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Last active February 12, 2024 19:17
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Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$refAssemblies = @(
if ($IsCoreCLR) {
$pwshLocation = Split-Path -Path ([psobject].Assembly.Location) -Parent
$pwshRefAssemblyPattern = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwshLocation, 'ref', '*.dll')
(Get-Item -Path $pwshRefAssemblyPattern).FullName
Add-Type @'
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Management.Automation;
namespace ExtractIconEx
[Cmdlet(VerbsLifecycle.Invoke, "ExtractIconEx")]
public sealed class InvokeExtractIconEx : PSCmdlet
private string _defaultSource = "shell32.dll";
public string SourceLibrary
return _defaultSource;
_defaultSource = value;
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
public string DestinationFolder { get; set; }
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
public int IconIndex { get; set; }
protected override void EndProcessing()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DestinationFolder))
DestinationFolder = SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path;
FileInfo[] fileInfos = ShellApi.ExtractIcon(
WriteObject(fileInfos, enumerateCollection: true);
catch (Exception e)
WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
e, "IconExtractError", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, null));
internal sealed class SafeIconHandle : SafeHandle
private static extern bool DestroyIcon(IntPtr hIcon);
internal SafeIconHandle() : base(IntPtr.Zero, true)
public override bool IsInvalid
return handle == IntPtr.Zero;
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
return DestroyIcon(handle);
internal static class ShellApi
CharSet = CharSet.Unicode,
SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint ExtractIconExW(
string szFileName,
int nIconIndex,
out SafeIconHandle phiconLarge,
out SafeIconHandle phiconSmall,
uint nIcons);
private static void ExtractIconEx(
string fileName,
int iconIndex,
out SafeIconHandle iconLarge,
out SafeIconHandle iconSmall)
if (ExtractIconExW(fileName, iconIndex, out iconLarge, out iconSmall, 1) == uint.MaxValue)
throw new Win32Exception();
internal static FileInfo[] ExtractIcon(
string source,
string destinationFolder,
int iconIndex)
SafeIconHandle largeIconHandle;
SafeIconHandle smallIconHandle;
ExtractIconEx(source, iconIndex, out largeIconHandle, out smallIconHandle);
FileInfo[] outFiles;
using (largeIconHandle)
using (smallIconHandle)
using (Icon largeIcon = Icon.FromHandle(largeIconHandle.DangerousGetHandle()))
using (Icon smallIcon = Icon.FromHandle(smallIconHandle.DangerousGetHandle()))
outFiles = new[]
new FileInfo(GetPath(source, destinationFolder, "largeIcon", iconIndex)),
new FileInfo(GetPath(source, destinationFolder, "smallIcon", iconIndex))
return outFiles;
private static string GetPath(
string source,
string destinationFolder,
string name,
int iconIndex)
return Path.Combine(
string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}.bmp", source, name, iconIndex));
'@ -PassThru -ReferencedAssemblies $refAssemblies | Import-Module -Assembly { $_.Assembly }

Uses ExtractIconExW function to extract icons from libraries. This function should be compatible with both, Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell 7+. It will extract both icons, large and small, from a given index (-InconIndex). The function outputs 2 FileInfo instances pointing to the created icons given in -DestinationFolder. If no destination folder is provided, the icons will be extracted to the PowerShell current directory ($pwd).

# Extracts to PWD
Invoke-ExtractIconEx -InconIndex 1

# Targeting a different library
Invoke-ExtractIconEx -SourceLibrary user32.dll -InconIndex 1

# Using a different target folder
Invoke-ExtractIconEx path\to\my\folder -InconIndex 1
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