach($object in Get-ADObject @param) {
$stack.Push([Tree]::new($object, $target.Depth + 1))
), $PSCmdlet)
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mattcargile commented Nov 29, 2022

I just couldn't get the filter working on this. I think it maybe the extra parens?

P.S. Unit is mispelled. :-)

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santisq commented Nov 29, 2022

I just couldn't get the filter working on this. I think it maybe the extra parens?

P.S. Unit is mispelled. :-)

@mattcargile thanks Matt, didn't even notice the typo. Also messed up with the LDAP Filter while editing it. Thanks for letting me know, should be good now 👍

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Works now! 💯

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