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Created April 27, 2024 21:09
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$func = Invoke-RestMethod
. ([scriptblock]::Create($func))
time -TestCount 5 -OutputAllTests @{
'TestUpdateTypeData' = {
class TestUpdateTypeData {
hidden [int] $_x
hidden [int] $_y
TestUpdateTypeData([int] $x, [int] $y) {
$this._x, $this._y = $x, $y
static TestUpdateTypeData() {
$updateTypeDataSplat = @{
MemberName = 'X'
MemberType = 'CodeProperty'
Value = [TestUpdateTypeData].GetMethod('get_X')
SecondValue = [TestUpdateTypeData].GetMethod('set_X')
TypeName = 'TestUpdateTypeData'
Update-TypeData @updateTypeDataSplat
$updateTypeDataSplat['MemberName'] = 'Y'
$updateTypeDataSplat['Value'] = [TestUpdateTypeData].GetMethod('get_Y')
Update-TypeData @updateTypeDataSplat
hidden static [int] get_X([psobject] $instance) {
return $instance._x
hidden static [int] get_Y([psobject] $instance) {
return $instance._y
hidden static [void] set_X([psobject] $instance, [int] $value) {
$instance._x = $value
$i = 10000
while ($i--) {
$instance = [TestUpdateTypeData]::new($i, $i)
$instance.X; $instance.Y
'TestPSCodePropertyAttach' = {
class TestPSCodePropertyAttach {
hidden [int] $_x
hidden [int] $_y
TestPSCodePropertyAttach([int] $x, [int] $y) {
$this._x, $this._y = $x, $y
hidden static [int] get_X([psobject] $instance) {
return $instance._x
hidden static [int] get_Y([psobject] $instance) {
return $instance._y
hidden static [void] set_X([psobject] $instance, [int] $value) {
$instance._x = $value
hidden static [void] InitializeAccessors([psobject] $instance) {
# get; set; for X
# get; for Y
$i = 10000
while ($i--) {
$instance = [TestPSCodePropertyAttach]::new($i, $i)
$instance.X; $instance.Y
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