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Forked from indented-automation/Convert-ADFilter.ps1
Last active March 21, 2023 17:59
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using module ActiveDirectory
using namespace System.Reflection
function Convert-ADFilter {
Converts PowerShell-style filters used by the AD module into LDAP filters.
Convert-ADFilter uses the QueryParser from the AD module to convert PowerShell-style filters into LDAP
A connection to Active Directory is required to support a number of the value conversion methods used by
the module. This command only supports default connections at this time.
This command can be used to test filter conversion.
$dn = 'CN=something,DC=domain,DC=com'
$filter = '(name -like "something*" -or name -like "otherthing*") -and member -recursivematch $dn'
Convert-ADFilter -Filter $filter
Generates the LDAP filter (&(|(name=something*)(name=otherthing*))(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=something,DC=domain,DC=com))
$date = Get-Date
Convert-ADFilter -Filter 'lastLogonTimeStamp -lt $date'
When an AD connection is available, generates the date-based filter.
Convert-ADFilter -Filter 'LastLogonDate -lt "01/01/1601"'
When an AD connection is available, generates the date-based filter.
Convert-ADFilter -Filter 'enabled -eq $true'
Generates the LDAP filter (!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))
Convert-ADFilter -Filter 'objectGuid -eq "3af47167-c542-41c2-87cb-7a25032b2dec"'
Generates the LDAP filter (objectGUID=\67\71\F4\3A\42\C5\C2\41\87\CB\7A\25\03\2B\2D\EC)
param (
# The filter to convert.
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)]
[String] $Filter,
# The command name affects the property mapping tables used to convert friendly attribute names into
# AD attribute names.
[String] $CommandName = 'Get-ADUser'
try {
$implementingType = (Get-Command -Name $CommandName -ErrorAction Stop).ImplementingType
$assembly = $implementingType.Assembly
$commandInstance = $implementingType::new()
# SessionState must be set to support variable lookups
GetField('state', 'Instance, NonPublic').
SetValue($commandInstance, $executioncontext.SessionState)
$factory = $implementingType.
GetField('_factory', 'Instance, NonPublic').
try {
# Required to support advanced attribute value type conversions
$cmdletSessionInfo = $implementingType.InvokeMember(
[BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic, InvokeMethod',
} catch {
Write-Debug -Message $_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message
# Limited offline support
$cmdletSessionInfo = $assembly.GetType('Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.CmdletSessionInfo').
[BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic, InvokeMethod',
# Create the SearchFilterConverterDelegate
$convertSearchFilterDelegateType = $assembly.GetType('Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ConvertSearchFilterDelegate')
$convertSearchFilterDelegate = $factory.
GetMethod('BuildSearchFilter', [BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic').
CreateDelegate($convertSearchFilterDelegateType, $factory)
# Create the VariableExpressionConverter
$evaluateVariableDelegateType = $assembly.GetType('Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.EvaluateVariableDelegate')
$evaluateVariableDelegate = $implementingType.
GetMethod('EvaluateFilterVariable', [BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic').
CreateDelegate($evaluateVariableDelegateType, $commandInstance)
$variableExpressionConverterType = $assembly.GetType('Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.VariableExpressionConverter')
$variableExpressionConverter = $variableExpressionConverterType.
GetConstructor('Instance, NonPublic', $null, @($evaluateVariableDelegateType), @()).
} catch {
try {
# QueryParser
$queryParserType = $assembly.GetType('Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.QueryParser')
$queryParser = $queryParserType.GetConstructor(
'Instance, NonPublic',
@([String], $variableExpressionConverterType, $ConvertSearchFilterDelegateType),
$filterExpressionTree = $queryParserType.
GetProperty('FilterExpressionTree', [BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic').
# Get the LDAP filter
[BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic, InvokeMethod',
} catch {
Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
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